A New Village

1679 Words
Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Dragath….. “Why are we stopping now?” Simon growled as he confronted one of his generals. “I’m sorry your highness. Our southern army was supposed to meet up with us here and hasn’t arrived yet. We will have to wait here for them.” The general shakily got out. Simon stomped off of his horse. “Set up camp!” Simon barked and stared out over his army as they scurried about doing their duties. Just a little bit longer he thought and let his mind drift. ~One year earlier~ “Why can’t we just get married and be together? I don’t understand. Why must you follow through with your fathers plans?” A young woman pleaded. Simon rolled his eyes “Look Eliza, I want what is best for us and what is best for the kingdom. I know that this doesn’t seem ideal for you, but it is what must be done.” “I heard your father talking, you are going to have children with her!” Eliza screamed. “Yes, but we will raise them. I need her children to make sure Dragath stays in power. The prophecy says that she will give birth to children that will rule all of the kingdoms.” Simon looked over at Eliza “Try to understand that this is what is best. She will be locked away in one of the prisons. All I want from her is to have children. Then after that, she will be killed.” Eliza pouted “It’s not like I have a say.” Simon looked away from her and up to the night sky. The moment was soon approaching when he would acquire the Crimson Princess for the sake of his kingdom. Their dark prophet was able to find the identity of the Crimson Princess and Simon, with his father, had been planning carefully ever since. They planned to offer an alliance and a union through marriage first, but if that ended up failing, they would take her by force. His father didn’t like him having a relationship with Eliza and was afraid it would steer him off course. He had to convince his father of his determination and that no one would stop him from their plans. He had been training since he was young and the time was finally almost here. The Crimson Princess is a gift meant for the kingdom of Dragath. As far as Simon was concerned, she belonged to them and no one took what was his. ~Back to present~ The sun was beginning its evening decent and night would soon arrive. The cool, crisp air attacked Simon’s face, but he didn’t budge from it and continued to face it head on. The moment was almost here and he had set his wicked gaze unto the kingdom of Adalon. “Pfft” he scoffed. “You think you’re too good for me to reject my proposal…. Now see what is in store!” His heart had grown more cold after their first rejection and hate poured in when he was later ignored. He couldn’t wait to bring them to their knees and lock up the Crimson Princess. Soon…..very soon. —— Alexander and his soldiers arrived in the little village at the edge of the Shadow kingdom. Leon was already there with his horse secured to a post. He nodded to Alexander as he entered the village, letting him know all was clear. The villagers continued to go about their business, while keeping a watchful eye on the strangers. “Okay men, take some time to buy what we need and stretch your legs.” Alexander said, as everyone began to dismount and stretch their legs. Serenity followed suit. She wasn’t used to riding that long and felt a bit stiff after getting out of the saddle. “Wren. Stay in sight.” Alexander ordered. Ugh, ease up overlord, Serenity thought, rolling her eyes. She scanned across the village and at the different vendors. She noticed a young boy, who was maybe the age of 10, excitedly loading a wagon and walked over to him. She cleared her throat and said in her man voice “Going on a trip?”. The young boy looked to her and beamed. “Yes, my father and I are going to the castle to trade. This is the first time I will be seeing a castle!” The young boy exclaimed. Serenity smiled, happy to see that he wasn’t afraid of her. “We are heading that way as well, maybe I will see you there.” Serenity grinned. The young boy looked at Serenity and wiped his nose with his sleeve, then held out his hand “I’m Phillip.” Serenity scrunched her nose a bit and then also extended her hand to the kid, “I’m Wren.” “Are you a page? You seem awful young for a soldier. You can’t be more then a few years older than my son.” A man spoke out approaching Phillip. “I...uh… am a new soldier.” Serenity stumbled over the words a bit, mainly because she was just compared to a 10 year old child. Man, if Alex had heard that, he’d be laughing his butt off, Serenity thought, as she glanced around to see where her tormentor was. To her surprise he was standing right behind her. Yep, life hates me, she thought. “This little pip squeak right here just begged to come with us. We couldn’t turn the young boy down so we brought him on as our little mascot soldier.” Alexander grinned patting Serenity on the back like a good chum of his. What an asshole, Serenity thought. The boys father chuckled and helped his son, Phillip, into the wagon. The two turned and waved and made their way on their journey. Alexander smirked down at Serenity, knowing she’d be fuming, but to his surprise she was still staring off at the direction of the little boy smiling. “I’m glad they didn’t seem as afraid as the other people did.” Serenity said softly. “I told you, he’s been much better these last two years. Come on, let’s get what we need so we can find a good place to camp before it gets dark.” Alexander said, steering her back towards the other vendors. “Are you only camping on my behalf? I remember you saying you usually rode through the night.” Serenity c****d her head to the side. “It’s hard to see whats waiting for us during the night. I want to be a bit more cautious. Plus, I know you aren’t used to this length of travel, especially on horseback. It’s really for the best.” Alexander shrugged. Serenity didn’t argue with it. The fact was, she was tired from riding and resting sounded like a good idea. She made her way to some of the vendors and bought a few snacks she couldn’t resist. After all, food was a weakness of hers. The soldiers made their way back to their horses and rode off for their last leg of their journey for the day. Leon, per his usual, had rode off ahead and already had a campfire prepared when the group arrived. Serenity was tired, but excited. This would be the first time she would be sleeping out beneath the stars. Everyone tied up their horses and then began to get themselves situated, laying their blankets down in various places on the ground in a circle around the camp fire. The sun had finally retreated from the sky, leaving a soft blue light. The area where they had made camp was fairly open with just a few large trees surrounding them. You could tell that Leon took strategic thought in the place he had made the camp. It was an area where they couldn’t be ambushed and would be able to hear and see anyone coming. Serenity held her blankets tight up against her chest and scanned the surrounding area for a spot to lay her blanket down. A gentle arm swooshed behind her back and started to corral her to the area by the large tree. “You’re with me” Alexander stated. Alexander trusted his soldiers, but wasn’t about to let a beautiful girl lay beside them for the night. There is no way they would be able to sleep with her beside them, he thought. He led her over to the other side of the camp fire where a large tree could guard one side of them. He spread his blanket down and motioned for Serenity to put hers a few feet beside his. Serenity sat down on her blanket and took the uncomfortable helmet off of her head. She looked over at Alexander as he sat down on his blankets next to her. “Not a bad first day.” “No, I imagined worse.” Alexander chuckled. Serenity rolled her eyes and rested on the back of her hands. She looked up at the sky and watched as the small stars began to pepper the night sky. The sound of crickets and tree frogs began their chorus, creating a lulling background noise. Serenity felt her eyes begin to droop as she laid down and snuggled her blanket up. She glanced over at Alexander, whose eyes were already closed and listened to the sound of wood crackling from the fire. “Alex?” “No, I’m trying to sleep little bird” Serenity ignored him and continued “Will we get there tomorrow?” It depends if I can go to sleep so I can wake up early” Alexander snorted. He always was a grump when it came to sleep Serenity thought. “Good night.” she chirped. “Good night.” Alexander mumbled. Serenity laid there and let the heaviness fill her eyelids. She drifted off to sleep, wondering about the journey tomorrow and the new sights she would see.
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