Episode 2

1395 Words
CHAPTER TWO SUNG HO CHANG’S POV It’s so warm, Birds singing, nice pitch of sunlight and someone’s licking my face, this is truly a good day. Wait! Someone is licking my Face! I got up quickly and found a dog licking my hair and face. “Ahh get away from me beast!” I shouted Then a lady screamed at me, “This is a park! Stop sleeping in a public place, if you don’t want such things to happen to you, hmph lets go boy”. (T: N: hmph:is just like aahh or uhh or mmh: hope you understand) She pulled the dog away from me, I was startled and filled with questions as in why I was at the park of all places. I stood up from the bench and something fell from my laps. I looked at it and it was a sweater. I picked it up and it had a familiar scent which I liked. As I looked around memories of last night came rushing and I felt so ashamed that something like that happened to me. I walked to the road asked for a phone and called my assistant Seo Joon Goe who almost immediately arrive and picked me up. “Give that person some cash, whatever amount you have” I told Seo Joon. “Thank you but you do not need to give me anything”, the boy who I borrowed a phone from said “You deserve it” I told him as Seo Joon handed him the money. We drove off to my apartment, took a shower, changed clothes and placed the sweater in my wardrobe. The hangover was killing me, I looked at the time and it was 30minutes past the hour of 8 in the morning. Thank God it was Saturday, I could not go to the office with a spinning headache. Just then Min Joon came barging in, “Sung Ho are you okay?” he asked. Why you barging in my house at this hour when you abandoned me yesterday, I thought to myself. “I looked for you yesterday, all over the bar and they was no trace…” he took a pause suddenly and started dancing while making gestures with his fingers of s*x. “I spotted you with a nice looking person outside the bar heading towards the park” he said this with a stupid smile on his face. “Did you have a good time uhh?” he asked while poking me with his elbow on my chest “Did you see the face of the person I was with last night?” He was silent for a while with an astonished expression on his face, “Wicked bro, just like I expected, you’re the f**k and don’t remember the person type uhh”. “Did you see the person or not?” I asked angrily. “Come down dude the bar is on the 5th floor of the Castle how was I supposed to see the face plus it was dark”. (T: N: the castle is a building that belongs to Min Joon’s family and it has a bar/Spa). “You can leave now”. “Why are you always in a hurry to get rid of me? We can hang around each other the entire day and play some video games”. “I don’t want to, I have to finish the work I placed aside in order to attend your stupid party!” He did not respond, he rushed to my bedroom while saying, “Let me get some clothes from your wardrobe”. After a night out, he usually comes to my house wears my clothes and never brings them back. Not that I care for the clothes but it’s annoying. “Go change at home!” “I cannot, my mother’s around she will scold me for not going home”. “Uh let me guess, you slept out and she’s out to get you”. Min Joon’s mother keeps tabs on him because of his lack of responsibility. He causes problems when he’s not being monitored. “Yes, you’re right, let me change quickly and we can go have lunch. And you can tell my mum later that I slept at your place”. “Not going to happen”. “Why not?” he asked in a disappointed tone. “I don’t wanna, change quickly and get out before I call security on you”. Oh I placed the sweater in the wardrobe, he might wear it. I rose up, was about to rush towards the bedroom, when Min Joon came out with the sweater in his hands and a silly smile on his face. “Put that back, it’s not mine!” I yelled. “It belongs to the lady friend from last night uhhh?” he chuckled “It does not matter, just put it back”. “It smells so nice” he said as he sniffed it. I charged towards him and snatched the sweater, “Don’t sniff it i***t” I held it in a bear hug tightly. He grabbed it by the hands, tried to pull it from me and I pulled harder. “Stop that you’re going to tear it you freak!” I shouted. “You too let it go!” It turned to be a tug of war till both of us got tired and sat down with each one of us holding one end of the sweater. We were silent for a while only our heavy breathing could be heard, he turned to me and asked, “Did you at least get her name?” I shook my head, “What! You did not even ask her name. What were you yelling when you were f**kin her?” I was about to speak when he interrupted me, “No, Sung ho don’t tell me you’re like those monsters who f**k without saying a word”. He paused for a while and he looked at me with a scoffed expression, “you are a monster Sung ho”. What is this i***t talking about now? I covered his mouth with both my hands and said, “Keep quiet and I will tell you everything”. He quickly grabbed the sweater and ran to the balcony, “if you don’t tell me everything, I will let go of it”. I quickly nodded and gave in to his demands. I told him everything from last night and that instead of a girl it was a boy. “What so Sung ho you gay? No are you bisexual? This is all new to me” he asked confusedly. “Don’t rush to conclusions i***t! Have always been gay!” What! I just shouted out my 28year old secret out loud, I have never told anyone about my sexuality not even to Min joon. I turned around, so as to not see his disgusted expression when he finally processed what I just reviewed to him. “Get out!” I yelled “Now... uhh Sung ho I...” “Don’t say anything just leave” “Uhh I... We…" “You don’t have to say anything just leave already” I said this and rushed to my bedroom, slammed the door and buried my head in a pillow. Now my friendship with Min joon is all over, if he ends our friendship just because of this then he’s truly an i***t. Whatever, he can do what he wants for all I care and he can go die! My phone rang, I grabbed it without looking at the caller ID and threw it directly at the wall. ***SNEAK PEEK AT NEXT CHAPTER*** “We are going to search heaven and hell for your mystery man” “Not hell he’s an angel he cannot be in hell” ohhhhhhhhh TO BE CONTINUED
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