Chapter Thirteen

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I made my way down to Tom's suite. As I got closer to the door, my stomach started to hurt. 'I'm so scared' I said to myself. Shall I knock on the door or just walk in? I mean, it's not like they knock or anything, but still. I could hear the guys and girls shouting and laughing. 'I'll knock, maybe they won't hear me and I can go back to my room and just say they didn't answer the door or something.' I thought. I could hear music blasting, Hummmm...Escape The Fate- 10 Miles Wide. I bet anything Abi put that on. Wow, They really are partying. Ok, it's now or never. I breathed in and out. I really need to stop talking to myself. I lifted my hand to pound on the door. I knocked quietly at first then a little louder. The door flew open, and Tom was standing there, he had a beer in one hand, the smile that was on his face suddenly disappeared when he saw me, standing there. He looked me up and down, before he walked away, leaving the door wide open. I walked in and shut it behind myself. Everyone was talking to each other. Liam, Abi, Anna, Aaron, Ollie and Meg were all sat together, talking and having some beers. Liam looked very bored, Hum, he must just be tired or something. Roman, Rhys and Stu were sat watching some horror movie on the TV, but it didn't have any sound, as everyone else was listening to music, but they didn't seem to care. Matt was talking to Mike, and Tom was stood across the room from me, staring out of the window. The view from the hotel room was amazing, but as I looked around, I realised James was nowhere in sight. When everyone saw me walk into the room, they all jumped to their feet and looked at me. Whats going on? No one said or did anything. They just stood there. Tom turned to look at me. Oh no, What has he done? He was giving me an evil smirk. He hasn't?. He hasn't told them, Has he? It would explain why they were all like this and why James wasn't here. I looked at him, he just continued to grin as he turned back around to look out the window. I turned to look at every one. It looked like Abi was about to say something, when James came out of the bedroom. 'How long?' He asked, Looking at Tom, Tom turned to face him, He was still smiling again. Why the f**k was he smiling? Did he think this was funny? I turned to look at everyone else, they were smiling too. 'About three hours,' Tom said, he walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. 'Wow' was all James said. He saw me and smiled. I still had no idea what was going on. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Hummmm...if Tom wants to play nasty and be like this, then I'm going to give him a taste of what he's dishing out. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and held him at arm's length. 'So what was that about? The whole '3 hours' thing?' I asked, but im not sure I want to know the answer. 'The guys thought it would be a super funny idea to tie me to the bed and see how long it takes me to get lost. It was.....' 'Aaron's idea' I said, finishing what he was about to say. 'You got it' he said smiling. Then he turned at look at me. I raised my eyebrows at him. 'Oh, Sorry. Hey baby.' He said leaning forward to kiss me. I smiled and met him halfway. I deepened the kiss, he pulled me very close against his body. I lifted my hands and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him and his lips down on to mine. I moaned through the kiss. The guys all wolf whistled while the girls giggled. I pulled away and hugged him. I could see Tom looking at me, over James' shoulder, and gave me a dirty look. I closed my eyes and smiled. I know he saw me. Me and James pulled apart. He took me by the hand and lead me over to one of the big armchairs. I sat down on his lap. Tom came and sat next to us. 'I love you, James' I said, in the same stupid girly voice Tom used to take the piss out of me earlier, see how he likes me using it against him. I kissed him again. When I leaned back, I put my head on James' shoulder. Smiling when I saw Tom get up and sulk his way back over to the window. Maybe I'm being really mean. Well, At least he knows how I feel ...a little. I got up, Deciding to go and talk to Tom. It wasn't one of my better ideas but it had to be done. Leaving James' lap, I headed over to him. He was still staring out the window. I could see Tom in the glass. Oh my god, He looks so upset. I moved faster towards him. I was about to call out to him when... 'ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE........' My phone went off. Always at the wrong moment. Tom turned around to look at me. I looked up to meet his gaze. His eyes were wet. Oh no. I looked away again because I could feel my own tears coming. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. I turned around and walked into the bedroom, Closing the door behind me for some privacy. I checked the caller ID again to make sure I wasn't seeing things. It WAS her ringing me. What the hell?! 'Hello, are you okay?' I asked. 'Yeah, I'm fine' she replied. 'Whats wrong?' 'What makes you think something is wrong?' She asked. No, I dont think, I know. 'Because I can hear it in your voice. Now tell me, Whats wrong?' I pressed the subject. 'Mom kicked me out' She said. She sounded really upset. 'What, How can she!? What did you do?' I asked. 'I really dont know' She was crying or at least sounded like she was. 'Where are you? I'll come and get you' 'I'm....I'm.....I'm at the train station in town. Can I stay with you, please?' She asked 'I'm not at home, but yes you can, I'm staying with some friends. I'm in town right now so I'm coming to get you. DONT go anywhere, Ok.' I told her. 'Yeah, Ok. See you in a minute.' 'See you' I hung up the phone. I heard the door open and close again. I sighed and turned around to face him. 'You going to tell me where your going or who that was on the phone?' He asked. 'No' I simply replied. 'And why not?' 'Because Tom. Its none of your business' I snapped at him. 'Don't you f*****g talk to me like that' He shouted at me. 'You know what, Go to hell, They'll be missing ya.' I said before I walked out the bedroom and towards the suite door. I opened it just as Tom walked out the bedroom door, with his jacket on. 'Where are you going?' I turned around to see James standing next to Tom. He was smiling. Asshole. 'Somebody needs me, I'll be back soon, Okay.' I said to him sweetly. 'Ok, have fun. Make sure you come back. We need to finish what we started before' He said with a smirk. 'Oh, trust me, I haven't forgotten' I smiled at him. I shot a look at Tom before turning back to James. 'Love you baby' I said. 'Love you too.' He said back, before starting to walk away, but he stopped he turned around and looked at me again. 'It's nearly 11.30. You're not going by yourself.' He said, Awww, he's worried about me, sweet, but he looked up at Tom. 'Can you take her man?' James asked him. I looked up at Tom. He was smirking again, he turned to face me. 'It will be my honour to take her'. He said, I heard the double meaning in his words, but luckily James didn't. He turned around and walked away. I sighed and walked out the door and over to the lift, Tom followed close behind and shut the door. We walked in silence down and out of the hotel and up the town. 'Ha, you looked worried for a second back there, Kate.' He said, Smuggly. 'Piss off, Don't bother speaking to me, Tom.' I said. 'You know what, Why don't you just go back to the hotel.' 'No' he simply responded 'Why I don't want you here and you don't want to be here.' He stopped and grabbed my arm, pulling me back so I stopped and turned to him. 'I didn't say that and no I won't go back to the hotel. I wouldn't want you to get beaten up or jumped or something.' He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders. O looked at him. 'How dangerous do you think this place is?' I asked, letting myself smile. Tom looked up at me and shrugged again. ' I just dont want you getting hurt.' He looked at me and saw iI was smiling, he smirked back. 'Thank you' I whispered. He lifted his hand out his pocket and rubbed the back of his neck, before making sure his fedora was still in place. I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled, Widely back. 'I'm....I'm sorry, About today' He said looking at me. 'What about it? What we did or how you acted?' I asked. 'The way I acted.' He whispered. His eyes were looking at the floor. 'It's fine' I grabbed his hand in mine and started walking. He was smiling and so was I. I was happy again. 'So, what did James mean before, 'Dont forget' ?' He asked, looking down at me. 'Nothing. He will probably be drunk by the time we get back so nothing is going to happen. I can promise you that' I said, Swinging our hands back and forth. 'Can I ask you something, babe?' He asked I nodded. 'If James never phoned before, Would we have....slept together?' He asked. He looked at me, I dont know how to answer that. What do I say? Ummmmm....'THE TRUTH!! 'I screamed at myself. 'I..I' I was studdering. LAME!!. He was still looking at me. I nodded. 'I guess so, yeah. Why do you think we would have?.' I asked, but did I want to know? 'Yeah, I mean, We were getting there.' He said smiling at me. ..And that was the end of that conversation. Great timing, We arrived at the train station. We walked up to the platforms. As it was past midnight, There was nearly no one up there, but a few people. 'Why are we here?' Tom asked me. I was about to answer when I saw her at the end platform. She was standing there, waiting with two holdall suitcases, Shiving. 'Demi!' I shouted, She turned around and saw me, she smiled and started to run over to me. I let go of Tom's hand and ran over to met her. I threw my arms around her and she hugged me back...
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