You Again...

2603 Words
            "Miss Mendoza was very impressed and she recommended us to her business partner," Kim stated as she read through her diary.  It was another Monday and Emilia was back in the city for her everyday hustle. At the moment she was having a status update with her trusted assistant. "And who is the partner?" "La Casa exclusive apartments. They want both the interior and exterior done. These are new and they are looking to have them in the market in the coming six months. Their supervisor has already set aside some time for us next week for a site visit." Emilia raised an eyebrow at her, "can they afford it?" "They better be able to afford it! Miss Mendoza's business partner is an oil tycoon. He wants to move into real estate to expand his portfolio. According to Miss Mendoza, he knows his Flora Danica!" Kim shook her head. “How does a man know the different china patterns?” Emilia laughed a bit, "ok. Set up that meeting for next week with them and let's see how it goes. And status on ongoing projects? " "Team Adam is in the final process of pavement laying at the new shopping complex. They will be done by the end of this week and we can send the final bill to the client. Team Sophia is on the furniture buying stage. Actually, Sophia is to travel to Italy come Wednesday. There was a last-minute change from the client on the light fixtures. Didn't affect our budget though." Emilia nodded, “all her traveling is sorted I take it?” She smiled at the nod from Kim. “Ok. What is on my plate?” “You have a site visit tomorrow with team Bravo before starting on the next phase. This is at the Mason Mansion. The team was finishing up with the swimming pool installations. Then on Wednesday, you have a meeting with The Blake Inc for the rundown of their new office building in Singapore.” Emilia rolled her eyes at that. “That will be the shortest meeting ever. I am not going to allow another company to use my company’s drawings. Either they give us the contract or they go with the Singaporian company that they want to work with.” Kim nodded and put a star on the name Blake Inc. After that they continued going through the tasks for that week before they got down to business.  For the first time in such a long time, Emilia decided to knock off before 10 PM. Collecting her stuff, she powered off her laptop and started for the door. Just as she was about to open it, her phone rang. Groaning, she turned back and picked it up. “Hello?” There was a bit of static but no one answered. “Hello?” she asked once again. Again there was no reply. With a shrug, she disconnected the call and walked out. It was already 8 PM and the office building was empty, apart from the cleaner on the other side and the guard by the reception area as well as one by the parking lot. “Heading out, Miss Roberto?” “Yes, Denis,” she smiled at the man as she walked to her car. “Have a good night.” Denis tipped his cap at her, “you too, ma’am!” The drive home was not eventful and soon she was already pulling into a driveway. Her house was situated in one of the prominent sections of the city. What she loved about the area was it reminded her so much of what her parents loved, the nice and quietness of it. The landscapes and the architecture of the whole area.  “One day, we are going to move into a big house with a huge front and back garden.” Her mother had stated as she tended to her small garden in front of their house. “We are going to have all types of flowers.” “What’s your favorite flower, mama?” the young Emilia had asked as she copied what her mother was doing. “Mmh?” her mother looked thoughtful for a bit. “It will have to be the desert rose.” Emilia giggled. “Why is it called the desert rose?” “Not really sure,” her mother had shrugged. “Tell you what? Why don’t you do research on that and let me know?” Emilia had nodded. “Ma?” “Yes, baby.” “When I get to my house I will also have desert roses because you love them.” Her mother had laughed and placed a kiss on her hat covered head.  Emilia pulled her car to a stop and sat inside it for a few minutes as she thought about the conversations she had with her mom so long ago. It was her mother’s love for plants and her father’s love for animals that she found herself doing what she did. After a few more minutes, she got out and made her way inside. Her house was huge and spacy, exactly how she liked it. The house interior walls were painted in a soft baby pink color, using shades of greens and browns to decorate. The high ceilings made sure that the house was cool and emphasized her need for space and the huge windows taking advantage of the natural light. Just like the outside, her house had touches from her childhood. Small objects that she remembered her mother mentioning or liking. There was a painting from her dad’s favorite artist as well on the wall. This was her way of keeping the memories of her parents alive.  Emilia removed her shoes and threw her bag on the closest surface before she walked into her kitchen, reaching for the remote control and turning on the TV. Reach her open planned kitchen she opened her fridge before scanning the content inside to decide what she would love to eat. Reaching for the chicken she settled to prepare a quick chicken stir-fry. Cooking always relaxed her. She had learned most of her cooking from Mama Gladys. It was one of the ways she had used to vent out her anger and disappointment that she had to face in her life. She remembered the first time that she tried cooking with Gladys. It was not pretty! The kitchen was left in a mess, and both Emilia and Gladys were left puffy-eyed with snotty noses. It was that day that Emilia found her love for cooking. For a brief period, she had contemplated taking cooking classes and becoming a chef, but she found she lacked what it would take. She cooked for fun, she could not picture herself in a busy kitchen with shouting and screaming. Cooking, just like her house, was her happy place.  In a few short minutes, her food was ready and she was curled in front of the TV catching up on news. She was close to finishing her meal when her phone pinged indicating an email had just been delivered. Frowning, she reached for her bag and dug for her phone. The email was sent to her personal account which only a handful of people had. It had been a while since she received any emails on that address. Opening the message, her frown deepened when she saw it was from a person she did not know. She read the email asking her out for a coffee before deleting it and throwing the phone next to her, annoyed by the unknown person. Returning her gaze back to the news, she continued with her meal.             The following morning found Emilia in casual wear as she drove her Jeep to the Mason Mansion for the site visit to meet up with one of her teams. Site visits were always great, especially when everything was going according to plans and the client was happy. Emilia was thankful to the team of people that she worked with, they were professional and like her worked to please their clients. Pulling up at the mansion, she parked her car and got out. Bravo, the foreman, had seen her approaching and had walked towards her to meet her. “Boss lady,” he greeted with a teasing smile. “Came to see how your worker bees are doing?” Emilia scrunched her face and shook her head. Bravo McKenna loved to tease her. He was one of the few people who knew her for who she was, a billionaire. Their work relationship has fun but respectful. They both understood each other making it very easy to work together.  “Anything I should be aware of?” Emilia asked as they started towards other workers. Bravo shook his head, the curls on his head following the movement. Emilia frowned, “where is the Alice-band I got for you last week?” Bravo shook his head once again, “I am not going to be wearing an Alice-band. How do you think these men will look at me?” Emilia laughed, “since when do you worry about what people think about you?” “Since we hired that new intern a few weeks ago,” Bravo replied, winking at her. “She is a sweet little thing, can carry her weight and more. And flexible too!” “I am sure we are not talking about building materials,” Emilia shook her head. They had arrived and it was time to be serious once again. “Ladies and gentlemen, how are you?” There was a chorus of replies before Emilia nodded. “As always, we are nearly done with this project so I am required to come and check it out. After my inspections, we will then have an hour to address any issues that you may have faced at this site. For those who were interning with us, we will then discuss your future with the company. The final decision will be sent to the emails you had provided during the recruitment phase. Do we understand each other?” There was another chorus of yeses before Emilia gave a small nod. Turning to Bravo she said, “lead the way.” The site inspection took about two hours to complete. Emilia had made sure to check all the work done, although she trusted Bravo but that was her process. Once that was done, she had all those working seated before they started discussing the project. “One final question before I have to leave?” Emilia asked as she checked the time on her delicate watch. She had a lunch date with Jean.  “I have one, ma’am.” A young blonde man raised his hand. “Wanted to know when we will be meeting the boss.” “Why would you like to meet the boss?” Emilia asked. “Heard that she was hot, wanted to see it for myself.” Emilia raised an eyebrow and turned to Bravo who shrugged and tried to stop himself from laughing. “I cannot help you there, I am afraid.” Emilia stood up indicating the meeting was over. “Bravo, walk with me,” Emilia called after him. “Really?” turned to him when they were far from others. Bravo shrugged and chuckled, “the boy is curious.” “Mmh,” Emilia hummed as she opened her car door and jumped in. ‘See you next week at the office for a debrief. There might be another project for your insolent ass.” Bravo laughed as he waved her off.             “You are late!” was the greeting she got when she finally arrived at the restaurant for her lunch date with Jean. “How are you, Em? How was the ranch, Em? Is Theodora ok, Em?” Emilia asked sarcastically as she took her seat. “Those are the questions you are supposed to start with.” “I am hungry!” Jean pouted as she watched her best friend sit.  “I am sorry, honey,” Emilia apologized. “Site visit today took more time. Have you ordered?” Jean nodded, “I ordered for you as well.” “Thanks. How are Mama Gladys and your dad?” “Dad misses you,” Jean replied. Emilia pouted, “I know. I haven’t been home in a bit. I will come for dinner this weekend. Say, on Sunday?” Jean smiled, “excellent!”  The women went on to discuss what was happening in their lives, catching up with each other. The once a week afternoon lunches became their thing when they both became too busy with their work lives.  “Jean?” A male voice called over Emilia’s shoulder. “Fancy meeting you here.” “Max!” Jean smiled at the man. “What a surprise! I haven’t seen you in a while! How are you?” “I am great!” Max moved and stood next to Emilia. “It has been a while, yes. Sorry to disturb your meal.” He turned to Emilia. “Oh, hi! I didn’t know you were friends with Jean.” Jean frowned slightly. “You two know each other?” “No.” Emilia replied. “Yes,” Max replied at the same time. Jean sat back and crossed her arms. She felt sorry for Maximillian as he looked a bit uncomfortable. She widened her eyes a bit on Emilia. Emilia rolled her eyes at her friend before turning to Maximillian. “We have met once, for a few minutes. He brought his horse to the ranch during the past weekend.” “Aaah,” Jean understood. Emilia was a complex person. In order for her to count you as a friend or even an acquaintance, she would have to know you for long. Her trust in humans was low. But who could blame her? After what those she trusted did, it’s a miracle that she even lets some people into her life. “Well, that explains it.” “Does it?” Maximilian asked, his eyes settled on the blonde woman who refused to look at him and was continuing with her lunch. “How is Midnight?” Emilia placed her fork down slowly, took a napkin, and cleaned her lips before turning to Maximilian. She ignored the pointed look that Jean was giving her. “I am sure he is fine, Mr. Stone. You do have the number for the ranch, yes? That is the number to call when you need information about your horse. Here,” she reached into her purse and removed a business card. “Just in case you have lost the other one.” She turned to Jean, her eyes apologetic but she was feeling uncomfortable. “I have to go. Next time lunch will be on me.” She collected her stuff and walked away, without a backward look. “I am so sorry I chased your lunch partner,” Maximilian apologized as he watched the woman walk away. He ran a thumb over the business card she had handed him before pocketing it.  Jean sighed and waved him off, “don’t worry about it. She was done anyway.” “Mmh,” Maximilian nodded once again. “Join me,” Jean offered. “Don’t worry about Emilia. She can come across as rude but it’s just a front. She hates situations she is not in control of.” Maximilian took the seat and leaned back, crossing one leg over the other. “And how would one make her feel more in control?” Jean narrowed her eyes at him, gauging his reactions. She sighed and shook her head, “Not her, Max. Emilia is my friend and I will not allow you to play her.” “Who said anything about playing her?” Maximilian kept his cool gaze on her. “And how come I have not known about her if she has been your friend? I have known you for more than five years.” “She has known me since I was sixteen,” Jean replied to him. “You not knowing her should be evidence enough to tell you she is not like the girls you play around with. Leave her be.” Maximilian unfolded his legs and moved forward. “You defending her has piqued my interest.” Jean shook her head and started collecting her things. “I see you have become like a dog with a bone and nothing I will say will dissuade you. Go ahead and chase after her. Treat her like the women you have bedded.” Jean held his gaze with hers. “But here is a warning for you. Do not cross her, do not hurt her. Because I promise you this, you will not be able to handle all the s**t that she will throw your way once you do that!” She stood up and looked down at him. “Pay for lunch, why don’t you?” she walked away before he could say anything.
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