Chapter 0: The Fool

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"Good morning, Kady! I hate to be the bringer of bad news but someone must be the messenger," my elderly neighbor joked as she shoved several red envelopes to my hands, "I can lend you some money, dear. Just say the word."   I vehemently shook my head and look exasperatedly on the glaringly red bills in hands and closed my eyes before heaving a sigh and getting back to reality, "I will manage Mrs. Felly. It's not like this is the first time I received these kinds of love letters. Right?"   "Yes, but they are getting frequent and I may hope for you to find a romantic partner, however, I don't approve of having overdue payments as your suitor. I thought I taught you how to build up your credit score, not screw it."   I just chuckled at the woman clothed in a modest veil and flowery duster dress typical of a Maharlikan of her age, "I know Mrs. Felly but it is already screwed before you even managed to impart such a valuable lesson. It is already a little too late sadly."   "And you will be late for your interview if you don't get going now. I will be a bit lonely now that you are finally leaving. However, I do wish you only the best, my dear student. Good luck and good hunting!" she turned her back and entered her apartment door once again before closing it behind her.   I shed a tear for her because not only is she my good neighbor and defacto guardian since I became an orphan, she was also my class adviser during my final year in high school. I just graduated last month thanks to her support with flying colors.   If not for my elderly teacher, I would've stopped studying and never finish my secondary education studies after my father passed away a year ago. Now, I am on my way to the capital city to hopefully land myself a job and pay off my overdue bills.   Even when my father was alive, we are never that rich. It is a rather average life with him but a very happy one. I never knew who my mother is nor I care for that irrelevant information that even my scatterbrained father didn't know. All he remembered was meeting a woman in a pub and one thing leads to another nine months later and I appeared literally at his doorsteps.   I don't know the exact details, he is very secretive and is a tough nut to crack but always have a soft spot for me in his childish heart. It was a very, very, long journey for him. He was tired and have been through a lot of suffering before I arrived in his life. And finally, he got his rest. He was given a choice to save his life or my own. The choice for him is all too clear.    In a split-second, I lost the only family that I have and my whole world crumbled around me. A year after he left me, I was still picking the pieces of the love he left behind for me.   "You are worth the price, Kady. This is as far as I can go. The rest of your journey is up to you and no matter what you do, I will always, always, love you..."   He was the only one who understands me. Who supported and picked me up whenever I fall down and takes the lead when I lose control. Now, I'm all alone in this very big and unforgiving world and have to fend off for myself.   Without someone working full-time to support my studies and daily expenses, our savings are completely depleted by the fifth month after his death. I decided to periodically skip going to school and do some odd jobs.   A gasoline girl, waitress, encoder, babysitter, and other menial jobs that will accept an underage teenager like me.    Ever since my father left me, I always feel that there's something missing in my life. Like I was searching for a place or person who will fill the hole in my heart. Always restless and halfway out the door, the more I try to have more, the more I felt destitute and empty.    I just hope that this trip to Tayabas will at least give me the peace of mind and heart that I am lacking.    With nothing but a few pesos in my pocket and a suitcase full of old clothes and memories, I am now turning the next page of this life that I am leading and hope that this new chapter will be a bit better than my last one.   -0-   The stench...   The smoke...   The garbage...   The pedestrians jaywalking and screeching brakes are just a few telltale signs that make me realize that I am really now in our capital.   The Tropical City of Tayabas. Historic buildings, friendly people, and literally to die for scorching hot temperatures that can melt even the thickest make-up. Thankfully I didn't bother slapping my face with it because I've been here once with my father when I was young and I know what to expect.   I just got off the provincial bus I rode from my hometown in the boondocks. It was a good two and a half hours ride and I know I still have to ride another one that will bring me directly to the place where I will have my initial interview and hopefully, near a place where I can stay for the night.   I am no stranger to sleeping under the stars so to speak especially when I'm doing triple shifts and in dire need of money that I don't even have enough cash for transportation. However, sleeping in public in Tayabas is a big no-no. Not only it is very hot outside even at night, but the pollution is also so bad I won't be able to sleep anyways.   "Good Morning Tayabas! The Annual Scholarship Entrance Examinations of the Gearth Military Academy will be held today! Anyone aged fifteen to sixteen regardless of gender is welcome to try! Hurry! Limited slots available folks! No fees will be collected and free transportation will be provided to and from the academy!"   I heard a wife whispered loudly to her husband beside me who is also standing in front of one of the twelve buses that are quickly being filled with eager teenagers, "I heard it's been more than two decades since someone managed to pass that scholarship examination."   "Our current President to be exact, honey. Those kids have better chances of being a celebrity than passing that infernal test. Remember we took it once when we were young?" he answered to his wife as they shook their heads and turned their backs while laughing.   I blinked my eyes and marvel at how just after a few minutes and the long buses are now full with excited examinees to the brim. Some don't even think seriously about taking the examinations based on their faces. I bet they just want to catch a glimpse of the famous students beginning their first day of classes today.    Can't blame them though. My country is hosting dozens of V.I.Ps this year as most of the heirs and heiresses of our neighboring countries' noble or high-class families are here in the same school year. Not to mention our very own national pop idol is there as well.  More reasons to take any chances to get inside those disturbingly well-guarded walls.   "One more! We only need one more and we are on our way! How about you, the young lady with the big glasses?" I blinked at the bus conductor who waved his hand in my direction to get my attention, "You look like you are going somewhere today, why not help our poor Human Resource Manager to meet her headcount? Who knows, you might be the one who will pass!"   I just chuckled and shook my head, "Sorry sir but I don't have any spare time to waste. I am actually scheduled for an interview today at the Academy. Pantry staff, you see. It would be nice if you can give me a ride. I am short on cash and any penny I can save will go a long way. Please? I am willing to stand if needed!"   "No can do, young lady. This ride is only for test-takers. If you really want to save money and get to our school on time, you will ride our bus right now because I can assure you that no other public transportation will get there on time today."   Oh goody. I forgot that with the traffic in our capital city, I should've been here before the sun even rises. Think Kady, think! You can always fail the examinations as quickly as possible and be on time for your interview.    Right!   "You drive a hard bargain, sir. I'm in!" I said to the good-natured man that grinned happily at my answer and helped me carry my luggage.   "All aboard then, young lady! I knew you are one smart girl! Ok, Randy! Take us away!" he said and the driver gave a thumbs-up as I sat at the far back of the bus.   My seatmate is busy bragging to anyone who will hear him that he has a good chance of passing while others are silently praying or just wishing that they will be lucky and catch a glimpse of the elusive royalties that we can only see on the television.   I just busy myself looking outside of the bus window and what I saw proved what the bus conductor told me. The traffic jam is so bad, the vehicles are barely moving. The only reason why we are breezing through the highway is that they are giving us priorities usually reserved only for ambulances or police cars.   My broken glasses are slowly sliding off my thin face so I try to keep it in place as we near the fabled school that only the upper echelons of Gearthans can call their alumni, only after less than twenty minutes of smooth travel amongst the usual carmageddon of Tayabas of what would've been half a day worth of travel.   The tall and imposing brick and steel walls of the academy came into view as collective gasps from the other passengers of the bus I'm riding. The moment we got passed the ancient iron gates it was like we were transported to a different country.   Perfectly manicured lawn with expensive flowers greeted us as an army of gardeners skillfully takes care of them. Expensive cars worth tens of millions are parked in front of the grandiose and ancient school building made of gray bricks that are surely not made in Maharlika.   This place really makes any commoners feel out of place.   Students in exorbitant uniforms walk around the compound. Some are followed by maids in uniform and bodyguards while talking animatedly with their friends.   I can't blame my companions for pressing their faces on the bus windows to get a better view. As for me, I just adjusted my glasses once again and took a deep breath. I really need to get my priorities straight.   I am not here for sightseeing. I am here to get a job before the day ends or suffer in the next few days. My wallet is on its last legs and will be emptied long before I can even pay my bills.    The bus stopped abruptly and the conductor announced our arrival, "Okay kids, we're here! Please go straight to the foyer and follow the signs and directions along the way. Proctors will be there to assist you. A word of advice, avoid the students. Their overzealous guards are more trouble than what they're worth."   I just let all other passengers get off the bus before me because unlike them, I have a heavy suitcase to drag behind me that the kind conductor helpfully carried for me.   "Tell you what, Simon. I'll put my money on that girl," the elderly driver said to the old man who helped me, "Reminds you of her, right?"   "Now that you mentioned it, Randy, you're right. Get in there, young lady, and kick some ass. I know you will..."   They closed the door of their bus but not before giving me a respectful bow.   "Examinees, please proceed to the foyer! Don't linger outside any longer! I repeat..."   I took a deep breath and ignored the curious looks of several students onlookers and dragged my old suitcase that was my father's towards the entrance so I can get this over with.  -0- "Is that Trevor von Dahl?" "Oh man, the Crown Prince of the Feudal Kingdom of Kalalit is really here!" Some welcoming party this turning out to be. I didn't have the time to marvel the beautiful foyer of the academy because there are a lot of student onlookers gazing at us examinees on the other side of the cordoned hall.  Now I know what animals at the zoo feel when someone is gawking at them from afar. I trained my eyes on the boy who got their attention and I must say, it took me all the effort to stop my jaws from falling.  His face is very angelic and handsome. Small pointed nose, brown eyes, thin lips, and a matt of curly light brown hair. Before I laughed at the notion that royalties just look different from us commoners but seeing the guy standing not far from him, I guess the joke is on me. "That guy with green eyes and black hair is Kyrus, right?" "That's Crown Prince Kyrus von Faulken of the Democratic Empire of Scania for us, filthy peasants." This boy made my heart skipped a bit with his awfully familiar messy black hair, lean figure, and boyish face with big green eyes that looks kind but cold.  I let my eyes wander around a bit and as expected, these two are surrounded by nobilities from their respective nations. Children of Tsars and Tsarinas of the empire and Chiefs and Chieftesses of the kingdom are among the numerous students gawking at us common folks like we are some sort of weird and exotic animals. "Your attention please, dear examinees! I am Summer Rio, your Head Examiner for today." We all looked at the woman who appeared in front of us in a crisp corporate attire holding a clipboard in her right hand.  "You may now proceed to the Testing Hall using the door next to me. Take any vacant seats and answer the papers with the pens provided for your use. No cheating of course and you have an hour to finish it. If you are done, submit the papers to the proctors waiting in front. You can also leave early if you so desire. The bus that took you here will be waiting for your return if needed. The best of luck!" The door beside her opened after her little speech and all of us hopefuls are ushered towards it. I just decided to go with the flow and walk past the woman who is now shouting at our audience. "You lot can stay at the viewing room on the second floor to observe but if you get too noisy, I will start handing out detentions!" I heard the crowd behind us got dispersed quickly judging by the sound of their hurried shoes screeching through the marble floor. Unlike the others, I chose the seat close to the door so I can leave as fast as I can after I'm through with this. There are around forty or so takers and most of them are scratching their heads when they saw what is in store for us all. "The test is composed of one hundred questions. The topics range from Literature, Music, Foreign Culture, Psychology, and General Knowledge. I know it is technically an expert level examination but the price for passing it is worth the trouble. The score of President Lizzo Banahaw, our last exam passer, was sixty-four. Score at least sixty and you will be welcomed to this very academy all expenses paid. You may begin!" I looked at the two-piece of paper in front of me and was pleasantly surprised by the content. The questions are diverse but basic. Well, basic for me because I and my father are wide readers when he was still living. Even the recipe at the back of a random can of sardines is not safe from our eyes. Some I learned from my father's seemingly nonsensical ramblings and unwanted trivia when I was a kid.  Petria Tsardom              1. Where is the entertainment capital of the Democratic Empire of Scania? Music                               2. Arrangement of sounds and rhythms. Two Billion                      3. What is the estimated population of the Feudal Kingdom of Kalalit? Pyrrhic Victory               4.  A hollow victory. Riksent and Maharlika  5. Trade and transportation hubs of Gearth. "I've had enough!" I glanced at my seatmate who just gave up answering before even reaching half of the test. Some didn't even bother answering at all and just left a minute after entering the hall.  Looking at the fifty-first question, I guess I can't blame them at all. Initiate a tactical retreat51. If you are faced with an enemy with overwhelming numerical superiority, what should you do? If my father is not a military nerd, I wouldn't even know what I would write in here. The questions are getting harder and harder when you make it past the thirties while the takers are getting fewer and fewer. I returned my gaze back to my test papers and blinked at the following questions that are getting complicated and complicated as the subject shifted solely on military strategies and tactics.  Propaganda                          64. An effective tool for winning a battle without a single fight. Artillery                                  65. Aristocratic Dukedom of Riksent's weapon of choice. Giga                                        66. Code-Name for the Feudal Kingdom of Kalalit's absolute missile arsenal. Hemera                                  67. The designation of the solar-array located outside the capital of the Democratic Empire of Scania. As I steadily answered each and every question asked, I was beginning to wonder how my father is capable of knowing these kinds of information when he is just a simple home-based office-worker at a small tax consultation firm. I never see him research anything related to military knowledge and he absolutely hates war films.  There are no books in our house dedicated to strategy and armed forces engagement yet still, whenever we are eating or just sitting on our sofa, he always tell interesting trivia and stories about other countries' statistics or the best way to avoid fighting directly like he is just rambling things he heard when he was young. Come to think of it, he never mentioned anything about his family at all when he was alive. Whenever I asked something like who is my grandmother or where did he live before, he just pretends he didn't hear anything and proceed to spout governance nonsense instead as if to drown out the memories that I innocently dredged up in his mind. No matter, it is still very early and I bet the HR Department won't even entertain applicants like me until these examinations are finished so might as well kill some time and answer these rather amusing and interesting questions. Who knew I can use what my father was drilling in my head back then? Deception                                 100. All warfare is based on what principle?                                                                                                                                                 Kady Groves And I'm done.  I put down my pen and looked up only to be surprised that I'm the only one left from all the test-takers remaining in the hall. The proctors are all looking at me expectantly as I walked in front and gave them my papers. "Please give us five to ten minutes to check and validate the score, Ms. Groves," one of the staff asked me before she gave the papers to her supervisor. I shook my head and looked at my luggage behind me, "To be honest, I couldn't care less for my scores. I am actually scheduled for an interview in a pantry dishwasher position this morning and I came all the way from Lucena Province and only hitch a ride from the bus headed here. I guess with all the commotion going on because of these tests, I can't be accommodated on time. May I know if I can be entertained soon? I really want to get the job." "Actually, it's our Human Resource Manager who handles job interviews. If you can just wait until we finish here, then we will surely tell her about you. Let me apologize for her in advance. This has been the busiest start of the school year for the academy in decades. Timetables and schedules have not been followed religiously," she said courteously before pointing towards the doors, "My colleague here already notified the School Administrator about you. You can just take this opportunity to have a look-see of our academy. We will contact you using our media outlets when we are through with your papers." I nodded and thanked them before dragging my luggage on my way out of the hall. After I closed it behind me, I looked around and decided to just sit at the stairs where some of the speakers are located near the steps. This place is really more beautiful and grand than what I saw on one of the documentaries dedicated to this school years ago.  But I guess the hundreds of high class and V.I.P students are what makes this academy magnificent. They really look and act differently from normal teens like me. They are very dignified, noble and prestigious looking even if they are throwing me curious if not, condescending look. I can hear some giggles coming from the girls walking past me, pointing my washed-out clothes and faded jeans. Well, it's not my fault I can no longer afford to buy new ones, I can't even afford to feed myself properly lately.  My sneakers are also old and starting to lose their colors but when my father was alive, he would always buy me a new one once every few months. That's enough... He is long gone and will never come back. I am all alone now and must face the reality that I have to do everything on my own and no one will support me but myself.  "...the Maylakandyan Palace firmly assures the Maharlikans that every centavo spent on the repair and maintenance of our naval assets are for the benefit our citizens..." The huge outdoor led screen suddenly came to life as it got the attention of all the people around the foyer. A female newscaster appeared with the footage of our President speaking to the press who ambushed interview her on the way to a gala. "...I will reiterate it again and again if needed. It has been more than a hundred years since we bought those ships. Our country never bothered maintaining them aside from emergency repairs. I will not send our naval soldiers aboard those floating rust-covered boats until they are serviced and cleaned thoroughly. I don't even know why Vice President Cristobal is against it when the kingdom and even the empire he is so inclined to listen to suggest that we should instead buy new ones instead of having them repaired in the dukedom. We saved billions by prolonging their already overextended lifespan..." "On the other news, we received verified reports that the expeditionary naval forces of the empire and kingdom already left our territorial waters early this morning. It should be noted that this is the largest peacetime deployment of naval assets of both Kalalit and Scania in recent history. The children of the high ranking nobilities and officials of their respective countries have been safely escorted to the Gearth Military Academy where they are now starting their first day of classes. Riksent, as usual, sent their V.I.Ps onboard commercial flights from Laroost yesterday with less fanfare..." The broadcast was cut-off when a new show appeared to replace the one we are all watching suddenly.  This time, it seemed to be a school-run channel because the young female newscaster is wearing the uniform of the academy. She is very beautiful but serious looking with her hair in a tight bun and a forlorn expression as she held the papers on her hands, "This is Gearth Academy News Central Channel 14 and I am Tatyana von Otto, bringing you breaking news. Apparently, someone managed to pass the recently concluded Scholarship Examinations with flying colors. We have Mariya von Otto reporting live outside the Human Resource Office of our academy for more details. Mariya is that true or another prank of yours?" "Yes, Tatyana it is true! I promise! I swear! I even have our very own Human Resource Manager with me to tell us more about it, Ms. Summer?" I have to rub a handkerchief on my sunglasses as another girl who looked like a carbon-copy of the newscaster appeared next to her but with a very different messy hairstyle and a very joyful expression holding a black reporter's microphone with red number fourteen logo on it that is now being pointed at the woman I saw earlier that welcomed us, examinees. "Thank you, Mariya. Yes, someone passed our excruciatingly and obscenely hard Scholarship Examinations with a record high score. Personally, I am even amazed that she even finished it at all." "Oh my! A "she"? Ms. Summer?" "Yes, her name is Kady Groves. Ms. Groves, if you are seeing or listening to this, then please proceed to my office post-haste so we can discuss your admission in great detail. I trust Tatyana will show you a simple map and a quick instruction. I wouldn't trust you on directions, Mariya. You got lost three times looking for my office." "Well, getting lost is one of my fun qualities! Anyways, that's it for now, Tatyana! This is Mariya von Otto, reporting live from the Human Resource Office. Back to you, sis!" We heard an obviously annoyed sigh from the other half of the twins as she nodded at the camera, "Thank you, Mariya. To Ms. Kady Groves, here is the location of Ms. Summer's office. Sources say you are somewhere in the foyer watching this live broadcast so I quickly created this simple animation telling you exactly how to get there from where you are standing. Congratulations and I guess we will be seeing you around, right? This is Tatyana von Otto coming to you live from Gearth Academy News Central  Channel 14 Media Center. Returning you all now to regular programming." Countless pairs of eyes are now boring on me as I stand up and pulled my luggage as fast I can so I can get to that office as soon as possible. "That's insane, a high score?! C'mon man! When they conducted a dry run of that infernal test with their invited professionals, no one even attained a score higher than forty!" "Yeah! I didn't even read that much and that brainy git got a new high score! Who is she?  An imperial?"  "I highly doubt it, just looking at her complexion, she is clearly Maharlikan. Looking at her now reminds me of someone back in Nordia. But I can't quite put my finger on it." "Clearly not from any noble or socialite family either judging from her clothes. One-in-a-million literally, eh?" "Well, the last one who passed was the President of this country so..." "His Imperial Highness is quite curious with her. I saw him staring at her earlier." "No way! I saw His Royal Highness doing the same thing earlier at the foyer! Well, I guess those born rulers have innate ability to see something we don't plebs notice at all, huh?" I pretended to be oblivious to what they are saying and to be honest, I couldn't care less of what they are thinking about me. I have a situation in my hands and it's not good. I am here to get a job, not a scholarship. I don't even know where will I get the money to feed myself next Saturday, how can I even think of studying? Here! Of all places... I finally reached the Human Resource Office thankfully in less than five minutes. I knocked two times before opening the door. I saw who seemed to be the secretary busy filing papers on the cabinet before picking up the phone on her messy desk, "Ms. Summer, she's here. I will. Got it. You can head straight to her office, dear." I nodded and let her continue filing papers and went straight to the door beside her table without knocking. What I saw inside the handsome room is the familiar Human Resource Manager sitting behind an oak table looking at what seemed to be my test paper earlier with utmost disbelief. She looked up and smiled at me happily before pointing one of the two expensive and comfortable-looking leather chair in front of her. "Please, sit down, Ms. Kady Groves. We have so much to talk about." She then suddenly threw the papers in front of me and I was surprised when I saw what my score was, "Perfect score, Ms. Groves. I wouldn't have believed it myself but my proctors checked it several times and we watched the surveillance footage of the examination hall and we didn't find any suspicious activities. We sent it to our Headmaster and the folks who made that godforsaken test and they gave it an a-ok. We decided not to publicize your score so we can better protect you."   "Thank you very much for that, Ms. Rio. I just tried my best since I have time to spare. But honestly speaking, I am not here for the scholarship..."   "I guessed that much. The moment you entered my office, you don't look like an excited examinee but a girl in dire need of work," she said nonchalantly as she pulled out another paper from her folder and proceed to read it loudly, "Kady Groves applying for a dishwasher position. Scheduled for an interview today. Well, will you look at that? You came here looking for a job and you got more than what you hoped for!"
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