An Old Mysterious Man

2139 Words

Emily's POV Mark hasn't called me ever since he landed. I have tried to call him several times, but I am directed to his voicemail. He hasn't returned any of my calls. All I have received from him is a text informing me that he is okay, and he is with his father. No further details are given. Just that. No replies to any of my text. They aren't even read, which only adds to my guilt. I have told my mom everything that happened between me and Mark, and she agrees with me that I have done the right thing by leaving him, and not leading him on further, more than I have led him to believe. It wasn't like I was trying to lead him on. I always just thought that if I continued with the relationship I would eventually feel what he feels for me. My mom has allowed me to work more at the bakery.

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