Chapter 1

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                                                                              "End and Beginning" I was never afraid of the dark. The night sky used to be my comforting view and the silence something I would yearn for. It filled my insides with peace and serenity. It gave me what the world seemed unable to gift me. I never felt the urge to run away from it, nor the blowing wind ever sounded scary in my ears. The white curtains of the open balcony door never danced in a rhythm of agony. But I guess today is not never. I was in the room I used to run in for inner peace, a room I would stay with for hours alone with my thoughts and the feelings my day would have produced inside me, negative or not. I was at the house that no matter how run down it looked from the outside and was so on the inside too, it felt like home. The owner may have not been me but I dreamed of one day buying this villa that was located at a small distance from my neighborhood. It was a bit isolated so it resembled myself. The first time I had noticed it, I remember how much I was drawn to it. I remember asking my mother if this was our new house only for her to reply that such a house would never be something they would choose to spend their money on. I was ten back then yet I recall thinking that if I had any money, I would definitely spend everything on it. Cause unlike the eyes of my mother, I saw magic in this abandoned Villa. It was like a building out of my fantasy. It was like a castle from a fairytale. And maybe just maybe it was waiting for me just as much as I was waiting for it, to make me feel like someone that had some importance. We found each other on that day and since then for the rest of ten years, I have visited it every single day. The best hideout anyone could have was mine. A hideout which I strangely believed that no one but me could enter even though there never was any lock. Why? Had it not once crossed my thoughts that the day would come that I would feel stupid for that old habitual choice of mine? Why had I come here tonight, all alone like a fool? Why had this dear room had transformed its air in thin layers of invisible hands that were taking my breath away? I heard the curtains dancing at the rhythm of the wind behind me. I see eyes glowing inside the darkness that I never looked at with fear. I see a silhouette standing there and suddenly, the comfort of this space vanished. He took a step towards me and I felt the darkness that was surrounding me moving along with him, managing to still keep hidden his face. Was I betrayed tonight? Was the darkness I was accustomed to on his side? "Who are you?" I mumbled as if I was afraid to ruin the silence that had taken us as prisoners but I took no response yet as he moved the hand that he seemed to have been keeping behind his back, I understood that who he was. The dagger shinned under the moonlight as if it was made out of diamonds. Its length and sharpness got stuck in my brain like photography that was snapped instantly. My eyes seemed unable to leave its form just how unable were my own feet to move as further away from it as it could have been possible. My mind urged them to move once or two yet for some reason, I felt as if two chains had been wrapped around my feet and were keeping a tight hold on me, making me believe that I am not able to run. Making me believe that my own two feet were too heavy for me to command. The silence started getting distorted as he made another step and this one echoed in my ears as if he had fired a gun. So loud, so clear, so terrifying. I felt a shiver run through my whole being as my attention focused for a second on the wind that caressed the skin of my two hands that I had not noticed till that moment that they were slightly trembling. I told myself to not raise my eyes from that dagger, I told myself to not look away from it as if my gaze was strong enough to halt it in its place. As if my staring would somehow make the object less sharp and dangerous than it looked. Less ready to capture someone's last breath. However, I did look away and as I met the shining eyes of that man again, I knew who he was. It didn't matter if the darkness was covering him. It didn't matter if the black mask that he had all over his face was thick and impermeable. I still could tell that he was the one who would take my last breath. I needed no name, I needed no face, the thought entered my head like an arrow, a realization that pierced through all my foggy thoughts of fear and confusion. "I-I haven't done anything." I didn't even realize when I had thought of those words much more when they had so quickly escaped from my lips, echoing around the room as if I had screamed them. And honestly, I might as well had done that, because it surely was unfair.  I have lived all my life minding only my own business. Never had I ever done harm to anyone to not say that I had tried to help people in most cases more than I sometimes could afford. I had hurt no one's emotions and I had owned up to any mistakes I may have done so far. Why was I to be murdered? Why was I to be here tonight? Why was my chest feeling as if it was ready to break from the pressure and why did my heart hurt so much even though it had yet to be stubbed? I didn't have the chance to utter another word as his hand reached on my neck way quicker than it had crossed my mind and at that moment, strangely my feet started obeying me, taking me some steps backward, till my heel felt the small step of were begun the outer form of the open balcony door. A scream escaped from my trembling lips as my hands reflexively reached at his, trying to pray him away by force however that was futile cause he didn't hesitate to show his dominance as his hand reached to my face and covered my mouth, his fingers pressing against my skin so violently that I felt like he was gonna rip my scalp open right that instant. My body fought against him even though my mind was screaming to me that there was no escape. I didn't realize how far I was pushed till the reels of the balcony came in contact with my back, their coldness matching the one of the silver dagger that pierced my stomach with force, tearing out of me a cry that was muffled under the black gloves and the tight hold that he had over my mouth. I saw onto his eyes, as I felt the strength of my body running away from me like the white curtains seem to flow in the opposite direction from where I was. The once friendly darkness stood behind him, his ally. The once dark sky and the moon I looked up to tell it all my troubles, his accomplice. It shinned on him as if he owned it. It lighted him as if the sky wanted me to see the gaze of hatred that was directed at me. Detest, glowed in his orbs as if it was a gemstone. His hatred dancing in the red as he pushed my body from the balcony, enabling me to show my disappointing facial expression at the night sky that was above me. As I landed harshly on the ground, a gasp left my lips out of pain. I felt my insides on fire yet simultaneously it felt as if I was being showered with a breeze of cold. I thought of moving but I ended up just lifting my head instead of my body, my vision instantly becoming blurry as tears started streaming down my cheeks. "H-Help...Help..Me...Help" I murmured in despair as my vision got stuck at the silver dagger that was now into my flesh. Its silver body stained with red yet it shinned just as before. The carved designs on it that I had not the chance to notice from afar looked like rivers that were holding my blood. It looked like a piece of art even though it was costing my life. The strength of holding my neck up left me soon enough and that dagger left my vision as I laid my head back on the ground. A ground which I took a better look at after I tilted my head to the side, vomiting some blood that unexpectedly rushed through my insides and burst out of my mouth. It tasted awful like I would have imagined the rusted iron of the balcony reels to taste. But it stained nothing despite how far it splattered. It just made the red dandelion flowers look brighter. My death bed sure was beautiful. But I would have been happier if they were to have remained in my memory as sweet instead of bitter. I would have been happier if they were to have continued to be watered by rain instead of my blood. It would have been better if my vision was to stop and not fade to darkness as it was doing. Red may have not been my favorite color but I would have preferred seeing it forever if that meant that I would be alive.
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