Chapter 16 - Anthony's Dad

1975 Words
Chapter 16 Anthony's Dad When I woke up, my head was throbbing. Did I really get that drunk? It didn't make sense, because I had only been drunk once or twice in my life. Plus, I didn't remember having a ton of drinks. I groaned and snuggled deeper into the pillow, taking a big breath. And that's when I realized, the pillow did not smell like mine. I shot up like a rocket, looking around frantically. What had happened? Where the hell was I? My surroundings were not familiar, not in the slightest. The walls were painted a dull gray color, lined with white trim. The only things the room contained was one, large bay window that rested above the huge, four-poster bed I was sitting on. The sheets and duvet were the same grays as the walls and dark, navy blue on the underside. There was also a small, old oak chest that sat in the corner. On top of the chest, there was a mirror, that was outlined with what looked like beautiful, hand carved roses that were tangled in ivy branches. Panic started to set in. I had no clue where I was, and I couldn't remember how I got there. That wasn't a good situation to be in. Had I been kidnapped? Had I made yet another stupid mistake? The latter was more likely since all I seemed to do was mess up. Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself up and looked out the huge window. Before me lay a huge blanket of pure white, glistening snow. It seemed to stretch for miles, shining in the sun. Where the hell was I? Surely they didn't have snow like this in California, especially in the summer. "So you're awake," A voice said. Gasping, I whipped my head around, ready to scream. But, instead of scream, all I managed was a weak squeak that sounded more like I was choking on a grape. Anthony laughed, shaking his head. "Sorry, did I scare you?" "What the hell?" I finally managed to ask, somewhat over the fact that my kidnapper was Anthony. I was in no real danger. "Where are we?! How did we get here? ...Why am I here with you?!" The more I thought about it, the worse this situation looked. I was still incredibly mad at Anthony, there was no way I would've willingly come with him. "Look, Bree, let me explain-" "How did you get me here?!" I roared, outraged. The last thing I remembered was drinking the drink that he gave me, and then I woke up on this bed..."Oh my god, did you drug me?!" Anger bubbled in my stomach like boiling lava. I thought he was my friend! "It's not like that-" He tried again, but I quickly jumped to my feet. "It's exactly like that!" I screeched, stomping up to him. "Where am I, Anthony?! Take me home, right now!" He gulped, his eyes growing wide. My cheeks and ears were flushing red in anger. Fueled by rage, I lifted my right hand and slapped him across the face. Anthony's head snapped to the side as his mouth fell open. "Okay...I probably deserved that..." He whispered, looking at the ground. I scoffed, crossing my arms. "No, what you deserve is a good kick in the balls." Actually, the thought was tempting, but seeing as he took a big step back at my words, I decided a slap would do. For now. "Take. Me. Home, Anthony. Or so help me, I'll make sure you never have children!" "I brought you here for a reason!" He pleaded desperately, "Trust me, I wouldn't have drugged you, but you wouldn't have come with me otherwise! I-" "Damn right I wouldn't of come with you," I interrupted again, earning an exasperated look from Anthony. That's when I realized that, if I kept interrupting, I would never get an explanation, so I clamped my mouth shut, walked calmly back to the bed, sat down, crossed my legs, and waited patiently for him to continue his story. Anthony looked at the ground, unable to hold my furious gaze any longer. "I'm sorry, okay? For everything. For leaving you twice, disappointing you, confusing you, and drugging you. We'll just add those to the long list of things I've done wrong, but I brought you here so I could explain." His voice was just above a whisper, and for a second I thought I had misunderstood. Explain?! I didn't want an explanation, and I didn't need one Bottom line was he couldn't be trusted, his actions continued to prove that every day. What I needed was to get him out of my life for good. Anthony must've seen something on my face because he quickly continued. "I knew the only way to get you to listen was to bring you here...Plus, once I tell you, you won't believe me without proof. Even then I have a feeling you'll be doubtful." Slowly, he sat down next to me on the bed, waiting for me to scoot away or object. I didn't only because I was becoming more and more curious what his little secret was. "Where are we, Anthony?" I asked. He sighed and looked out the window, twiddling his thumbs. Of course he had been waiting for me to ask this question, but he looked almost hesitant to answer it. He bit his lip, obviously choosing his words carefully. "My dad's house," He finally answered, locking eyes with mine again. I sucked in a breath, not daring to look away. "He's the reason I had to leave again." "Anthony quit feeding me bullshit!" I screamed, jumping up. All my anger hadn't gone away. I was having trouble containing it. Could you blame me? I had five years of anger and frustration built up inside of me. "You're twenty-three years old, your father does not control you!" "In our case, it's a bit different then most," The twitching of his lips made me think he found this amusing, which only made me angrier. "Don't hit me again, please!" He pleaded, lifting his hands in surrender. I huffed and marched across the room. It would be better if there was a large distance between us. "There's no easy way to say this..." "Oh for goodness sake, just spit it out," I said, exasperated. "Fine." His lips stretched into a thin line, and I leaned forward slightly in anticipation. "My dad's Santa Clause." Blinking, my mouth fell open. I had been expecting anything other then what had come out of his mouth. It seemed so absurd and impossible, it was actually humorous, despite my obvious anger. I started to laugh, squeezing my eyes shut and doubling over. "And my dad's the Easter Bunny," I gasped in between giggles, leaning my head back in silent laughter. It was to the point where no sound was coming out, but I was still in hysterics. Sure, I had believed in Santa for the longest time. In fact, I didn't really stop till the Christmas I thought I saw Anthony fly away in a sleigh. Then I was convinced I was going crazy, because certainly, Santa wasn't real. Was he making fun of me? "I was serious," Anthony growled, making my laughter come to a stop. My head snapped up, only to find Anthony was clenching his jaw, fists held so tight the tips of his knuckles were white. I gulped. "You know, maybe we should take you to see a doctor..." I trailed off, wondering if my words would set him off. Clearly, he was unstable, because he legitimately thought his father was Santa Clause. He had even taken me somewhere snowy for effect. "Bree, I don't need a doctor," He exclaimed, standing up. "That's why I had to leave you both times. Because my dad told me I was hurting you." After a moments shock, I was able to think of a reasonable response. "You didn't think that leaving me was hurting me, as well?!" I took a step closer, making fists with my hands. "Until the day you left you weren't causing me any damage, Anthony!" For the time being, I was able to leave the Santa problem aside. "Yes, I was," He insisted, taking a deep breath to calm down. "Since my dad's Santa, that means I'm next in line for the job. When I was seventeen, I didn't really understand how that worked, but by kissing you...God, this is so hard to explain!" I roughly ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. "IusedmagicthatIdidn'tknowIhadonyou," He spit out in a rush, looking a little relieved when he was done. I wrinkled my face in confusion. "Slower, please," "I used magic that I didn't know I had on you," He said slower, sitting back down on the bed. I sat next to him. "Well, I guess that's not true, because I knew I could use magic, but at that age, I couldn't really control it. When I kissed you, all I could think about was how much I loved you, because even though we hadn't known each other that long, I had fallen in love. Because that's what I was thinking about, I also wished that you loved me back. Magic is a funny thing, really...It took my wish and made it come true." Through his whole speech, all I could think about was how many more lies he was giving me. It was complete and utter nonsense. How crazy was he? "Anthony," I said gently, placing a hand over his, "Magic doesn't exist." Through all my anger, I still felt a little sorry for him. I thought he was mentally disturbed, and I wanted to help him in any way I could. He shook his head, "It's done." It was two, simple words that left his mouth. He sounded so sure of himself it was almost hard to believe he was telling a lie. Slowly, I removed my hand. "My dad didn't let me come see you again because he knew our relationship would never work,-" "He didn't have the right!" I exclaimed, "He didn't know, we were just fine before-" "I'm immortal, Bree," He whispered. "We wouldn't work because you would grow old, and I would stay like this. He was just trying to help." I can't even explain the emotions running through me at that moment, but I can try. I was confused because I knew that this story couldn't be true, but a part of me was telling me to believe Anthony. I was hurt because his father had possibly torn us apart. I was mad because Anthony had drugged me to get me here, and because of the constant lies coming from his mouth. But, I was also sorry. Sorry that someone could be so messed up in the head. "You can't be immortal," I whispered, "It's impossible. I think you're just sick, okay? But you can get better, and I'll help. We just have to-" "There's nothing wrong with my head!" Anthony insisted, grabbing both of my shoulders. "My dad's Santa, Bree, and because of that, he can keep me here. He's older and stronger, he can keep someone put if he wants. The only reason I was allowed to come back was to break your heart. He said I had to set you free from my magic, and that was the only way. I was trying to help you! You have to believe me." I smiled sympathetically. "I'm sorry, but I can't. Anthony, none of what you're telling me is real." "But it is," He muttered, offering me a hand. "Let me show you." I didn't even have to think about it. I took his offered hand and let him lead me out of his dad's house, walking straight into a winter wonderland.
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