Episode 2

1665 Words
Unknown Point Of View I could hear her heart thumping wildly, I knew she was awake. So I wait for her to fall into her deep sleep. She is a deep sleeper, you can shout in her ear and she won't wake up. I chuckle at her. I heard her heartbeat going even, telling me that she was falling asleep but when I was certain she was at the edge of her sleep, I entered her room by the window to let her know, I was entering. Now, I am sitting on a chair at her study table which she has in the corner of the room. Light blue walls with the design of snowflakes on them, she has always liked winter. Wooden cabinets, a dressing table with her set of perfumes and makeup on it, and a medium size bed where my Queen is laying. I take in her sleeping form. Shoulder-length black hair with red stripes is splayed over the pillow and her beautiful body. Slim waist but some meat on her thighs but her face is hidden on the pillow. I frown at that, I want to see her face. I stand up and move toward her bed stopping beside it. I crawl on the bed above her but support my weight on my knees and forearms, not touching her. I lift one hand and move her hair from her face. There she is. I inch my face closer to her face and sniff her sweet intoxicating smell. I wonder what her blood tastes like in person, she is like a drug that I can't have enough of. I kiss her neck open-mouthed, my tongue dancing on her skin. I hear a moan, I freeze and look at her face, she is still asleep but her body is aware of me. I smile. I continue my torture, kissing her neck open-mouthed with my tongue leaving a cold trail on her skin. I enjoy her moans. My member twitches in anticipation, I press it against her backside and slowly rub myself up and down against her, my fists are clenched from the pleasure of rubbing against her. I like this position, I think of taking her like this. My mind is so twisted. But that's who I am. I see her clutching the pillow with her hands but her heartbeat is starting to get uneven. I smirked, she's in there again. With me. I wonder what I'm doing to her in her dream. I growl and for the last time, I suck on the side of her neck, hungrily then dash out of the window, leaving as if I was not even there. Alexandra's Point Of View I wake up, startled. Sweats are formed on my forehead, my hands are clutching the pillow tightly. I can feel my neck, wet, and a feeling of something being pressed against my backside. I sit up straight on the bed and look around in panic but find the room empty except for me. What is happening? Is this some kind of joke? Is someone playing with me? my heart starts thudding inside my chest. Tears form in my eyes, flowing down my cheeks and as time passes, tears become into sobs. I start to move out of the bed but stop in my action. I feel something wet between my legs. Am I ..... wet? I thought, horrified clearly written on my face. Why am I wet? That dream! I had it again! I can't believe I got wet from having a wet dream with a person I don't even know. My face heats up. I look at the window, it is still night and the window is closed. It could be the possibility that I am dreaming all this stuff as I am living alone for years without some physical interaction with any male. Yes, this can be it. Who knows I am doing this myself like putting some water on my neck right? And about the hickeys? Maybe, just maybe I did it with something, right? I'm in a full denial mood and I am not going to accept it that someone is coming here at night and taking pleasure with my body. I feel disgusted at that thought. There is no reason for thinking that. I lay in my bed, this time facing the ceiling. Maybe, I need some physical attention. Just something temporary, I can try something. Not permanent, definitely not. But I am scared, how am I going to do it? I close my eyes thinking it is Saturday, today. Maybe I could go to some club. Is it even a good idea? I don't think so. But there is no harm in trying besides I am a strong, independent woman I can handle anything if it goes out of hand. With determination I lay in my bed thinking, thinking about how am I going to attract attention. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is not a good idea. I knew it would not be a good idea but still, I did it. I hate myself, I thought as I stand in front of the mirror, looking at myself. The short sleeveless black dress which reaches just mid-thigh with a sweetheart neckline along with black high heels boots. I am not afraid of high heels, I can carry myself in anything. I have straightened my hair, with a ton of makeup on my face which consists of smokey black eyes and blood red lipstick. Wow my lips are sexy..bloody lips. I laugh dryly. I look like a slut but that's the point, I want everybody to think I am not a permanent type. Should I stay or should I go? I sigh. I am not going to change now. I lift my chin with fake confidence, take my clutch and move out of my apartment, get in my car, and head toward the club. I look at the neon sign flashing over the club door. I am a nervous wreck. My hands are all sweaty and I think, I am going to pass out. What to do? What to do? "Hey!! move aside." I hear a girl shriek and not even a second later someone bumps into me. I catch myself before I can fall. I see the same girl, giggling who is half leaning on the guy beside her. I look at the guy who is looking at me with lustful eyes. I scrunch up my nose in disgust. I turn around and take a deep breath to calm down my breathing and without thinking, I move into the club. Justin's Point Of View : (just a reminder, he is co-manager with Alex ) I look around the sweaty and horny bodies, here and there. Nobody is my type. 'Well nobody is my type since she came into my life' I thought, sighing heavily. I look at the girls who are giving me suggestive looks. I will take someone who will look like her. I just want her. Suddenly, my head snaps towards the club door as my favorite scent hits my nose. She is here ..she is f*****g here. She, Alexandra aka Alex is here. She likes to be called Alex rather than Alexandra. I like Alex, also. My eyes scan her body short black dress and look at those curvy legs with 'f**k me' heels. I groan, this girl will be the death of me. She looks nervous, I notice. I never thought she is the club type because I had never seen her in clubs or either hanging around. What is she doing here? I look at the guys, looking at her with lust in their eyes and I growl. No one can look at her. I make my way toward her, angrily. "What are you doing here?" I snap at her. She jumps a little and looks over but when she sees it is me, her visibly tensed form relaxes, and just by looking at her, my heart becomes soft. I sigh. "Hey, Justin. Thank God. You are here, I was just going to pass out here." She says in her melodic voice. "What are you doing here, Alex?" I ask again in a no-nonsense tone. She doesn't belong here. She tenses again before replying. "For the same reason, you are here for?" She asks uncertainly. I smirk at her. "You mean to get laid?" I whisper in her ear, and she blushes. Damn, I love her blush. "No no no. I am here to just chill. No laid plan..No." She says frantically but I know she is lying because it is written on her face, she is not here to just chill. But I don't say anything instead laugh and put my hands up in calming motion. "Relax .. Relax, I was just joking." I say, laughing. She relaxes a bit. Okay, if she is here for some pleasure. I have to make sure, I will be the only one to give her that pleasure..the sweet pleasure... "Come on, let's have a drink" I nudge her shoulder with mine. She looks up at me with those beautiful eyes and I see her eyes taking me in. I smirk. "Quite an art, aren't I?" I joke. She looks embarrassed of getting caught. "f**k off" she replied. Typical, I roll my eyes at her. Not f**k off... f**k you... If not today then in the future. I thought and drag her toward the bar. "One whiskey" I order my drink and look at Alex. "Umm... A glass of lemonade please.." She says, nervously. I smile at her choice of drink. "Loosen up, there is no boss here. Just have some fun." I say loudly because, the song which has started, is draining our voices. Her head snaps toward the source of music. Her eyes shone, her feet tapping on the beat of the music. So she likes this song. "Wanna dance?" I ask her and hold my breath. Please say yes...Please.
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