Living In

2156 Words
After half an hour of waiting, we finally ride a taxi. I put the two bags in the trunk but the delicate things like the posters and some action figures are on my lap right now. I couldn't help but smile while thinking that we're gonna live together from now on. It feels like we're live-in partners. Oh, wait... we're gonna be. Yeah... “What?” she asks. She noticed me smiling. “Nothing.” “Uh-huh?” she smugs, elbowing my side. “What are you thinking about?” “Is it too fast for us to be living together?” “Not at all, I think. Well, it doesn't feel wrong for me. What about you?” “I feel the same way as you do. That's why I'm wondering.” She grabs my hand and held it firmly. My stomach flutters. We arrive at her place in no time and we start unloading. She carries the posters and other things while I drag the two bags on the way to her door. It's quite embarrassing to carry this much stuff in the elevator. I think I'm being a nuisance to other people by taking more space. A great relief I feel when we exit. We go to her door. She opens it and as expected, Sora comes to greet us. “Hello, Sora,” I greet him. She puts the things she was carrying on the sofa then kneels to pet him. “Papa Kevin will be living with us from now on. Be a good boy.” Putting my luggage in the corner of the room, I ask, “Papa?” She looks at me over her shoulder, still kneeling, and says, “Yes. You're his Papa and I'm his Momma.” I sigh with a smile because that was so sweet! I'm dead. I grab my posters and put them in the same corner where I put the bags. “Put your clothes in the cabinet,” she says. “I'll make a space for you. Hang on.” She stands up and goes to her room while I pull my luggage all the way there. Sora follows behind me, sniffing them. While I open the luggage, she's busy transferring some of her clothes from one compartment to another. I put my clothes in the empty spaces and she helps me. “Let's put the posters on the wall,” she says after we're done here. “Okay, but do you want to stick them on your walls? We don't have to if you don't like it.” “Nah, I want to. It'll feel like my old room when we were kids.” She grins with closed eyes. So, we start to stick them onto the walls of the room. I have a lot of posters and we find it problematic as to how we can make them all fit. Eventually, we did and I have no idea how we did it. It was like we solved a puzzle by accident. “There,” she sighs, sitting on the bed. She's sweating. “You're sweating too much,” I remark. “Yeah,” she nods, wiping her forehead with her arms. “I'll take a bath.” She removes her shirt and shorts in front of me before walking to the bathroom. I couldn't help but stare at her as she just walks like I wasn't there. She was wearing a black bra and orange panties. The door of the bathroom is barely closed. She's comfortable showing this much. Makes sense because she even got n*ked when we first slept here. Also, I already saw her in her underwear a lot of times. What's next? Oh... now that I thought of it, the next step would be... seeing her n*ked. I'm getting curious. Sh*t, I'm getting hard. Then she throws her bra and panties outside the door. *Gulp* What do her panties smell like? What do used panties smell likes in general? I'm curious. I've searched about it and some say it smells like a baby's armpits—that tangy smell because of their sweat. I have smelled it because I have a younger brother and sister. I wonder if that's what Eli's panties smell like... What the heck?!! No... you're being disgusting, man. Stop it or you'll get kicked out! I step back from the door, turn around, and then walk to the fridge to get something to drink. It's to distract me from my dirty thoughts. But... I can't deny it. I want to know. I have to! She comes out of her room with her hair wrapped in a towel. She's wearing very loose clothes and very short shorts. Wait... she's not wearing a bra? Her... nips... are making bumps under her shirt. I look away and watch the sky through the window. Oh, the weather's nice today. “Hey,” she calls me from behind. “What?” I ask, turning around. “Why are you so stiff?” “Stiff? I'm not! I respect you!” She narrows her eyes while smiling as she sits on the sofa. Her arms and elbows are on the back of it, rests her chin on her arms, and stares at me. “I wasn't talking about your d*ck,” she chuckles. “What? Then-” “I was asking about your voice and gestures.” She smugs after a giggle. “You saw my n*pples didn't you?” “I didn't!” “Okay, then come here.” “Why?” “Let's cuddle here all day and watch TV.” I smile, saying, “Don't mind if I do.” She lies down on the sofa and I put myself on top of her. There, we kiss before she scooches for me to lie behind her. With the remote, she turns on the TV and we watch a movie. We just chill like that. I kiss her nape a lot of times and she curls her head back. I figured out that she's ticklish there. Then, she falls asleep. It's so soothing to hear her calm breath as she sleeps. It makes me glad that she's comfortable with me. The TV is still on and we haven't finished what we watched. I'll let it play because it somehow acts like background noise for this moment. Maybe I'll take a nap too. Being this close holding her will make me fall asleep faster. So, I close my eyes for a few minutes but I can't. I'm not sleepy at all. I've slept fine last night. Okay, let's just wait for her to wake up. I bet she's awfully tired. Balancing work and schooling is hard. *Sniff* Her neck smells so good... All that time, I just close my eyes but awake, enjoying my place here right next to her. Now that I think of it, why is our relationship kinda going smoothly? Is it strange? Should I be happy? Of course, I should be happy. I couldn't ask for more. This is already the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Why am I thinking about that? Though, hardships and conflicts strengthen the bond—they say. What hardship have we encountered? That time in Tokyo that I was beaten up? Oh... yeah... that's one. But I was thinking more about things that will try to set us apart, testing our feelings about each other. She's yawning. “What time is it?” she asks, stretching her body. I'm holding her so she won't fall off of the sofa. “It's 11,” I answer. “You still wanna sleep? I'll cook lunch.” “Yeah,” she nods, scooching back to rub her back against my chest. She's like a cat. A hot cat. “Okay, wait here.” I sit up and leave the sofa. To the kitchen, I walk, thinking about what I should cook. Thanks to her training, I learned a few dishes. Mostly, Japanese home dishes. I wanna cook that fried rice she cooked for both of us a while back. That has become my favorite. Okay, I'll try to make it. Although, I think I couldn't acquire the exact taste. Does she have chilled rice from last night? The rice cooker is at the far left end of the ledge. Oh, look at that, she has leftovers. It's enough for one person. Even so, I'll cook it for her and I'll eat what I'll find later. I light up the stove, prepare the pan and chop the ingredients. I cook them in a pan and hope that the fumes of the sizzling ingredients reach her. I can tell that it smells so good. After a few more minutes of cooking, it's done. But... it's not looking the same way as her fried rice. I'm kinda disappointed in myself. I don't dare taste this and be disappointed even more. “You done?” she asks, sitting up. “Yeah.” I'm already putting the fried rice in a bowl on the table. I have to be careful not to spill any grain. She just sits there and smiles at me until I walk back to the kitchen to soak the pan in the sink. “It's barely enough for both of us,” she remarks. “Yeah. It's for you, babe,” I smile at her over my shoulder. She looks away, smiling. Then comes back to look at me. “What about you?” “I'll eat whatever's in your fridge.” “Let's eat this together and eat what's in the fridge together.” “That's a good idea,” I nod. “Come here.” Using her chopsticks and holding the bowl in her left hand, she eats the rice. “Delicious!” she exclaims. I kinda doubt it, so I ask, “Really?” “Yeah. Why are you looking at me like that?” “Maybe you're just pretending.” “What are you talking about? Here, have a taste of your cooking.” She feeds me using her chopsticks. Oh... she's right... “See?” she asks. Looking away, I swallow and say, “I still love your fried rice.” “Well, I love yours more. Please cook more of this for me.” “I will.” “But it'll make me fat.” “It's okay for you to be fat.” She smiles at me. “But I still don't want to be fat. I don't wanna throw away what I've been working on for years. I want to be healthy and fit so I can live longer.” “Then, how about every Friday?” “That's good! Let's do it! I'll cook for you my recipe and you cook this for me. How about that?” “That's what I'm thinking.” We eat happily, just the two of us. It's like she has been my world lately. My lonely daily life before has been filled by her. I was eating meals alone, laughing on my phone alone, and sleeping alone. Now, she's everywhere. She has become my life all of a sudden. The first week of the second semester started. We wake up at the same time and I let her take a bath first while I prepare our breakfast for us. I prepare her salad as she said to me. Meanwhile, I cook rice for myself. I'm gonna pair it with canned sardines. In the meantime, I put her salad on the table. She's done taking a bath and it's my turn. With a towel on her head and her body covered with another towel, she checks her closet. “Your salad is ready, babe,” I tell her. “Thank you, babe,” she answers, still busy finding her clothes. I get in the bathroom. It smells so good here. Not wasting more time, I turn on the shower and clean my whole body. D*mn, I'm getting a hard b*ner, thinking if we could take a bath together—that would be a dream come true. So, I imagine holding her waist while we share the shower. Then we would wash each other, touching each other everywhere. Yeah... but that's gonna be far in the future. Right now, I'll focus on what's within my reach. Time to brush my teeth. I already put my toothbrush in here when I moved. It's just beside the bathroom sink in the toothbrush holder mounted on the wall. Wait... what's- She left her used red lacy panties hanging on the sink. I think it's dry. *Swallow* She's not here. She won't know if I took a sniff or two. I locked the bathroom door and she's probably busy eating her salad or looking at her phone. I'm gonna do it. I'm so curious right now that it itches my mind!
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