Chapter Five

2559 Words
Tyrese Nearly 24 hours had passed and my mate still hadn’t called. I spent the whole evening last night checking my phone for a call, a text, anything from her. I felt pathetic with anxiety rushing through me. I'd never felt like this before. I knew I had pushed her too far, but I just couldn’t control myself. She was beyond gorgeous and when she kissed me my wolf just went wild. She’d been a little hesitant but then she totally relaxed. She’s a human though and I’m just a stranger to her, she can’t feel the mate bond like I can. She’s probably completely freaked out by me right now, which is exactly why I can’t go hunt her down or she’ll think I’m stalking her. I finally pulled myself from my bed and groaned, Moon goddess, why are you torturing me like this? I hopped in the shower quickly and tried to wash away the doubtful thoughts that were filling my head. This would work out, she would call. She has to. When I got out of the shower, I threw on a black t-shirt and jeans, grateful that I didn’t have any alpha meetings today. I hated wearing the suit, and I hated seeing the look my dad gave me every time I messed up. Truly, I was hating most things about being alpha and it had only been a couple weeks. Yesterday, I had just returned from my first official trip as Alpha of the Blood Eclipse pack and I had already totally messed things up with the Emerald Pack in Kansas. The pack, of course, had been expecting my brother Jordan to be visiting with his mate, Kassandra. However, Jordan and Kassandra had been missing for the past month. There had been a rogue attack at the pack borders and suddenly contact was lost with both of them. Dad believed that they had chased the rogues out of our territory and found some trouble but they would be back soon. After weeks passed with no contact from them, dad had to believe the worst - they were dead. Leaving me, next in line to claim the alpha position. Of course, I had already completed all the training. Siblings of the alpha always engaged in all the same training as the alpha heir just in case something should happen to him. Just as my younger brother Jared now completes training in case something were to happen to me. All the training still didn’t compare me to Jordan though. He did everything right, and the pack looked at him like he was king of the world. Whereas the pack looks at me like I’m still an immature teenager who couldn’t even take care of himself, never mind a pack. Not even my parents were convinced I could fill the massive shoes Jordan left. Honestly, neither was I. I slipped my phone in my back pocket, checking one more time to see if Malia had called yet, only to be disappointed. Jogging down the stairs, I took them two at a time. My dad and Jared were practicing human combat in the backyard and I watched as Jared stumbled and fell to the ground. He always was clumsy. I turned to the kitchen and met my mother as she sipped a cup of coffee. “Morning mom” I said, kissing her cheek, then going to pour my own cup. “Hi sweetie, how was your sleep?” She asked, setting down the newspaper she had been reading. “Alright,” I replied, but that was an understatement. I had been tossing and turning all night, anxious about Malia. Praying I hadn’t totally screwed things up. I was still cursing my dad for calling yesterday and interrupting us. I was hoping to have more time to get to know her so she wouldn't be totally freaking out right now. “Any alpha duties to take care of today? Your father wants you to drop these maps off to John Taylor. He had a few more ideas for places Jordan could potentially be found.” I rolled my eyes, this would never end. We had given John tons of maps and Jordan’s belongings but nothing ever came of it. It wasn’t for lack of trying, John was one of the best trackers we had, but it was hard to find someone who wasn’t out there. “I’ll drop them off this morning, I have training this afternoon at the arena and then I’m teaching a junior sparing class.” I grabbed the maps off the table and quickly looked them over. These maps were for up in North Carolina, way out of our territory. This was getting extreme. “I’m so glad you’re still teaching there. I know how much you love it. You’ll learn to love being alpha too. I know you’ve been struggling a little honey, but it’ll come. I bet you’ll find a wonderful Luna and she’ll help you find your place as alpha. You know that’s how it happened for your father,” She winked at me and I rolled my eyes again. Yeah right, my dad was a natural born alpha just as Jordan was. They were tough, confident, and people just naturally wanted to follow them. I didn’t respond to my mom, only nodded, then walked out the front door and towards my Audi. As I drove over to the Taylor’s house, my mind wandered back to Malia again. Would the pack accept a human luna? They couldn’t even accept me. I felt a chill run through my body. What if they didn’t accept her? Would I be expected to find a new luna? Absolutely not. I wouldn't even consider the option. Maybe this could be my perfect ticket out, and once Jared is old enough he could just take over. I slowed the car to stop outside the Taylor’s and as I opened the car door the most wonderful smell of lavender hit my nose. Malia. My wolf howled with excitement, she was nearby and he couldn’t wait to go find her. I tried to calm him down as I walked up the front steps of the patio. I just needed to drop these maps off and then I would try to casually run into her, wherever she is. I knocked on John’s front door and leaned against the porch fence, half hoping John wouldn’t answer so I could just drop the maps and run to Malia. Yet, as the door crept open slowly, my wolf went wild when I saw Malia standing awkwardly behind it. Her gorgeous green eyes went wide and her petite frame was frozen in place. What is she doing here? I had to try and contain myself as she parted her lips and the urge to push her up against the wall and kiss her was taking over. She looked breathtaking in simple jean shorts and a t-shirt, her blonde hair long and loose. Then suddenly she was rushing forward into my arms, and just as I thought she was going to kiss me, her hand was over my mouth and she was pulling us down the steps and behind the large bushes at the side of the patio. She tripped over a branch on the ground and I held my arm against her waist to stop her from falling, recognizing how she was seemingly more comfortable with my touch today. She spun back to me, her eyes still big, and her hair blowing wildly in the wind. I smirked at her, holding her body against mine. “Jeez babe, we could’ve at least gone inside if you wanted me this bad,” I winked and watched her blush, making my heart double in pace. She was adorable. She smacked my chest lightly but I noticed that she hadn’t pulled away at all, clearly enjoying this just as much as I was. “What are you doing here?” She hissed, her face suddenly twisting to anger. It was my turn to back away a little. Was she mad at me? I took a moment to think but her eyes went wide again, “Oh my god are you stalking me?” Then she started to pull away. I released her quickly. This was exactly why I didn’t come to find her, but I had to laugh at how ironic this whole situation was. The moon goddess clearly had a sense of humour. “No, actually I was going to ask you the same thing,” I raised one of my eyebrows at her and crossed my arms over my chest. I couldn’t help but flex my muscles a little. God I’m being pathetic, I just want to impress her so badly. “Uh, this is my dad’s house, I’m supposed to be here. Unlike you,” she stepped closer to me and pointed one of her small fingers against my chest. I chuckled at the angry look on her face, it was too cute. But then it clicked, what she'd just said was slowly settling in. “Wait, John Taylor is your dad?” She nodded her head and I felt my mind spin. If Malia was John’s daughter she might be a werewolf, but then why didn’t she recognize my pack mark? And why hadn’t I met her before? Even before I was alpha, I was sure I knew everyone in the pack, and as John’s daughter, Malia should have our mark. Questions filled my head but I pushed them away. I had so much to learn about her and she was starting to give me a funny look for being quiet for so long. “I, uh, have some papers to give your dad,” I explained, pulling the folded up maps out of my pocket slightly to show her. “You know my dad?” Her voice went quiet. “Uh, yeah, I mean most of this town knows each other pretty well,” I began to explain, but she surprised me again. “You can’t tell him what happened yesterday and you can’t tell him what I told you!” Her voice came out hurried and hushed but I could tell she wanted to be yelling. My mind flashed back to her naked body yesterday. f**k, now is not the time to be thinking of this. “What you told me?” I stepped closer to her and let my hands rest on her hips once more, grateful when she didn’t move away. I needed to be touching her or my wolf was going to lose it. “About my mom. If my dad knew I lied he might try to send me back,” she folded her arms over her chest and my heart dropped. Absolutely not. I just found her, there is no way I'm letting anyone take her away from me. “I won’t tell, it can be our little secret,” I smiled, leaning in a little closer to her. She looked up at me through her long eyelashes. A small smile was forming on her lips and my heart skipped. “Can I kiss you again?” I whispered, pleading for a yes with my eyes. I watched as she blushed and bit her lip nervously before finally wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me in closer. My lips touched hers and the sparks ignited between us. f**k, she was perfect. I lifted her up and she wrapped my legs around my waist. I growled with appreciation and gently pushed her back against the wall of the house. Her hands tangled in my hair as she pulled herself tight against my chest. I let my hands roam up the sides of her shirt, marvelling at her smooth skin. I broke away from her and brushed her hair out of her face. We had to slow down or there was no way I would be able to control my wolf from mating her against this wall. “We should slow down,” she bit her lip nervously, saying outloud what I had just been thinking. I pulled her in for one more short kiss, then gently allowed her legs to slide down and stepped back to give her some space. I slid my hands into the pockets of my jeans and watched as she ran her fingers through her hair. She looked up at me and I realized I had been staring. “Sorry,” I chuckled and looked away from her and into the bushes, trying to get my mind off the thought of her naked again. “I actually did come to see your dad though, is he home?” She nodded her head then led the way back to her house. As I began to walk up the front steps, the door opened once again and John came through. I tried to stifle my laugh as Malia suddenly ducked down to hide in front of the porch. There is no way her dad hadn't noticed that, but clearly she doesn’t want him to know about us yet, so I went along with it. “Tyrese, I heard you were back from your trip. How was it? When did you get in?” John said as he leaned against the doorway. “It was alright, business as usual. I actually flew in yesterday.” I shrugged. “Oh really, my daughter actually is visiting me from New York. She flew in yesterday too.” John raised his eyebrows at me and crossed his arms over his chest. He definitely knew something was going on, but I just shook my head and smiled at him. I’d wait for her to tell him. “Well, I can’t wait to meet her John. I’m sure she’s wonderful.” I replied, but wonderful didn't even begin to describe my thoughts of Malia. “Uh huh,” John mumbled. “Anyways, dad has some new maps for you,” I reached in my pocket and handed over the folded up maps. “Whenever you have time, I guess,” I nodded at him, then turned to leave. “Thanks Ty,” John turned and headed back into the house. As I reached the bottom of the steps, I turned to see Malia crouched on the ground looking up at me. “Is he gone?” She whispered. I laughed and nodded my head. Coming to a standing position, she brushed herself off, refusing to meet my eyes. I cupped my hand around her cheek and brought her face to mine, kissing her gently. “I gotta go Malia, enjoy your day,” I brushed my lips across her cheek, then basically had to tear myself from her. My wolf was begging me to stay but I didn’t want to scare her. Plus, my emotions were running wild and I couldn’t wait to get to the arena and burn some energy off. As I approached my car, I propped open the driver’s door and leaned against it. She had already begun climbing the patio steps. “Malia,” I called after her and she spun on her heels quickly to face me. “Seriously, call me,” I smirked at her, then climbed in the car and drove away.
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