Old Time Friend

2032 Words

Emily's POV Once we exit the bakery, I spot Noelle and she waves excitedly at me, hooking her arm into another guy's arm. My mouth falls agape when I take in his appearance. She must be kidding. This can't be. "That was my reaction too." I felt Jake's breath against my ear, and I closed my eyes to recollect myself. "This can't be real." I said loud enough for Jake to hear. "It is though." "Emily, voir mon mec, Nick. (Emily meet my boyfriend, Nick)." Noelle introduces us. "Bonsoir (Good evening)." He greets me as he extends his hand to shake mine. "Bonsoir." I responded, and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I am in a dazed state. This man looks exactly like Mark, but with darker hair. But the same everything. The blue eyes. The well-hung body. The same height. The same tone even,

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