Part 8

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"Why is your c**k hard daddy?" Her question made his eyes widen and his hard d**k to twitch in his pants. She looked so innocent while asking the question as if it was regarding the weather. Where did she learn to talk such crass language? The Alpha immediately pushed her legs off his body hearing her whine at that. He couldn't stay in the same position any longer and besides it was better to have her bare legs off him. He should have never agreed to sleep beside her. It was a terrible idea really. Xander's felt his cheeks reddened at the fact that he was sporting a hard-on in her presence. He had no idea how to answer that question without sounding harsh about it. Her eyelashes rapidly kissing her cheekbones as she was looking at him for the answer. How was he even going to start with the answer? "Don't talk in that manner Aria" He scowled while pulling the covers over his legs in an attempt to cover his hard-on. Xander did not want her to see any more than she already did. "But I was just asking a question" She softly whined while trying to take back the duvet from his legs but he wasn't having any of it. The Alpha silenced her with a glare. Xander had too many things scheduled in for the day and being embarrassed right in the morning wasn't one of it. "You cannot just... Where did you learn such a crude language?" The Omega shrugged, "Everyone in our class talks about s*x so casually. You shouldn't even be surprised about it" Xander felt his breath hitch at her tone. How did her father never said anything to her? Or did he? It did not matter at the moment but he had to make sure that she doesn't do anything like this when they will be with other wolves. His pack cannot hear such language and it would embarrass him to even think about it. They were not the most religious or innocent type but he wanted to maintain a good image of their future Luna. "Aria" He took a deep breath making the Omega turn her entire attention towards him. He wanted to take her hand in his but that would be too much for him so he held back and just tried not to bang his head on any nearby surface. "I don't know what the situation was at back home but here I want you to follow certain rules. It doesn't matter that you don't like them but you are obliged to follow them. Get that?" He pressed, his voice tad bit louder than usual. The omega nodded ahead while her orbs widened a bit, "Okay daddy" He sighed, "First and foremost you are not allowed to say crude words in the presence of the other pack members. You are to obey each and every command given by Alpha of the pack-" "Does that mean I can talk whatever I want with you?" She asked with a hopeful look in her eyes and he did not want to make that disappear so he nodded his head. "Yes," He cleared his throat, "And you are to undergo the drills conducted weekly along with the pack. Whatever the conflicts occur must be resolved with the beta first. But try not to fight with anyone." She hummed before raising her eyebrows at him, "That's all?" "I am sure there are more than what I have said but... Don't worry my beta will inform you about everything you need to know." He said while slowly sliding out of the bed. His joggers still had a tent but he couldn't hold back his pee and wanted to rush inside the washroom. "But can-" "I'll be back in a second" He yelled and dashed inside the washroom. He took a deep breath as soon as he was inside the washroom and shut the door. The Alpha could still sense the faint traces of the Omega near the bathtub and it made him roll his eyes back. After taking a deep breath he decided to ignore it and take care of his business. It was painful how his c**k refused to calm down. Screw it! He thought as he wrapped his hand around his c**k, tugging and jerking it a few times to relieve himself. He tried not to think about her but it was impossible as he imagined her along with him and the dream where he got to spank her plump beautiful cheeks. With that image forever etched in his head he leaned back, head against the cold tile and shuddered to feel the tightening in his abdomen. He came like that. A few minutes later, after washing his hands he walked out of the washroom and softly closed the door behind him. He noticed that Aria was snuggling inside the duvet, her head resting on his pillow rather than her. it made him want to ask her if she was doing it on purpose or was she really unaware about them being mates? "Hey" He softly spoke as if trying not to disturb her sleep. She lifted her head and smiled brightly at him. "Hi daddy" She softly cooed, her voice barely a whisper because her face was pressed against the soft pillows. The duvet barely did anything but cover her middle leaving her long legs to be exposed to his eyes. "Do you want to meet the rest of the pack today? They will be in the common dining room." Xander said as he automatically followed towards the clock hanging on the wall. He noticed that it was already 8:00 a.m. in the morning and had to leave to work in an hour. He was not sure about leaving Aria all alone in his own packhouse even though everyone was the members of the same pack. "Do I have to? I mean I just don't feel like it. Maybe I can do that over the weekend" She said with a hesitant smile on her face and he understood the reason. It was already overwhelming for her to move to the new place and meeting so many people at once can be even more overwhelming. Should we take her to work with him? He thought while shifting closer towards or on the bed. The Omega made space for him beside her but he was in no mood to lie down again. He had some more paperwork to complete at the office regarding her. "Sorry babe but I have to leave for office" It casually slipped from his mouth but he could see the effect on the omega. She breathed through her mouth, her lips parted, her eyes slightly darkening as she stared at him. "Oh I thought you would be able to spend the day with me" She sadly sighed while picking at the loose ends of the duvet, not meeting his eyes which made the Alpha groan low in his throat. Xander did think that he would be able to take a leave and spend some time with her but it was important. "I know but I'm sorry. How about you join me today and we can both go to my office?" He asked sitting right in front of her. At that, she perked and stood up from her space. The action causing her breast to bounce a bit and he noticed that she was not wearing anything underneath that camisole. It made the Alpha's throat dry and he just licked his lips. It was torture really and he should get used to it by now. "Your office? Really? You will allow me to accompany you to your office?" She whispered in awe. "Sure. Why not?" He shrugged to which the omega made a sound and leapt at him. Xander made a sound not expecting her to fall in his arms completely. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck as she tucked her face at the base of his neck. The Alpha could smell her even more, the scent making him crazy. He balances her weight by placing his arms around her petite waist and even though the camisole was covering her body he could feel the soft and delicate skin underneath the fabric. It almost made him want to rip off the clothes on her. She breathed on his neck which made him shiver and he pulled her away not wanting to get another hard-on. Aria lowered her head and then placed a quick kiss on his cheek making his eyes widen. Before he could question her she hopped off the bed, "Thank you, daddy! You're the best" It shook came to the core as the realisation of her soft lips against cheek burned him. He touched the skin where she kissed him and a silly smile made its way on his face. Also, he realised one thing it was going to be difficult for him to stay away from her. ***
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