Chapter Twenty One

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I woke up this morning with the worse hangover in the world. The sun was bright in the room even though the blinds were down because for some reason the balcony doors were wide open letting the morning wind fill the room. It was raining, not hard just spiting but the weather forecast had said that heavier rain was on its way. Yay! My eyes hurt so much so I rolled over and pulled the pillow over my head. I've never had a hangover before and trust me, they are not so great. 'Morning sunshine' Some shouted at me from the corner across the room. I shot up to look at where the voice had come from. I knew it was in Aaron's room, as it was the only room that one of us had that had a balcony. I probably looked like a scarecrow right now, but I don't care. I looked over, expecting to see Aaron in the doorway, but I was wrong, it was Tom. 'Do you have to shout!?' I replied, coldly. He smiled and looked at me. 'Sorry. So, hows you first ever hangover then?'' He asked still smiling, He was leaning against the door frame. 'Bad' I pushed my head back down on the pillow, Hoping that he would get the message that I didn't want to see or speak to him. My hopes were crushed when I felt the bed move telling me that someone had sat down next to me. I kept my eyes shut, Once again hoping he would leave. 'We need to talk' I heard him say, I shook my head. 'I wanted to talk last night but you ran off after I told you I had feelings for you. That I loved you!' I said. I turned over so he couldnt see the tears that were flowing from my eyes. 'I'm sorry' he whispered. He started running his fingers in the back of my hair. I moved over the bed, away from him. 'Where's Aaron?' I asked him. 'All the guys are down in the love birds room' He said with a chuckle, 'Guess he said yes then' He laughed again. 'Yeah, well she loves him and Liam loves her' 'Is that some sort of dig?' 'BINGO!' I shouted and climbed out of bed. On the bedside table were two little white tablets, a big glass of water and a small handwritten note. I picked it up and read it. it was from Aaron. Hey little sis, Take the tablets and drink the water. Trust me, They help. Az xx. Sweet. I took the tablets and drank the water. I walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. I got undressed and hoped in. I washed my hair and face before I got out again. I wrapped myself up in a towel and then realised. I was in Aaron's room, not mine so I dont have any clothes to change into. I walked out to the bedroom. I dont want to but I have to put my clothes from the dress-up party on from last night. Tom was sat down on the bed. When I walked into the room, he looked up at me and smiled. 'Don't worry. Here, I brought you some clothes.' He handed me my Avenged Sevenfold band shirt, My black skinny jeans, underwear, my bra, socks and a pair of my knee high chucks. I walked over to him, He stood up and smiled at me. Even though I didn't want to, I couldnt help but smile back. 'Thanks' I grabbed my clothes and started to walk away but Tom grabbed my wrist pulling me back. 'What the hell Tom-.....' he cut me off by crashing his lips down on to mine. After getting over the shock, 5 seconds later I kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me very close to his body, I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his face down to mine more. After about 3 minutes of making out. I pulled away from him, suddenly realising I was still wet and wrapped in nothing but a towel. He just smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. 'I think you should get dressed now and we still need to talk' He said with a cheeky grin on his face. I picked my clothes back up and walked back into the bathroom. I did my hair, make-up and got dressed. I left the bathroom again and went over and sat on the bed next to Tom. 'What?' I asked. He sighed and looked at me. 'Last night, when you told me that you loved me. I just got a little....umm..' 'What?' I whispered. 'It got me thinking, like really thinking. It kinda worried me a little how I feel about you' He said while looking at me. 'Thanks!' I snapped at him and got up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down, but he pulled me on to his lap. He wrapped his arms tight around me waist to hold me there. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean it the way it came out. Ok. You told me you're in love with me.' I looked down, for some reason, I didn't want to look at him. 'Hey, look at me' He whispered in a sweet voice. He put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up so I could look him in the eye. He wiped a tear away that I didn't even know was there. 'I got freaked because I realised my feeling for you are a lot stronger than the ones I ever had for my wife and i've only known you for nearly two weeks. I've known her since we were in school' He whispered, his face was so close to mine. 'What does that mean then?' I asked looking him straight in the eyes. 'It means, I'm in love with you too.' I smiled so wide my face hurt a little. Tom's smile was just as big. 'Wanna be my girlfriend?' He asked. OH MY GOD!! Tom Davies just asked ME to be HIS GIRLFRIEND. 'Yes!!!' I screamed, somehow his smile grew. I leaned in to kiss him but he beat me to it. He crashed our lips together but I pulled away. I wanted to hear him say it again. 'I love you, Tom' 'I love you more.' YAY!! He said it without even pausing. I kissed him again and he kissed me back. I unwrapped his arms from around my waist and stood up. I turned back around to face him. 'What?' 'Nothing, come on. Everyone is in Lee and Demi's room. I wanna tell her' he rolled his eyes in a playful way and stood up 'Ok, come on then' he said, grabbing my hand in his and headed to the door, but he stopped and turned to face me. 'How's your hangover, baby?' 'My eyes hurt a little but thanks to Aaron, my head feels a little bit better' I told him, smiling. He took something out of his pocket. 'Here' he said as he slid a pair of his aviators over my eyes. 'Better?' He asked, I nodded and leaned up to kiss him again. Before we walked out of the room hand-in-hand. Closing the door behind us. We walked down the hallway to Lee and Demi's room. I couldnt wait to tell our friends the great news. We got to Lee's room and walked in. Demi was sat on his lap, Mike and Ollie were sat on the sofa and Aaron was lying down on the floor. When we walked into the room still hand-in-hand, everyone looked up at us. '!. Katie!, Are you and Tom dating now!?' Dem screamed at me. I nodded and smiled at her. She jumped up and ran to me, giving me a tight hug. Tom walked over and sat down beside Az on the floor. They were all talking to each other but I wasn't listening. 'Wow!. You're going out with Tom and im going out with Liam. If you would have told me that two weeks ago, I would have kicked your ass and called you crazy' She laughed.I laughed and nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, I know what you mean' and with that, we walked back over and sat down on our boyfriend's lap and spent the next hour or so talking about random stuff. ....But the little fact had slipped my mind while me and Tom were dating now and so was Dem and Liam, but whats going to happen when they have to leave to go back on tour and then go home for god knows how long?....and the worst bit is.....we only have just over a month left until then. Whats going to happen?.................
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