Chapter Three

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Tatum: I watched her from the balcony. Her long black ponytail swayed in the warm morning breeze. My chest ached for her. I looked back to the woman who was meant to be a one-night stand that ended in an unplanned pregnancy. I chose to be the man that child deserved, but seeing Ivy, knowing she was meant to be mine… f.u.c.k, it hurts. I don’t understand how the rejection had been made and accepted, and yet my want for her is otherworldly. I love Maddie. She’s a great girl. She’ll be a great Beta female and a wonderful mother. “Please, Goddess, help me understand,” I whispered my prayer. When Ivy and the guy from last night walked into the training facility, I let my feelings get the better of me. I threw on some joggers and a muscle shirt. I kissed Maddie and let her know where I was going. She decided to come along. I needed to know if those physical tingles that had intensified with Maddie after the rejection were still there with Ivy. We made our way into the kitchen. Everyone seemed to act normal to us despite them knowing what I had done. “My daughter decided that having you as her Beta is best for Clearwater. Make no mistake, boy. I will throw you into the depths of hell if you try any funny business.” King Knox whispered into my ear. “Yes, Your Highness. I have no ill intentions towards Ivy or the kingdom.” I spoke softly, looking at the floor in respect of my king. “Neither do I, your Highness, I too am a Beta, and I pledge myself to your kingdom and its royal family.” Maddie fisted her hand over her heart, also looking at the floor in respect of the king. “Good. Carry on.” King Knox said, pinching the skin between his eyes in irritation. Maddie and I made our way down to the training area. We opened the door and stumbled, stilling in our place. Ivy was beating the hell out of Nolan. He couldn’t get a hit in edge-wise. “Wow,” Maddie whispered, watching Ivy use a leg drop to take Nolan down. His shirt was off. That unsettled my wolf, knowing she had touched his bare skin. But not like it would if it were Maddie touching him. Maybe it is a delayed reaction. Perhaps the rejection will take time to go into effect. “She’s been training since she could walk. Ask her any questions related to the kingdom. She could answer it. She is a brilliant leader.” I said, forcing myself to look at Maddie and not admire Ivy. “I’m sorry… about all of this,” Maddie whispered, cupping her swollen stomach. “Don’t be sorry, things happen, and I don’t regret my choice.” I kissed her forehead. I don’t regret it. I just… I don’t understand the feelings in my chest blooming for Ivy. She was my best friend our whole lives, and I want that back. That hurts just as much as everything else. “Wanna go, Beta?” Ivy smiled her slick grin at me. She is being playful, and this is my opportunity to see if those tingles of the bond are still there. Maddie pushed me forward, too excited to see me get floored. I took in Nolan, a sweaty mess with a busted lip. Then I looked at Ivy, who had barely broken a sweat. “Sure,” I said, trying to cloud my excitement. I charged her, surprised that I didn’t even get my hands on her. She grabbed me and flipped onto my head. The slight touch of her fingers on my arm was electrifying, but she didn’t seem to notice, so I thought I had felt things until she locked me in a figure four, and the tingles that erupted through me made the pain of the leg lock minuscule in comparison. “F.u.c.k!” I tapped out, making her laugh. “Well, it’s been real fun guys. But I need to prepare for The Royal Games.” Ivy said, standing to her feet and wiping her face with a towel. “I’m so sorry, Your Majesty,” Maddie said with tears in her eyes. I was shocked Ivy addressed her respectfully with her official title. She could have us transferred or stripped our titles completely, but she respectfully addressed us. We both blame ourselves for what happened during our one night of fun. We knew better, but we had liked each other for years… it just happened. “Don’t apologize, Beta. Everything happens for a reason. I believe this outcome was written for me long before the stars freckled the skies.” Ivy held her head high. I was still buzzed by her skin, and I could tell by the look in Nolan’s eyes he knew something was up. “I could help you prepare if you want.” Nolan’s eyes sparkled when he looked at her, ruffling my wolf’s heckles. “That’d be great, Nolan. Thank you.” She placed her hand on his arm, puffing his chest with pride that he bit back. “We’re free as well, Your Majesty.” I bowed respectfully, referring to Maddie and I. I just didn’t like her being around this guy alone. “Please call me Ivy. I don’t like formality. We’re alone, no one here but us. You don’t have to use my title. Both of you… Just call me Ivy.” she said, ignoring my offer of help. Maddie wrapped her hand around my arm, bowing to Ivy. “Thank you, Ivy.” I also bowed, accepting she didn’t want my help with the predicament my rejection had gotten her in. I tried to get lost in the warmth of the tingles caused by Maddie’s arm on mine, but I could still feel the electricity from Ivy burning on my legs, and now my confusion is worse than ever. Ivy: Nolan and I left the gym, leaving Tatum and Maddie inside. When the warm summer air hit my face, I let go of the air that had felt so heavy in my lungs. I grasped the wall, breathing slow, deep breaths. The tears fell from my eyes, hitting the soil beneath my feet. “Talk to me.” Nolan’s hands went around my waist, trying to steady me. “The bond is gone. I didn’t feel anything when I touched him.” My tears were a mix of the loss of what should have been and relief that whatever it was is over now. I could have loved him so much; I know I could have… h.e.l.l… I did love him. Now that love is long gone, and I feel incomplete. “What can I do?” Nolan asked, his hands still sitting low on my hips. “Nothing. Let’s just go. My father needs to speak with us.” I took another deep breath before drying my face off and shaking away my feelings. We took the stairs that led to my father’s office just off the side of my own. We entered to find my father and grandfather Alistair brooding in the room. “Papa!!” I grabbed him, hugging him tightly. “I heard you’re going down in history as the first queen to fight for her own hand in the games. I’m proud of you, pickle.” He kissed my hair before letting me go. “Thanks. What are you doing here?” I asked, standing close to him, enjoying how his chilled skin chased away the flames licking at mine. “Well, when I heard you were competing, I decided to make something for you, and your grandma sent something for you as well, but your father said he didn’t want it around him, so I will have to give it to you later.” I scoffed, wondering which father didn’t want whatever the gift was around them. “Come on, I’ll show you.” He directed us to a portal he had cut into the universe to take us, goddess, only knows where. Nolan and I followed him, stepping into a place of overgrowth and heat so thick you could cut the humidity. “Jesus, Papa. This is… Hot!” I wiped the sweat gathering on my forehead. “I don’t know the arena you will be in for your games. But usually, it’s one of four, which will prepare you to battle in the elements.” I looked around, tearful at the love and consideration he had put into this for me. “Thank you.” I wrapped my arms around him again, thankful for the love they gave me. After he left, Nolan and I spent the next six hours sparring in this world my grandfather had created. We were lying on the ground by the sixth hour, painted in dirt and sweat, panting for air and sore everywhere. “You’re rough, you know that?” I laughed at Nolan’s question. “You hold your own pretty well too.” I looked over at him. His face was much too close to mine. His autumn eyes were burning in the setting sun. Handsome… he’s gorgeous. “We should go. It’s dinner time.” I told Nolan, crawling to my feet before this went somewhere else. “I need a shower.” He grumbled, getting to his own feet. Now that it was this close to nighttime, I couldn’t help but wonder if the shadow man would return when I lay down to sleep. Would he invade my rest with his chilling shadows and icy hands? Is it wrong that I hope he does?
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