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Emily snarled, making Riley chortle because he liked seeing her upset  "You look prettier when you are angry. So, I will have to make sure you are angry everyday from now on" " Are you teasing me….?" Emily snorted "You catch on real fast" He said with a mischievous smirk. "Let's jog for another five minutes. Only then can you rest." "Do I have to…?" "Yes. You do, Princess" Riley sneered without warning as he went on ahead of her, jogging for the second time. "Why me…?" Emily complained. "Come on, Emily. Just more five minutes!" Riley shouted, jogging backwards in an attempt to steal glances at her as she jogged. Riley stopped after making her jog for a whole fifteen minutes. He laughed as he sat down beside her, giving her a bottle of water. "Always keep yourself hydrated..." he said, giving her a crooked smile. "You lied to me…" she said as she drank from the bottle, hurriedly gulping the water down her throat. Riley chortled merrily, looking at Emily amused. "Slowly, Princess. You might just choke from all that water" Riley ignored her complaint, hitting the bottom of the bottle and splashing water on her blazer. "Ouch, I can't help it!" Emily replied; pausing for a moment. She looked exhausted and pale. "I haven't done this in a very long time" "....and you wanted to join the real race immediately. How funny…." Riley laughed before taking the bottle of water from her. He drunk from it and gave it back to her. " I suppose you knew I would not be able to…." "Well, yes. Judging by how pale you look, I knew you wouldn't be able to join the others instantly" Riley told her, unfazed about her feelings. "You are a beginner, Emily and you should focus on that" "You are right" Emily was downcast. "Even if it's true, how could he say it out like that? insensitive" the words came right out her mouth. Emily covered her mouth but, the deed was already done. Riley smirked, taking a quick glance at her before standing up. He had heard what she said despite ignoring it completely. "Training is over..." he told her without even looking at her. "Your water bottle…?" She asked. "Keep it... consider it as a reward for jogging for five minutes and almost dying from it."Riley laughed, walking away as Emily snorted at his insensitive behavior, leaving as well. *** Emily strode across the soccer pitch towards the basketball court, hoping to catch up with Eugene as soon as she and Riley had gone their separate ways but, she heard someone call her name from behind. A smile spread on her face. “Hello, Miles” she greeted him happily as he approached her. “Are you in a hurry?” Miles asked, considerately. “No…” Emily lied to him. She had been looking for a chance to have a word with Miles all week after what had happened at the old library. Eugene had told her about how considerate and different Miles was from Riley and that she had misjudged him that day. Thus, she wished to rectify her mistake. “Would you mind taking a walk with me to the Aquarium?” Miles asked politely, hoping she would say yes. “I didn’t know the school had an Aquarium” Emily chirped. “Please lead the way. Miles grinned; taking her hand into his. “Come with me, then”. He said. The two of them walked hand in hand, chatting and laughing; and reaching the Aquarium, they both sat down on a bench, watching schools of fish swim by gracefully. “I heard you and Riley are training together. I hope he is not giving you a hard time” Miles remarked, looking at Emily intently. “Riley is Riley, I suppose” “That means he is giving you a hard time” Miles smiled apologetically.“Please forgive him, Emily. Truth is, under all that insensitivity and arrogance lays a tender compassion for others “Has he always been like this?” “Nothing is the same; Riley completely changed when our father died. I suppose he never completely healed from the tragedy”. “Have you…?” “I haven’t...Nonetheless, I have no choice but to be strong” “I never knew my father. Eugene and I use our mother’s surname” “I am sorry to hear that. I suppose everyone has a story to tell.” Miles felt sorry for her. He took her hand into his, caressing it gently. “I needed to see you after what happened....” “Me too. I would love to apologize too” Emily confessed. “I should be sorry…. I didn’t anticipate the terrible outcome of the situation” Miles told her. “Now that you know who I am, I hope I am still Miles and not a co-heir of a billionaire company” “You are both” Emily grinned as she gazed at him, making Miles chortle. “That is a good thing, right?” Miles was nervous. Emily smiled before leaning in; resting her head on his shoulder. “You tend to surprise me everyday I spend with you” Miles chuckled. He put his arm around her but, this moment didn't last forever with James interrupting them, flaring with anger as he approached, making Miles and Emily stand up with fright. "Did something happen? Why haven't you gone home yet? " Miles asked James. “You lied to me about going home, Miles” James sneered. “I can’t go home without my siblings. I just said that to escape from you" Miles chuckled. “What are you talking about? We’ve been looking for you all over the school. Riley even called security back home” “There was no need for that. You could have called…” Miles was casual about it. “Have you checked your phone” James asked. “I called you so many times” “Bro, stop prying. Nothing has happened to me, right?” Miles was getting frustrated. “You don’t get it, do you?” James asked, grabbing Miles' hand as he frustrated too. “Why you are so upset over this?" “Emily is always clouding your judgment” James replied, snarling at Emily. “Bro, she has nothing to do with this” “Don’t call me brother, Miles” James shouted. “It sickens me!”. “Wait, what?” Miles took offense. “You still don't understand that I have feelings for you, do you?” the words came right out. Miles shrunk back, taking a few steps back as Emily tagged along, stupefied. “What...?” Miles asked dumbfounded over James' confession. “Yes, Miles. Why do you think am always around you? Just now, I was so worried about you but, you don't even care about me!” James was frenzied before, frantically running off. “You should go after him” Emily said worriedly. “What should I say to him?” Miles was confused and rattled. “Just go after him!” Emily repeated, nudging him. "You will figure that out once you find him" “Stay here, don’t go anywhere” Miles said before running off to look for James. Emily was also flustered. She sat down on the bench with her hands cupped around her mouth, rewinding; and sneaking behind her, Riley gently placed his hand on her shoulder, frightening her. “It’s just me…” he told her as he sat down beside her on the bench.“You must be surprised.” . “…you saw everything, didn’t you?” “I anticipated the situation…” Riley was unfazed. "I just didn't know how to tell Miles." “It must have been hard for James to keep this secret all this while.” “He wouldn’t have said anything if it weren’t for you” Riley nudged her playfully. “I bet someone else would have made him confess...” Emily laughed. “Atleast, i know why James dislikes me.” “But, are you and Miles….?” Riley began. “Riley, it’s time to go” Kendall called. “I have to go and tackle this problem. See you around, Emily” Riley said, standing up to leave. Emily nodded in approval before Riley walked away, glancing at her over his shoulder. He was relieved that he didn’t get to hear Emily’s reply after all. Emily sighed deeply; although Riley was already gone, his question lingered in her mind. She loved being around Miles; he treated her with love and respect and his presence sparked a sense of safety but, she wasn’t sure if she had feelings beyond friendship because she also cherished her moments with Riley although he was emotionally detached. She thought about the latter more than Miles. Perhaps it's because Miles was a gentleman. In a situation like this, she wondered whom she would turn to. *** James looked out his window, watching the birds twittering; and freighted by his fear, he sighed deeply as despair embraced him. He had been keeping the secret about his sexuality for so long but, he ran amok, disclosing it at the school's Aquarium, the previous day. A pound on his bedroom door interrupted his thoughts. He summoned whoever it was in. "James…" Miles called as he walked in. His voice was low; contemplating on his next line as soon as James turned to look at him, motionless and gelid. "You ran off yesterday" Miles said with his hand brushing through his hair, awkwardly. "I didn't know what to say." James replied, walking to his favorite couch in the room and sat down, eyeing Miles intently. "Oh.." Miles said, expressionless. "Would you like to take a seat?"  Miles was reluctant, taking a few thought-out steps towards James. "I knew this would happen. I shouldn't have been too hasty... Nonetheless,  I can't change how I feel about you" "Since when…?" Miles asked, sitting on the opposite side, facing James. "Does it matter?" "I don't know what to say..." Miles said as he stood up and walked to the window, admiring the peaceful view outdoors. "I didn't imagine things would be like this." "Life is uncertain. This is who I am, I'm afraid" James chuckled as he stood up and walked to the window, standing beside Miles. "But, I like girls; precisely, Emily" "Does she like you as much?" James asked calmly. "I have seen the way she and Riley look at each other. They are oblivious to their feelings right now but, not forever" "Actually, I have known this for some time now" "And you still went ahead to invest your emotions…?" "You did the same with me, didn't you? You and I are alike" James was silent; he knew that Miles was right. He had spent so many years around Miles; being his best friend  and hoping that Miles would one day, see him for who he was and accept him but, his plan wasn't efficacious. Matters of the heart were more complicated than he thought especially, when they involved people of the same s*x. "I hoped that things would turn out right for me…." James said, swallowing hard as he broke the silence between them. "I'll keep hoping too." Miles forced a smile. "Why is it that the people we love never love us back?" "You've always been a great part of my life and sadly, all I have done is hurt you" "It wasn't intentional, right?" "No, I would never…" "I'm glad to know that." James smiled. "There is something I didn't say at the Aquarium" "What's that....?" Miles asked, curious. "You're my first love." James smiled avoiding Miles' gaze. "And you're my best friend." Miles said, placing his hand on James' shoulder. "I am transferring to Palm Trees High.... It's out of the city; a good place for me to start over" "Are you leaving...?" "My parents Insisted. Just like you, they aren't ready to accept the truth" "None of us anticipated this" "I should leave before everyone finds out" "Take care...James" "I will…" James said, sighing with relief, stretching energetically. "Now that I have talked to you, I'm relieved" "I should return to school before security discovers I'm missing" "Security…?" "Thanks to yesterday's false alarm, I have security men around our school" "It was my mistake. I shouldn't have riled up about it" "You were worried about me and I'm grateful, bro. I mean, James" "Just call me bro. That way, you won't have to feel awkward." "Bye. James." Miles said, walking out of James' room. The latter sat down, grabbing his diary from the shelf. Opening it, he began ripping off every writing that reminded him of Miles. It was clear they weren't met to be. *** Emily was running late again and this was upsetting Riley. He cupped his hands around his cheeks, dissatisfied as he despised waiting and this trait was what Debra, his mother regarded as his achilles heel. Emily crept behind him and blindfolded him, simpering. "You are late and still want to play.." Riley sneered, not moving an inch. "How did you even know it was me?" Emily pouted. Riley subconsciously stared into her eyes as she stepped in front of him, admiring her comely appearance although he didn't show it. "There's only one cold-blooded girl I know" He teased her. "Human beings are warm-blooded". "And exceptionally beautiful like you" Riley added. "What did you say?" "That I saw you sneak up on me and did nothing because I like seeing you make a fool of yourself" Riley laughed heartily. "That's not what you said" "What did I say then?" "You never miss a chance to taunt me, do you?" Emily furrowed her brow, pretending to be upset. "I'm always looking forward to it." Riley laughed subtly, mocking her. ".... thirty minutes jogging session for being late" "Isn't that too much?" Emily sulked hoping to be pardoned. "Thirty minutes isn't too much" "Coach…." "Don't take advantage of my leniency; you don't know when I could turn on you. Training begins now and no stalling!" Riley told her as he began jogging. Emily followed, lugging behind as usual, wondering why he was grumpy. "Did I do something wrong?" She thought. "Are you going to keep me waiting, Emily Wilson?" Riley interrupted her thoughts. "You better catch up now or I am adding another ten minutes" "I'm coming...!" Emily increased her speed in attempts to catch up. "Come on, Emily. You have to catch up!" Riley shouted over his shoulder once more, running faster. He stopped at the end of the hundred meters track and sat down, waiting for Emily and finally making it to the spot, Emily sat down beside Riley, panting heavily and groaning with pain while he smirked. "You must despise me now?" "Why would I….?" Emily stuttered, catching her breath with every word she uttered. "Good for you…..Despising me wouldn't be in your best interest anyway." Riley told her, dropping a bottle of water on her lap.The bottle was similar to the one he gave her, last time but this one had Tech In Group's logo on it. "Thank you" Emily said as she drank from the bottle, gulping the water down her throat hastily. "I suppose you trust me..." Riley mimicked her sharp small voice. "Why….?" "You smile at me, call my name so sweetly; and today you even wanted to play 'guess who' with me. That's proof enough" "I don't know what you are talking about" Emily shrugged, rolling her eyes as she looked away shyly. "Do you ever know what people are talking about, Emily?." Riley grinned. "Why are you always out to get me?" Emily glared at him. "Because I love it. Unlike you, I know what I am doing and how it should be done" Riley said as he stood up to stretch. "I don't understand" Emily said, looking at him expectantly. "I didn't expect you to…." Riley replied coldly and began walking away. Emily was now upset, suddenly standing up and running ahead of him. She blocked his path with her arms sideways. "What?....want to play another game?" Riley laughed at her, amused. "I have had it with you taunting and making a fool out of me" She told him off "If you have a problem with me; say it!" Emily stood motionless, expecting answers from him. Snickering, he closed the distance between them with a few steps, tilting his head forward and leaning in towards her so that they faced each other, gazing into each other's eyes. Emily stiffened as her heart beat rolled up, making her exhale from the mouth time after time. "What if I have a problem with you? What will you do about it?" Riley asked her, gently whispering into her as the late afternoon wind blew by, softening the sound of his voice. "Stay back!" Emily told him hastily, taking a step backwards and losing her balance. She was going to fall, head first when Riley held her back, clasping his strong hands around her into an embrace. "Sadly, you can't escape from me even if you tried..." Riley said, looking into her moon-like eyes, mesmerized. "What do you mean?" Emily asked flustered. "Nothing. Just forget about it" Riley told her, assisting her to stand up straight on her two feet before leaving; his pair of long legs whisking him. "Thank you, Riley!" Emily shouted after him after cupping her hands around her mouth, chortling. "Let's meet tomorrow....Don't be late" he told her, glancing at her over his shoulder. Emily didn't respond; she was deeply engrossed in her thoughts; sighing deeply as she watched him leave in the hope that he would look back but Riley walked on despite knowing her desire and that she had fallen for him. After all, that was the plan all along; to make her fall head over heels for him and crush her ego by blessing her with rejection His plan was going so well but, why was he relenting?. Riley Doyen was suddenly feeling helpless. Was he in love with a middle class girl? He himself didn't imagine he would fall into the pit he had dug so diligently.
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