Chapter One A Proposal And A Street Adventure

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Jason Corbyn watched the woman who looked dreamy under him and his heart was filled with a wonderful satisfaction. The woman’s hair was soaked in sweat and stuck to her back. There was a flush on her cheeks and she was still moaning. The sense of achievement the scene gave him was more than a man could have after climbing up the summit of Mount Everest  With his mind still lingering on the exciting moment, he leaned on the head of the bed and lit a cigarette. Under his gentle glance, Michelle Wagner sat up lethargically and started to clean the mess they left in the bed. “Michelle, maybe we should start to think about…when we will get married,” said Jason with expectancy. He felt the body in his arm stiffened. Michelle looked up at him with a complicated expression in her eyes. “Get married? Do you have money?” “We will figure something out.” Jason was rendered speechless. This was the imperative issue he needed deal with now. The money in his hands was not enough to pay for one month’s rental, let alone to pay for a wedding. However, he didn’t want to wait anymore. He was going to be twenty-eight years old soon. He wanted to get married. He was nowhere in his career. If he couldn’t get married either, then he would be a thorough loser. “Where is your house? Where is your car? How can you get married without even these basic amenities? Are you going to be the laughing stock of others?” “We can think about those things later…” “Later? No. Without a house and a car, I won’t get married. Stop wasting time on a pipe dream. Go make money earnestly. We will talk about that later.” Michelle cut him off unhesitatingly and threw his arm away from her neck. She turned her back to Jason and wouldn’t speak to him anymore. Jason sighed inside with frustration. This wasn’t the first time he was refused. He had no money, no talent, and not even a good-looking face. No beautiful young girl’s eyes would rest on him for more than one second. He had been alone for twenty-five years. God must have pitied him so that he made him meet Michelle three years ago. However, because he was poor, Michelle wouldn’t marry him after being with him for three years. To add insult to injury, he lost his job lately because of a misunderstanding. The misunderstanding ruined his reputation in the circle of his profession. As a result, no one would introduce him any new job. He had a miserable life in the months after that. He could hardly afford the rental. Even though he was in mire, life had to go on. So he went out to look for a job again this day. He could no longer do his old trade. Without other expertise or a diploma, after spending half a day, he was empty-handed as he was in the past few months. He wondered around on the street, dreaming a job or a windfall would drop from the sky. He came to a cross in a daze, stopped to wait for the light to turn green, watching the traffic blankly. Suddenly, he seemed to hear a scream. He raised his head self-consciously and saw a shocking scene in the center of the street. An about thirty-year-old woman was pushing a wheelchair across the street. On the wheelchair sat a pale and weak older woman. They had now reached the center of the street. However, on their left-hand side, Jason’s right side, a Toyota SUV was rushing towards them at full speed. Without thinking, Jason ran to them immediately. When he was a few feet away from them, he just jumped at them, stretched out his arms and gave the wheelchair a thrust with the help of his weight. The two women were petrified by the human body flying to them out of nowhere. They did nothing but just allowed themselves to be pushed down and rolled with the wheelchair to the roadside a dozen feet away. Following that, a big bang was heard. Before Jason’s body landed the blacktop, it was sent flying sideways by the Toyota SUV. A thud and a rain of blood happened at the same time. A piercing pain and darkness came to Jason. He didn’t even give out a moan before he lost consciousness. When Jason woke up, he found himself in a hospital. As soon as he moved his head slightly, he heard a female voice speak with deep concern. “Ah—you woke up.” The speaker was a middle-aged woman sitting on a wheelchair. She was probably in her forties and with a mature charm of herself. One could see that she should be very beautiful when she was young. Even now, she was still quite attractive. The faint wrinkles time added at the corners of her eyes didn’t diminish her beauty at all. The only regret was that she was pale to the extent of bloodless. She looked frail and the way she sat on the wheelchair made people worry about her. “Thank you for saving the two of us!” said the younger woman who stood by the wheelchair with a smile. Jason looked up at her. She was wearing a simple black dress, but the fabric of the dress looked expensive. She had facial features that Jason couldn’t easily pick a fault with. She got mountainous bosoms that seemed going to burst her dress. Her body reminded Jason of a ripe and juicy peach. Under her dress, the black stocking made her plump legs more tempting. She stood straight and kept her two legs together so tightly that there wasn’t any gap between them. Jason was at a loss for words for a while at the sight of the two ladies. It took him quite a long time before he said, “Don’t mention it.” Linda observed him secretly for a few seconds and then said again, “You are so brave. I had never expected that one would risk his own life to save the lives of strangers. What…What is your profession?” Unprepared for this question from her, Jason stammered, “I am a…nanny…manny.” He shrugged to get rid of his embarrassment. The job sounded not glorious, but that was the only kind of job that he could earn nearly five thousand dollars a month. “How long have you been doing that?” asked Rachel Wright, who sat on the wheelchair. “Nearly eight years.” Jason had to reply with embarrassment again. “I lost my job lately.” Rachel fell into silence and frowned. As Jason thought he was being looked down upon, she suddenly raised her head and said without expression, “I happen to have a job that is suitable for you.” “Huh?” Jason turned to watch her with a gasp. Even Linda looked at Rachel with surprise, but she soon laughed and said, “Oh, Rachel wants you to work in her house. Yes, we need a person who can do some hard work. If you can come, we will be colleagues.” “Eight thousand dollars a month during the three months’ probation. Twelve thousand dollars after you become a permanent employee. Free food and accommodation. What do you think?” Rachel interrupted the two of them impatiently. Jason opened his mouth wider with shock. What kind of payment this was! “Sure! I will take it!” He blurted out.
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