Chapter Five

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As we walked through the hotel, From the elevator to the front doors, The receptionist looked up at me and Aaron. I gave her a small smile, She just looked away, Fine, f**k you then. 'So.......Where's the car?' I asked Aaron. We were still holding hands. I looked down at our entwined fingers and couldn't stop myself from smiling. 'Um...In the car park, Dummy. What are you smiling at?' He asked, A smile now on his face as he looked down at me. I just blushed and shrugged my shoulders. He shook it off as we continued to walk. 'Yo guys, Wait up.' We heard someone shout, Followed by approaching running footsteps, We turned around, I expected to see James and preparing to tell him to f**k off, but I realised I was wrong. The approaching man was in fact......Tom, This caused my smile to grow. 'Hey T, What's up?' Aaron asked, Looking and sounding a bit annoyed. 'Oh, More guys are coming out from the festival so I have been sent to help you with the beer run.' He said, Looking at me with a cheeky smile. I smiled back  'What who?' I asked, Still smiling, Tom and Aaron looked at me. 'Ummmmmm....The Marcus Twins, Paul and Jared, So Steve might come too. James spoke to them on the phone and told them, They can stay over on the floor with us as you guys rented it out.' He said to me. 'And I think...Not sure but I think Corey's coming to so he might drag Joey along. And I think that's everyone.' 'Great, I can see how this night is going to go.' I said rolling my eyes. 'Oh, Yeah. And hows that then?' Tom asked, Crossing his arms over his chest and staring me right in the eyes. Aaron turned to me and did the same. ' Well...Probably something on the lines of.....£1,000 worth of damage, Excessive noise complaints and trashed hotel rooms. Which will result in us being chucked out of the hotel permanently.' I looked up at the guys who just looked at each other and nodded. 'Yeah, Your probably right.' Tom said, Smiling. 'Wait....Did you say Paul as in Paul Nero!!!!?' I asked, Sounding a bit too excited. They looked at me and smiled. 'Yeah, Why so excited. Do you have a crush on him?' Tom teased in a baby voice, Taking the piss out of me. 'Yeah, He's f*****g hot!!!!' I shouted, As soon as I realised, My smile disappeared and my hand flew to my face, Covering my mouth. I started to blush, Badly. 'Really' Aaron asked. I nodded and ran out the door. They followed. They kept asking me questions but I ignored them. God, They're nosy as hell. But one comment made me answer;... ' think of Paul when you're in bed with James?' Aaron asked. I stopped and looked at him, My mouth hanging open. He placed his finger under my chin and pushed it closed. 'And what has that got do with you, Mr.Lewis?' I looked at him, But he had the biggest smile on his face. Tom was grinning. What children. 'You didn't deny it.' His smile was so big now, It reached his eyes. 'No man. She thinks of me in bed.' Tom butted in. 'Shut up!' I shouted. 'Can we drop the subject, PLEASE!' 'No, I wanna know. Who do you think about in bed' Tom said, Still grinning. 'No one!!' I shouted even louder. 'What, You actually think about James when you guys f**k?' Aaron added to the argument. 'No, I don't think about you, Or you' I said pointing and looking back and forth between T and Aaron. 'I don't think about Paul let and I don't think about James!!!' I was screaming now. 'What, Please's tell me you don't think about Michael.' I knew they were joking but I'd had enough 'No, For f**k's sake. I don't think about anyone while me and James have s*x because me and James don't have sex.! Ok. now can we change the subject.' I said before walking to the car park. Aaz and T walked ahead of me and stopped right in front of me, Blocking my way like a brick wall. 'You have never had s*x with James?' Aaron asked, Sounding surprised. Crossing his hands over his chest. 'No' i said, Looking away from their stare. They both stared at me, Tom crossed his arms too. 'Why?' They asked at the same time. 'That's none of your business' I said. 'Come on, We're your friends, Tell us, Please' Aaron asked. I looked away and blushed. I was beyond embarrassed. 'Because.....I'm not ready too.' I said, No louder than a whisper. I was so blushing right now. 'You have had s*x though, Right?' Tom asked me. I shook my head and continued staring at the ground. I was far too embarrassed to look them in the face. 'YOU'RE A VIRGIN!!!!' Aaron screamed. Tom snapped his head and eyes away from me and looked at Az 'AARON!!' He shouted. 'Sorry' Tom said as he turned back to me. I looked up at him and saw he was giving me a small smile. 'Sorry Kate' He said looking down at his feet, Ashamed at what he just shouted. 'It fine. And yes I am, Is that such a bad thing?' I said aiming my question at Aaron. He looked at me and saw I was getting upset. 'NO. I just never met one before.' Aaron said smiling widely. 'You're my first'. He leaned his head closer, In my direction, 'Now let me be yours.' This earned him a megadeath glare from Tom. I noticed this, But when he saw me looking at him he went from angry to happy. 'f**k you!' I shouted. His smile grew. 'If only you would!' This shocked me. His head was still very close to me. So I leaned forward. I wiggled my finger telling him to come closer. Tom looked at me, Wide-eyed, Mouth hanging open. Aaron Of cause did what I asked. I lifted my head up, To quickly for tom to move away and slapped him right across the face. But when he turned his face back to me, He was still smiling but this time he gave me a wink. Freak. 'Ok, let's go get the beer'. Tom said, Changing the subject. 'Give me my keys Aaron' He said holding his hand out to Aaron to drop the keys in too. Aaron looked away from our death glare competition. 'What, No fair, I want to drive. You said I could drive, Pretttty Pleaseeeeee' He sounded like a child. Tom rolled his eyes and nodded his head. 'Fine'. With that, Az smiled and ran to the car, Opening the door and climbed into the driver's seat before slamming the door. 'Aaron!' Tom shouted, Obviously pissed at the fact Aaron just 'Hurt' His car. He held the door open for me but I just climbed in to the back seat. 'You ok', He whispered before shutting the door. I'm fine' I said, Giving him a reassuring smile. He shut the door and got into the passenger's side. As soon as me and Tom got in and had our seat belts on, Aaron turned on the engine and headed off down the road, Towards the store.
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