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Kepha and I have a habit of putting the call on speaker just incase there should be a back up plan for the conversation. Jonathan: kepha, long time. How is the going? Kepha: all is good on my end bro, how is the family? Jonathan: they are doing well. You guys should visit sometime. Kepha: we will make plans for that. Now I got a call from Angie earlier telling me she had been arrested by the police with three roles of bhang that had been found in her friend's car, a car that she uses once in a while. Jonathan: bhang! Kepha: yes, the problem is i am out of town and I'm not in a position to handle the case from here, I was wondering if you could step in and help with that. Jonathan: yes, i could. Angie is my sister and i can not let her go to jail. I will be looking into that shortly. Thank you for letting me know. Kepha: okay, give me a call in case you need my help with anything and pass my regards to the family. Jonathan: I sure will. Kepha hanged up and he was feeling a sign of relief. See talking to Angie's brother was the best idea since he was the only person that could respond to the issue as soon as possible and again, it was the only way we could save ourselves from getting arrested. ELSEWHERE AT THE G5 HIDE OUT. The other two members of the gang had waited for Nuksi and kip to come back but they did not only to find their bodies dumped in a ditch. They had raised an alarm and the bodies we collected by the police before they got to the hideout. Melvin: how did that even happen? Dufla: Nuksi didn't listen when we warned him men, he was tough headed. Slim: who was he going after? Dufla: kip filled me in a bit, he was going after some guy who had killed and taken over his father's company or something like that. Melvin: but why did he tell us despite asking him a thousand times. What was so hard in telling us his plans? Slim: he was Nuksi. He knew best and no one could tell him anything remember? Melvin: I don't think I can continue living this life anymore.. Dufla: but we can let it go down like that, we have to find the guy involved and finish Nuksi's mission. Slim: I agree. But there is a problem. Melvin: what problem? Slim: how do we know who he was going after? Dufla: when we got to the scene, I got Nuksi's phone, we can go through his messages and call logs then maybe we will get a lead. ELSEWHERE As we were chilling waiting for Jonathan to get back to us, I got a call from Betty and when i received it, she released world war three on me. She somehow found out that I buried Aliyah without telling her about it but how was i to reach her when she had pitched a tent in the enemies camp. How was i supposed to communicate with her when she didn't even care to tell me what was going on? Betty: she was my daughter too Henry. She shouted from the other end of the phone. Me: yeah, and where the hell are you huh? How many times did I call you but you never picked and if you picked you didn't give a damn? She was quiet but I could hear sobs. Me: didn't I ask you if you were being held against your will and you told me you were there because you wanted to be there, when you saw me at Brandon's school did you bother to speak to me? Betty: are you planning to take Brandon away from me too, why were you even at his school in the first place? Me: Brandon is my son and you can't keep him away from me. You and your psychopath of a lover better get this straight from me,.. I will be coming at you, both of you and I will take Brandon with me even if it means putting a bullet in your head too. Tell that to your lover as well. Betty: Henry! Me: don't ever call this number again. I did what I thought was best for my daughter as for you and your goons, Wait for my wrath. I finished talking and found Peterson and kepha both staring at me. Me: what? They both looked away without a word and minded their businesses. AT THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS Jonathan walked in to the place and spoke to a policeman who led him in and had him speak to Justus who was the officer that was in charge of Angie's case. Justus: and who are you to Angie? Jonathan: am her brother. What are the charges? Justus: drug trafficking Jonathan: my sister is not a drug dealer and besides that, the car you arrested her in is not even hers. Justus: so are you here to teach us how to do our job? Jonathan: I'm here to get my sister home. Justus: am afraid that is not going to happen until she tells us who supplies her with the bhang and where she was taking it. We also know her husband has a history of drug trafficking. Jonathan: what husband? Justus looked at him as if one of them was lost. Jonathan: Angie and her husband separated three months ago so if you think it's a family business then you are wrong. If you think her husband is the suspect and If you arrested her to get to her husband then you better let my sister go before.... Justus: before what? Jonathan: before I get your ass suspended. You think I don't know how you officers operate? You thought that by falsely arresting my sister you could pin the husband down? Justus: who do you think you are talking to, Justus asked sounding mire upset than Jonathan was and thinking he could intimidate him, he asked the other officers to lock him up too. Jonathan: don't you dare lay your hands on me. You cannot arrest me for telling you the truth and if you don't release my sister you will get it rough.. When the argument between Justus and Jonathan had become so heated, the inspector general of the police walked in, the same guy that Justus reported to and the worst part was that they had not been in good terms for the past few months. When the rest of the officers saw him approach they let go of Jonathan and stepped back... General: what is the commotion about? Jonathan turned and looked at him only to realize that they knew each other from way back. General: aaah, learned friend, you are the one causing trouble here? He asked shaking his hand and patting him on the back like the buddies that they were. Jonathan: not really but i have a problem with your officers. General: whats going on,... Justus? Justus' mouth had gone dry as he shifted his gaze from the general to Jonathan probably wondering why the world was too small.. General: let's finish this in my office... Jonathan and Justus followed the General into his office and when they got there the general sat as Jonathan and Justus remained standing when they both presented their reasons for whatever he had walked into and its only then that Justus realized that he had been talking to a lawyer who knew his and his client's rights. Kepha was now getting impatient since we had not heard from Jonathan in like an hour and a half and the only thought that crossed our minds was that maybe things got out of hand at the police station. Kepha: maybe I should call him again. He said pouring some more coffee in his cup and walking back to seat where he had been seated. Me: no. Let's just wait. If you keep calling, it might raise some eyes brows. Let us trust that he knows how to handle the officers. Kepha: let's talk about you. I thought you were to get your son today. Me: things got a bit complected. The mother showed up from nowhere, it's like she got information that I had gone to see Brandon at school. Kepha: how did she know? Me: that's what I want to find out, I think someone is keeping a close watch on me or us. Someone that is feeding both her and the Tom guy information about what i am doing. Kepha was surprised by that news. He looked at me then looked at Peterson who was somehow always busy on his iPad. Kepha; could it be "her?" He said pointing at Peterson in a way he could never realized he was the one being referred to as a "she". Me: no, I don't think so. Kepha: you can't be too sure. I think you need to find a way to steal "her" phone and check out what "she" has been upto. I shifted my gaze from him to Peterson then looked at kepha again. Me: you have a point. I think that could make sense because "she" barely parts with her phone. Peterson had been too busy on his iPad the entire time and what if he was the one disclosing everything about us, what if agreeing to work with us was just a plan to save himself, I mean we had been tagging him along everywhere we went. AT THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS The conversation between the Jonathan and Justus had gone deep that the general could not tell who was lying and who was telling the truth. Jonathan besides being Angie's brother was a lawyer so either way he knew how things were to go down. He challenged Justus to court with him as Angie's lawyer with a warning that if he won that case he was going to see it that he dropped that badge and served some terms in prison. The general knew just how good Jonathan was at his work I mean he defended a lot of people including a few politicians and so this was really not going to be anything to him. General: no, it doesn't have to get to that, the drugs could have belonged to anybody since the car your sister was driving was not even hers. The person that should have been arrested was the owner of the car but you see, she also says she doesn't know who planted the drugs there. Jonathan: so what is the way forward because I'm not leaving my sister behind. General: she will be released. Jonathan was not asked for any money like other people normally are, perhaps they felt like he would give them trouble so on general's order Angie was released from the cells and when she came out and saw Jonathan, she broke down in his arms and cried. Angie had never been to a police cell before so being there could have been a total horrible experience for her. Jonathan: it's okay sissy, you are free to go. Angie: I didn't do it, I didn't even know what those were when they were found. Jonathan: i know that. Please stop crying. He took her out of the police station and they met Caroline outside. She had been making a call and when she saw Angie out, she went rushing towards her. Caroline: Angie..... She called throwing her arms over her shoulders abd hugging her. Are you okay? Angie hugged her but she remained quiet then when they broke free from the hug she handed her the keys to the car.. Angie: I swear, those bhang were not mine. Caroline: I know that. I just don't know how they got there. Jonathan: unless it was a set up. Caroline and Angie both looked at Jonathan but he didn't give them much details. He asked Angie to ride with him since it was late and sleep over at his place then the following day she could go back to her place. She hugged Caroline again then got inside Jonathan's car and they drove off. On their way, Jonathan had Angie call kepha and she assured him that she was okay. When she asked kepha why he didn't come he said he was in another town at the moment for some business but he was on his way back home. After the conversation she hanged up and Jonathan was there waiting to have a conversation with her. Jonathan: what has kepha been up to, is he back in the streets doing business again? Angie: no. Jonathan: come on babe, don't lie to me. How did those drugs get in the car you were driving? Angie: I don't know Jonathan, wait, do you think he had anything to do with it? Jonathan: am just trying to figure out what happened to a point of you landing in a police cell. Angie: kepha would never do that to me. Jonathan: then where is he right now because I don't believe that crap about him being out of town? Angie was quiet. Jonathan: see I warned you against this life style you chose, i warned you against marrying a drug dealer you see the type of life you have now? Angie looked at Jonathan then asked him to stop the car. Jonathan: why? Angie: stop this car because am not interested in your lectures. I know my husband and i know he will never do what you are accusing him of. Stop the car or I will jump out. Jonathan did as Angie had asked and ste got out and started walking away and when he saw hiw serious she had been, he got out and followed her trying to convince her to get back inside but she wouldn't listen to him. Jonathan: Angie it's late and we need to get home. Angie: am not in the mood to listen to that kind of talk. Jonathan: fine, I will stop. I will not say anything about that anymore but please let's go home. As Jonathan was still trying to convince her, they heard a car drive at a high speed and made some emergency brakes right beside them and a guy drew out his hand and when Jonathan turned to check what was happening he was shot twice then the car drove of in the same speed leaving Angie screaming for help. She wailed looking for help but no one was really there so she dragged Jonathan to the car despite him being heavy and finally got him in. She took the driver's seat and drove off like a mad woman with tears rolling down her face. Jonathan was the only sibling Angie had and their love for each other was something else, atleast that's what everyone knew even though the love they have for each other was the type that git the people round the jealous " You can't die on me dear hang in there " she said stepping on it like she never did before. After kepha got a call from Angie we could now rest easy since we knew everything was was okay. Peterson excused himself to go to bed so kepha and I remained behind making plans. Kepha: I don't trust your guy dude. We should put him on for another test.. Me: you think so, i thought the videos we have are enough. Kepha: no. We need something solid. I know of an IT guy who can tap his tab and connect our phones to his so that we can see who he sends messages and what they talk about. The guy is supposed to be dead but he is on social media a lot. Me: so what do you suggest? Kepha: he has to be the one to pull the trigger on his brother. He wants revenge right? I looked at him and smiled. Kepha could appear so innocent but he was so dangerous. He always knew what to do when situations got out of hand as his mind was very alert all the time and I loved being in his team. Taking long to strike on Tom's territory means risking a lot of things, we were risking Peterson getting exposed and we were risking getting arrested because of the person I suspected was following us. Kepha: do you think Tom has someone following us? Me: I don't know if it's him or Betty but we should be very alert. We need to find out who that person is if at all there is any then see what to do. There has to be someone because if there wasn't my plans to kidnap Brandon would not have been screwed. Angie got to the hospital and rushed towards the reception to get some nurses who hurriedly helped her get Jonathan in. Angie: is he still alive? Angie asked since she did not see any for of life in him. The nurse checked the pulse and even though it was faint, she assured Angie that he was still alive. Angie: is he going to be okay? She asked escorting them to the emergency room and when they got there, they blocked her from getting inside. Nurse: we can't promise you that, but we will try our best to keep him alive. Please give his details at the reception and get a card. Angie went back to the reception and did what the nurse had asked of her then stepped out of the hospital to make a call. As we were still talking, a call came through from Angie's phone and when kepha received it, she was still crying and shouting at him instead. Angie: why are you not here that things gave go fall out of hand Kepha: baby, what's happening, why are you crying? Angie: Jonathan has been shot Kepha: what, by who? Angie: I don't know. Kepha: calm down baby, where are you right now? Angie: on our way to hospital. He is barely hanging in there. Kepha: don't panic, just get him to the nearest hospital and I will be there as soon as I can. Kepha hanged up and fit up almost immediately. Me: what's happening? Kepha: Jonathan has been shot and i need to get moving, Angie is totally freaked. Me: fine, am coming with you. I went in, got jackets for both of us. Made sure my gun had full rounds then joined kepha in the car. Kepha started the car and immediately sped off. Me: who shot Jonathan? Kepha: am waiting to get to the hospital do that I can get the whole story. He drove and when he was just about to take the main road, a car crossed right in front of us and kepha made an emergency brake. Kepha: s**t! He said as he stepped on the gas for reverse but another car blocked up from behind. Kepha and I both got our guns and started shooting and the guys shot at us too. The shooting became intense that we felt like we were not going to get out of there alive especially after a guy threw a petrol bomb at our car and we both had to dive out before the car explored with both of us inside. The moment we ran our of he car and dived on the ground as the car went in flames, those guys who were shooting at us had guns to our heads and both kepha and I had nothing else to do but to surrender. One of guys took our guns then orders the other guys to take us with them. We were knocked off then carried to the cars and they drove off... Am not sure what happened between the time we were unconscious and the time we were woken up by very cold water poured on us but we did in a very unfamiliar place. It was a room with Rasta men posters all over the walls with smell of bhang every where and I practically chocked. I coughed and looked around and saw kepha seated on a chair tied up on the other end of the room. Me: are you okay buddy? Kepha: okay, no. Am supposed to be at the hospital with Angie and her brother. I don't even know where my phone is man. She must be damn worried. Me: we will figure it out. From inside the room we could hear someone approaching but from the way the person was walking, I could tell it was a lady and when the door flew open, i was right. A woman walked in with two guys following closely behind and i was in shock. I was not shocked of the fact that we had been taken hostage by a woman but because the woman was none other than Sabina. The woman I had tortured several nights back at kepha's place. Karma was indeed a b***h only that mine knocked way too fast than i expected.. Sabina: hello boys... She laughed then walked up to where I was seated looking all hot in her right dress and heels, don't blame me. Am a man and we notice these things even in times we should focus on other things. This Sabina was different from the scared Sabina I tortured. This one was bold and confident and very attractive at the same time. Me: what the hell is this? I asked having done admiring how sexy and classy she looked. Sabina: this, is going to be your hell. Well I could just put a few bullets in you like you did to me but I want to make the pain slow as we wait for someone who is dying to see you in that condition... Me: and who might that someone be? Sabina: don't be in a hurry boy, you will see him when he gets here. Pull that one closer and get me very hot water in a dish. Me: wait, what do you want to do? Sabina: I want to make you feel double the plain you made me feel that day. I will deep you hand it the hot water and make it stay there as I watch your face turn red and when am done with you, you will not have a hand to hold a gun and threaten people again....
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