Chapter 5: Black and White

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*Derek*                After running for what seemed like hours we finally came up to the lake to take a drink of water “Eliezer I want to see what we look like” I told him. I could feel him nodding in approval and he slowly made his way to the shore of the lake, as soon as I saw what we looked like I was amazed. Eliezer was completely black almost like a shadow, except for the eyes. Just like Ciara’s were completely black, mine where completely white.                “Wow” I heard Ciara say through the link “I’ve never seen any wolves like ours before, our wolves show exactly what we are, each other’s halves” “well we are twins so technically we are” I laughed. “We should get back; I’m getting pretty hungry” I said, “yeah me too.” I took one last look at my wolf before I let him take the lead again and run us back to the pack house.                Our family was waiting at the front of the door and smiled as soon as they saw us, mom seemed to want to cry “oh my babies are growing up” she said trying not to cry “your wolves are magnificent” she added “yeah you guys look like that yin and yang thing” Leon smiled and walked up to pet us. “I’m proud of you guys, now shift let’s get some breakfast” my dad smiled and started to walk back inside the house.                I gave a confused look to my mom, he said he was proud but sounded different “don’t worry son, your dad is just jealous that your wolves are bigger than his” my grandpa laughed and pushed us inside “might want to head to your rooms before you shift unless you want everyone to see you naked” my mom said sweetly. Ciara ran passed me up the stairs, probably embarrassed because of what mom said.                I took a quick shower before heading down since I was sweaty as f**k and joined everyone at the table “congratulations guys, heard you finally got your wolves and shifted” Cathy said “yeah this morning we went out for a run, it was amazing” Ciara answered for the both of us. I saw Vanessa looking very shy today and even blushing a little, so I smiled at her before taking my food and started eating.                “Darrion, if you don’t mind I would like to speak with you in my dad’s office after breakfast” “of course” he smiled back at me “Leon, dad you guys too” “of course son, any particular reason?” “no I just thought since you’re still technically Alpha that you should be there” he nodded in understanding and went back to eating.                After breakfast I was on my way to the office when Vanessa stopped me “hey” she said to me “hey” I smiled back at her “congratulations on your wolf, I heard from your sister that he’s beautiful” “I like her” Eliezer said in my head with what felt like a big smile making me smile as well “thank you, he’s magnificent” “maybe you’ll let me see him before the party?” “Yeah that sounds good” “great let me know when you’re free.” Before I could say anything else she surprised me by giving me a kiss on my cheek and running off.                I was frozen in my spot for what seemed like the longest time, she had never kissed me like that before and it felt different, sweet, and loving “son are you coming?” my dad interrupted my thoughts brining me back to reality “yeah, on my way.” I used my superspeed to get up there as fast as I could, when I opened the door everyone I had called was already there “there is actually two more people I want here if it’s ok with you guys?” “Yeah sure.”                I mind linked Jack and Noah to meet us here, after just a few minutes they both showed up. “Ok now that everyone is here I would like to get down to business” I took a deep breath and sat down on one of the couches. “As you all already know I have to pick a new Beta for reasons you all know, the reason I called you all here is because I have made my decision.”                “That’s great son, and who is this wolf?” my dad said a little too enthusiastically, “I decided to name Leon my new Beta, of course Darrion would have to train him and keep the position until he comes of age, but I believe that Leon can fill and live up to the position” I smiled “I would be honored to train Leon on becoming Bloodmoon’s new Beta” Darrion answered giving a small bow. “Great choice Derek, I believe Leon will be a great Beta as well” Jack and Noah also bowed.                I looked over at Leon who was looking more confused than happy at my news “what’s wrong Leon” I asked “why?” he almost whispered, “why me? why couldn’t you choose anyone else?” “Because I believe that you are more qualified than anyone else, yes we have strong warriors and I’ve seen how they train and work, any of them could have been my Beta, but taking this position Is also about trust and I trust you with my life, not only because you’re my brother, but because I believe you will defend our pack with your heart.”                “You really believe that?” “yes” he got up from his spot on the couch walked up to me and gave me his hand, I was about to shake it when he pulled me up and gave me a big hug instead “I will be honored to be your Beta” he smiled wiping away a few tears. “Great, training starts tomorrow, better get some rest tonight. I wouldn’t want my daughters to kick your ass so easily” Darrion made us all laugh.
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