Part 4

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Xander stared at her wide-eyed unable to believe the words that she uttered. His groin tightened at the way her lips rolled as she called him 'daddy'. It was no surprise that he had a kink of being in control. From the moment Xander saw her the urge to protect was solid but he never imagined that she would refer him like that. How would anyone react to that? Especially since he wanted her to call him her Alpha. "What?" He spluttered looking at her but she appeared calm and casual as if she had not just dropped the d bomb on him. "Uh...Why would you call me that?" He clenched his eyes shut at the way he sounded. Her expressions faltered and she stayed at her feet for a good few seconds before lifting her head to meet his eyes. "I am sorry. It just slipped... I'm so sorry. That was so stupid of me" She slapped her forehead and frantically looked at him. Her eyes were shifting between him and the door as if she was planning to run away than face his questions. "Hey..." He held her wrist as she tried to move away and his skin tingled at the touch. The omega gasped as if she felt it too but she quickly recovered and raised her eyebrows instead. "I feel so embarrassed" She confessed while suddenly not looking at him. He could understand that because her cheeks were bright red and she was trying to get far away as possible. "It's okay" He cleared his throat, his hand still gripping her wrist because somehow the touch comforted him, "You don't have to apologize for anything. You can call me anything you want, alright?" He was going to hell anyway for having sinful thoughts about her so it was fine. "Really?" Aria asked in a surprised voice, turning her head towards him. He hummed softly. "Cross my heart," He said to which the Omega giggled and shook her head. It was as if she wasn't expecting him to remember their inside jokes. "That's embarrassing. I can't believe that you were friends with me" She whispered with a silly smile on her face as she pulled the seat belt on her. The Alpha swallowed the lump in his throat as the red sweater raised up exposing her waist. He clenched his eyes shut and looked in another direction. It was as if she was a walking temptation. Xander had never felt this drawn to any omega or beta or anyone before as he felt with Aria. Maybe because of the fact that they were not his mates unlike her. "You were a sassy kid" He answered as he turned on the ignition. "Thanks that's very flattering" He chuckled, "So how was your stay at that centre?" The omega made a sound at that and crossed her arms against her chest and from the corner of his eyes he could see that her breast pushed up at her action. He licked his dry lips. The Alpha couldn't wrap his head around the fact that even at the tender age she excelled physically development. "Awful. I thought that I was going to be someone's b***h. For some reason, it oddly reminds you of the jail" She answered making his eyes wide. Since when she was so like this? Ten years was a long time for a person to change but he never expected her to grow into this walking temptation with a mouth on her. "That's very graphic...Thank you" He snorted as he noticed the red light go off. He turned off the car. "You asked for it!" She giggled "Seriously was it that awful?" He questioned as he looked at her. Xander never realised that she had a beauty spot at the corner of eyes. He felt as if he was seeing this new person which he knew but at the same time, he did not know anything about her. It scared him because the Omega was his mate and the future Luna of the pack. Everyone had to like her or else it wouldn't work out. "Hmm, it was. I heard some stories about that place but it is more disgusting than the stories. It's bad enough that they don't let you go out at night but they don't even let you make out with other omegas in the cafeteria" She casually answered while looking at her nails as if she was talking about the weather. His mouth fell open at that and a  scenario flashed in his mind. It was about Aria making out with some other omega. Her lips red and swollen being kissed made his c**k twitch. She was going to be the death of him.  He cleared his throat and hoarsely asked her, "You kissed another Omega?" She nodded her head, "But I was just experimenting daddy. Besides doesn't everyone do that in college?" Her causal answer made him frown, "But that's the thing Aria. You are sixteen. You are not in college" Her face fell and she looked at him with her lips jutted out and eyes shiny, "Am I going to be punished for that daddy?" It made him feel as if she was doing it on purpose. Calling him daddy so casually. As if she knew it affected him every time she called him, her voice almost sultry. "No... I am not going to punish you. But I just want you to understand that there are going to be certain rules you need to follow." Her thighs clenched shut for some reason and eyes wide as she bobbed her head not saying anything but staring at his tie. She was breathing through her mouth and he was unable to understand her reaction to his words. Did he say something that affected her? Before he could ask her anything else he noticed that the signal turned green. The rest of things could wait. *** The drive back to Seattle was five hours long because Aria had to stop at two of the gas stations and buy some snacks. He didn't mind one bit accept she kept shifting her position on the front seat, nudging his thighs, throwing legs in the front. Not to mention the way she was erotically licking her fingers and her lips to get rid of the chocolate she was eating. It really was a long drive for him. "Okay, here it is!" He sighed as he got out of the car. Her bags were already taken care of so he locked the car and handed the keys to the security. "Wow this is huge" She lowly whistled turning towards him and it made Xander proud. It took him a lot of effort to select the location for the packhouse and even more effort to find a good architecture and interior team. "That's what she said" He laughed then gritted his teeth when he remembered that she would feel offended. "Oh my god!" She laughed along instead which made him relieve a sigh. As they continued to walk a voice stopped them. "Aria?" A patrol guard asked to which Xander let out a sigh. He had specifically instructed his beta not to overwhelm her and convey the same for everyone. The Omega looked taken back at that but nodded her head, "Hi" "Steve we had a long drive. Why don't we talk tomorrow, yeah?" The beta nodded at that and rushed back to the fence. It was dark outside, the only source of light was the bulb in the porch. He was sure that most of them were already sleeping. The Alpha walked towards the house hearing her footsteps softly following him. "That was not nice," Aria remarked walking beside him. "Eh, he will get over it. I really can't stand out any longer." Xander moaned while pushing the keys in a lock. He felt the pain in his arm as he pushed the door. "You really are tired huh?" She softly asked while stepping inside the house. The living room was dark, along with the hallway. "What gave that away?" He snorted while switching on the hallway light. "Because you are acting grumpy and annoying" She shrugged as he turned his head over his shoulder. The Alpha let out a sigh at that. He just wanted to lay on his bed and sleep for a while because he had been driving for a long time. "I'm sorry. I just want to sleep for a year...My arm's killing me" He groaned as he walked towards the first floor. The entire floor was empty except two rooms which were his. One was the study room and the other was his bedroom. "So where am I staying?" She asked as they reached the first floor. "Just climb the stairs and you'll find the empty room. There is no one on the second floor as well" He answered and turned to walk towards his room but he felt an arm around his wrist. The Alpha turned around to look at her and raised his eyebrows. "What?" "Can I sleep with you?" ***
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