After the Blackout

1494 Words
After the blackout! Heck. What was I thinking then? I cannot do it and make him put a dead stamp on my character. Not that I haven't been into one night stands and it's bad unless with Coaster who would be tagging me like a w***e isn't acceptable too, even if someone points that Coaster wouldn't even remember of me later on to consider that point. But duh, I have my respect in my own eyes. "Daniel." I begin only to stop. "Yes, Missy." He muse. Fuck, I haven't even told him my name. It's going that way. And how would he be like? Does one night stand with a w***e whose name I don't remember? It's scary. I cringe at the thought and look at his amused face. But I have been there, done that. Funny, I didn't give a f**k then. Why does it matter with this man who is a real manwhore? On papers, at least. Wait, does my last one night stand man know my name? He did. He did not. f**k, I am a w***e. "Fuck." I blurt when I hit my own conscience. I hear a light chuckle. "Missy? Are you okay?" He laughs lightly. Missy? "I am fine," I say. Turn to the table, pour me a drink and have a single go. "Easy, baby. You had enough in the bar itself." He says. Missy? Now baby? Something gets into me. I pour another and chug it again. "Here you go again." He says and propping his arms staring at me smiling. "Yup." I put down the glass and do as he does. You are handsome. You have charming blue eyes and a dimple on your cheek. "Alright. " He sighs enacting a dreamy act. "McDreamy. " I laugh twitching his nose. " Fuck." He curses and laughs. "Me? McDreamy? " "You are. " I shake my head. "What about you, missy? Can I compliment your big and beautiful eyes which shines when you have naughty thoughts? " He brings his fingers to my eyes and I close it instantly. He runs it through my eyelid and shiver run down me. "You can." I blurt and giggle. I open my eyes inattention. Did I giggle? Wine is doing it... "Should I point out how sexily and subtly you lick the little of your upper lip more than twice a second?" His finger traced my lip. I am mortified. "f**k, your hairs. " he shakes his head and begins to play with my curls. And I. I just look at him in shock. "You have beautiful hair. " He finishes. " Do I? " Am I dumb? "You do. " I dive deep in his eyes. He is so handsome. He is so kind. These cruel people have made him look like a maniac in the newspaper. How can they do that you such a beautiful man? "You are a beautiful man, Daniel Coaster. f**k the world if it says otherwise. Okay?" I shake his head. "Damn, baby. You are now drunk." He says and chuckles. No, I am not. That much. I can think. "I am cool." I blurt. "Bet me against it." He muses and gets those f*****g dimples. "Oh fuvking lord, you show off your dimples in all 60 seconds.  " I laugh. He cracks loud this time. "Well, I can't stop. you are such a charming and funny woman." I smile at him.  " will you tell me your name now?" he asks. "My name?" "Yes, missy, your name?" "Well, " I scratch my head, "what the f**k is my name?" "Damn." He laughs. I watch his dimples. I stare at it. And then it stats yo to circle in. "Your dimple is getting deep," I say as his blurred face. "Your are losing you. ..." his voice trail and I am out. Did I drink too much? -- Warmth. Bubbles. And cheers from downstairs coming through the creek of my door to the small bedroom for four. I close my ears to subside it but it's doesn't soften. I'm the midst of the commotion and the warmth, I come across a strong fragrance. I inhale deeply to take all the good things in the bed. "wake up, Missy." A light chuckle reaches my ear. It's too sexy. And my mother is waking me like this? I open my eyes slowly. The lights get in and so the image of a charming smile of a man I met last night. I took the ride to his place. His place? I look down at the covers and the bed. It's not mine. And honey, you have been away from your house from ages. I look at his face again. He gives me a cheeky smile. Sitting up I try to put things together about last night scratching my head. "Are you up?" I block him. I woke up. Took a ride to rezmarir media for a job interview. Had a strong professional and life critique from an asshole. Got rejected the same day. Took to the apartment. Boom! I have to find another one because my landlady doesn't like me because her husband likes me. End up in the bar. Daniel coaster. He demands s*x implicitly  I fall in his arm. Blackout. Fucking blackout. Did I? f**k, did I? I panic. I turn up the cover and find myself in a f*****g man's boxer and a T-shirt. f*****g Coasters. I look up at his face and I squirm. Dammit, one nightstand. I don't even remember. "Are you okay?" He enquires bringing a cup close to me. Okay? I am not. "What happened last night?" I ask him sternly. "Last night." He chuckles and closes his eyes for a second. I am damned, they are shining ridiculously. "It was so much fun, missy." He says. It shivers to be to see the excitement in his eyes. I know he is replaying it all. Whatever happened, he must have liked it too much. I don't want to go to thinking of that road. It's too insulting. "Don't call me missy, " I say contorting my mouth. It should be better if I remembered it all. I mean he got what he came up to me in the first place. What kind of person I am? Why I had to drink that much? It wasn't like my life was f****d up just yesterday. I had been the same last year and even the year before that and I know I will be the same as I am today if I go on this way. Warming someone's bed? How does it feel Sarah? You don't even remember things. It's all hitting me bad. I am embarrassed and it's too low. I did not think I will end up acting like this. Instead of working hard for the next interview I choose sine random bar to end up like this. Yes, Sarah, it's too low. What was I thinking when I accepted his ride to his place? That isn't me. "Hey. Where are you going?" Hell, playboy. "I guess that was it. Probably my stay here should not at all be needed anymore, " I look around for my clothes. They must here and there lying. "You can't go like that. " He panics. Of course, he might need more of me. I don't reply and just look around his house which certainly is beautiful. For a second, a thought cross that this is the kind of house I love but why a wealthy man like him love it? It's not extravagant at all. "Uhh... What are you looking for?" He asks standing before me. I am on my four looking at his seam right before me. This brings me a very wrong cringeworthy idea. I turn away. "I want my clothes," I say. "Well you wouldn't find them on the floor, would you?" I look at his face thas fuming with annoyance and judgments. I should be doing that. But who am I to after all I was in my half senses when I claimed in your car. "Where would I find it?" " Anywhere but my fresh laundered bag, I guess," He says sarcastically. Ooh! You can speak. I realize I have my hands on my waist. "Please don't show me that attitude. Relax. " He says with his extremely flexed up face. He turns away and says, " And I made you breakfast. " "Eggs not beaten and waffles, " he says as he leads probably to his kitchen. I follow him. I find it a considerate act. "Just as you like." He adds and looks at me to gaze my expression. I am totally dumb. "How do you know?" I find myself whispering. "I asked you yesterday night." He says as he starts to shuffle with his cutlery. He asked me and he made it. Not even my boyfriend showed this kind of morning to me.
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