Chapter Fourteen

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'Hey, are you okay?' I asked her as we broke apart from our hug. 'Yeah, Im fine' She smiled, Then looked over my shoulder. 'Who's Mr tall, dark and sexy over there?' she asked grinning, looking over at Tom, who was still down at the bottom of the platform watching and waiting for us. 'Oh, let me introduce you' I said as I walked over to her bags, Picking them both up, By their handles and heading over to Tom with Demi following me. 'Dee this is Tom, Tom this is my younger cousin and oldest friend, Demi'. As soon as she realised who he was, she stood staring at him with her mouth hanging open. He chuckled and placed his finger under her chin and closed it. 'Catching flies Demi?' He said smiling. She was blushing and looking at me. 'Really, Tom Davies?!. How the f**k do you know him?' She asked at about 100 miles-per-hour. I smiled and looked at him. 'He's good friends with my...boyfriend.' She looked at me and Tom then back to me again. 'Who, Who. Please tell me you're not going out with Liam Smith!? Because if you are, you know I have to throw you under that train.' She said, but I knew she was NOT joking. 'No, I'm not, I promise. I'm going out with James Bradley' I said, trying not to look at Tom who was looking at me. 'Oh, you never told me that. So you finally dumped that ass who used to hit you?' Yes, I told Demi but I didn't tell her it was James. 'Yeah, totally,' I lied to her. I never lie to Demi. I looked up at Tom and smiled. He just looked at me, his mouth hanging open. I smiled to try and get him to calm down but it didn't work. 'Your ex-boyfriend hit you?' he asked, he was so angry. His hands had balled into fists and he was shaking. 'It's okay, Tom, calm down' I said, I put my hand on his shoulder. 'Yeah, but as you said, my EX BOYFRIEND.' He smiled at him but he was still really angry. We walked back out of the train station, uptown and back down to the hotel. Tom and I were holding hands, but so Demi didn't think anything of it, He put his arm over her shoulders. As we entered the hotel, Dee spoke up. 'So, you said on the phone, You were staying with some friends, who?' She asked 'Well, Tom, James and the rest of the guys, and do you remember the people you met when you came down last time, Charlotte, Abi, Matt Meg and Anna?' she nodded her head, 'Well them.' I said with a smirk, at the sound of his name, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. We all got in the lift and headed up to our floor. When we got up there, no one was around. I turned to Tom. 'I guess they're all still in your room Tomi,' 'Yeah, I guess' He said as we walked over to his suite. I knocked on the door again before I peaked my head in. 'Hey guys' I said, as they all look up at me and smiled. 'I have someone for you all to meet. Misfits, You have met her before though' everyone was looking at each other, wondering who it was. Liam's face lit up and he smiled at me. 'Another girl, huh?' Abi wasn't happy but she didn't say anything, she turned around and started to speak to Charlotte. I opened the door and walked in, Followed by Demi. Tom followed her in, carrying her bags for her. Awww... he's so sweet. 'Everyone this is my cousin Demi. Demi these are the guys, you don't need an introduction...You know the misfits already and this is James.' I said pointing at everyone for her. I leaned closer to her to tell her something, but loud enough for everyone else to hear. 'He's fitter in person, right?' I said to her, she knew I meant Liam so she just nodded her head. Everyone said hey to her but I noticed Abi giving her dirty looks... because Liam was looking at Demi. I cleared my throat. Abi looked up at me. I gave her a look telling her to knock it off. She sighed and went back to trying to get Liam to pay attention to her. Tom went over and sat by Liam, but he was totally blanking Abi now and she knew why. Tom whispered something to him and he laughed and nodded. Demi looked at me, she looked a little uncomfortable so I grabbed her arm and walked over to the chairs where Tom and Liam were sat. 'Hey guys, do you mind if me and Demi sit and bug you for a while?' I asked. they looked up and shook their heads. 'No, that's fine. pull up a lap.' Tom said to me while slapping his knees. I went over to him and jumped as hard as I could down to sit on his lap. Demi just looked at us. 'Come on, Demi, I dont bit' He said with a cheeky grin on his face. She smiled and blushed as she walked over to him and sat down on his lap, carefully. He leaned closer to her and rested his chin on her shoulder while wrapping his arms around her waist. She blushed again and was smiling. He whispered something in her ear. I couldnt tell what he said but I heard him say something like; 'Unless you want me to' She giggled. Abi was not happy. She looked up at me. I mouthed to her; 'KNOCK IT OFF. NOW!' She just looked at me then Demi and then back to me again. She rolled her eyes and wrinkled her nose. That's it. I got off Tom's lap and walked over to her. 'Abi, A word!' I said. She looked at me and smiled. 'Sorry, I'm kinda busy at the minute..' 'NOW!' I shouted at her, cutting her off from what she was saying. She knew I was pissed off so she nodded her head and followed me over to the bedroom. Everyone, including Tom, Demi and Liam were all looking at me, as for no reason, They know off, I just started shouting at one of my best friends. We walked into the bedroom and I turned around and slammed the doors shut. I turned to see Abi stood there, with her arms folded across her chest giving me a what the f**k look. 'What?' She asked, in a tone that was pissing me off. 'I told you more than once to knock it off with the f*****g death glares.' I shouted. 'SHE'S all over him' she snapped. 'So....and shes got a name Abi' I snapped back. 'But he's mine' she was whining like a small child, or Aaron when he doesn't get his own way. 'No, he's not. You need to get over this stupid crush Ok. He's just being nice. He's not your boyfriend, so quit with the f*****g green-eyed monster s**t, get it.' I stared at her. 'What, this morning, You were like, 'We have to set you guys up' and now your all like back the f**k off. If it was Anna or Charlotte or even f*****g Matt you would be ripping the s**t out of them right now.' She shouted at me, this made me angry. 'Dont shout at me Abi and she's not all over him ok. He offered her to sit on HIS lap. HE put HIS arms around her waist ok. So, I'll tell you again and for the last time. KNOCK IT OFF. Do I make myself clear.' I ordered. Abi was one of my best friends so she knew not to mess with family or someone I cared about. She nodded her head and we left the bedroom. We walked over to everyone. Before she went back to Ollie, Aaron Anna and Meg, and I got a chance to go back to Tom, Liam or Demi, She grabbed my arm and pulled me back. 'I thought you were my best friend' this caught me off guard a little. 'I am, and your one of mine Abi,' I said smiling. 'Then why are you acting like this?' she asked, looking me straight in the eyes. 'Because you know me better than anyone, so you know with me, family always comes first.' and with that, I pulled my arm out of her hold and walked away. I walked and sat back down on Tom. Demi was telling Liam what a big fan she was, and he seemed happy with her sat on him, hummmm...maybe a little to happy. I'll have to keep my eyes on him. He had commented on her choice of hoodies and she thanked him. It was nice to see ALMOST everyone getting along so well.
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