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The truth is I was equally shocked because I didn't understand how Mr. Peterson's cup had ended up in James's hand. Peterson got up and after thinking for a while he called the police. He explained to them briefly what had happened then ended the call and leaned on his table watching the dead man unbelievably. "What just happened here?" He asked and even though I had the answer to that question I could not respond because this was not the plan. Peterson was supposed to be dead and not there asking me questions... Peterson: this is so unfortunate. Please call the tea girl. We need to get to the bottom of this because it does not look good from where I'm standing.. I got out of the office and went to the kitchen to get the tea girl. No one was aware of what had happened in my boss's office except for me and him. Everyone else was busy minding their own businesses. When the tea girl got in and saw James on the floor she was shocked and quickly covered her mouth as she walked in and stood besides Peterson. She wanted to scream but obviously the shock could not allow her to. Peterson: Joyce, how are you? He asked trying to get her attention from the body that was lying lifeless on the floor. Joyce: I'm fine sir. She responded uncovering her mouth and looking at both of us. Peterson: who else works in the kitchen with you? Joyce: no one sir, it's just me. Peterson: is there anyone who came to the kitchen for any reason this morning? Joyce: one lady came to wash her water bottle and one other guy who came for coffee. Me: did they both find you in the kitchen or you found them? Joyce: they found me sir. What happened to Mr. James? Me: that is what we are trying to find out. It seems like he was Poisoned. Joyce: poisoned? She got down and started shaking him hoping he would wake up but he didn't. Peterson: no need for that Joyce he is dead. Joyce got up and she looked very worried I mean anyone would because at the moment all fingers were pointing at her since she is the one who served the tea. A few minutes later the police arrived after Peterson having called them. We were not able to solve the problem on our own but the police would be able to investigate and i had my fingers crossed that i would not be the one they came up with. Peterson called the receptionist to allow the police in and that's when it came to people's attention that something was really going on. When Joyce heard that the police were coming she started crying and i could tell that she was shaken i mean who wouldn't be.. the kitchen was her department and someone had died of poisoning. Why wouldn't she feel troubled? Joyce: I did not do it sir, my tea was just fine. Peterson: no one is accusing you of anything. The police are here to collect the body and ask a few questions. Just tell them what you know okay? Joyce nodded as she wiped away her tears before the police got in. We had a word with the police and as the other two carried the body and took it to the land rover they had come with. There was already a little crowd outside who had no idea of what was going on so they were just there the entire time camping around to collect information. The police decided to take in Joyce for questioning and Ondieki asked me to go with her to make sure she was not harassed into confessing a crime she didn't commit. We left the office with everyone staring at us and I knew seeing the police walk us out of the building was going to be the talk of the day. We got to the police station and Joyce gave her statement. She couldn't stop crying so I held her hand and assured her it was okay and I believed she didn't do it because I and everyone else had the same tea and nothing happened to us. I had to do something because it was my fault that she was in that situation. We got at the station explained ourselves and after recording the statement, the police let us go but said they would carry out an investigation in the building and fish out whoever was responsible for that. I had been a criminal for the better part of my life so not even those words shook me. I had been in worse situations than having to pull myself out of a mess. After we were done we got in a cab that took us back to the office and soon after Mr. Peterson called for a meeting to explain what had happened since everyone had their own version of what they thought happened. The day dragged and couldn't wait to get back to my little apartment. That was so close. Way too close that had there been a random search I would have gotten arrested but then again in an office of close to 30 employees who would be interested in killing someone they only met with in a meeting, a person who was very calm and collected most of the time. Later that evening I got to my apartment and lay in bed staring at the ceiling. What if joyce had walked in on me putting the poison in the boss's cup? A call came through interrupting my thoughts and I hadn't realized how time had flown by, it was around 10:00 pm and my wife was calling most probably because I had forgotten to call and check on them. I received the call and we talked for a while telling her how my day had been and how my attempt to do what took me there had failed and she got scared. My wife's reasoning was that I would mess up, get caught and she would never see me again, "what do you think I will do with myself and the kids when you are gone?" She asked and I didnt know how to convince her that everything was going to be okay because not even I was sure about those words. She called in the kids and let me talk to them before they went to bed. Brandon had resumed school and Aliyah had one more day before she did. She told me of the gifts she had gotten on her birthday and after our chat they both left for their rooms. The little time I spent with my family made me realize I had missed alot in their lives and now more than ever I wanted to be home with them. The following morning on my way to work, I got my news paper from my vendor as usual and to my surprise the first page of it had the picture of my boss and Mr. James and below it was me and Joyce being escorted out of the office by the police. "What the hell is this?" I asked myself taking my phone and calling my boss immediately knowing he had probably seen that because he was a news paper person... Mr. Peterson: I know why you are calling and trust me I will get to the bottom of it. Me: no no no, this is not good publicity for me sir, I have a reputation and what will my children think of me if they see this. Mr. Peterson: just come to work and let's meet in my office, I will address that. I ended the call and received another one that had been on hold. It was Tom and when i saw his name on the screen my heart skipped but I had to pick it anyway. Tom: what is this i'm seeing? Me: yeah, things happened and I got the wrong person and I don't think this is really the time to have this conversation Tom: what do you mean by you got the wrong person? Me: I poisoned his cup but someone else used it and he died instead. Tom: well I can see just how perfectly your way has worked. Do you know that am beginning to think I made the wrong decision in trusting you to carry out this job. Me: yes you did and that's what I kept telling you from the start but did you listen? Tom: be very careful on how you talk to me. One more stupid move like this one and i will give you some motivation. I let you handle things your way because you said you had a better way, if you get caught and throw us under the bus, you won't have a life to go back to. I hanged up and threw the phone on the other sit of my car and drove off in anger. Who the hell did this Tom guy think he was? If there was a reason I was playing along to his stupid demand it had to be because of my wife and kids. I didn't want to do things that would end up putting their lives on the line. When I got to the office I walked in and everyones eyes were on me. Joe came by my desk to ask what had really happened and I had to give him another version of the story. Joe was my closet buddy at my work place but I couldn't tell him what had really happened or the predicament I was in. A few minutes later Mr. Peterson called me to his office and I went with the news paper in my hand. When I got in he made a sigh and asked me to sit then offered me a cup of tea that he had carried from home. He told me that after what happened he couldn't trust anyone anymore. Me: Not even me? Mr. Peterson: except you, you know that besides being my employee you are like my son and right hand man. I trust you with things I don't trust anyone else with. Me: yes I know that. But this.... This is not good. Mr. Peterson: I have been looking into it. I called the offices of that media house and they told me they got the photos and the story sent to them by an anonimus person. Me: the photos were taken from inside so do you think there is someone fighting you and couldn't wait to drag your name in the mud? Mr. Peterson: there is a possibility. I'm tempted to believe that the same person poisoned my tea and the death that killed James was meant to be mine. Me: I'm sorry about that but if the person is within we need to find him and put them behind bars because am sure they would make another attempt. Mr. Peterson: how do you know it's a he? Me: I don't, but I don't think any female would want to take you out unless you are having an affair. Mr. Peterson: hahaha...what, no. I would never cheat on my wife not unless that female was paid to do it. Me: either way, you need to be careful. Mr. Peterson: yeah. I'm sorry you had to be part of this. Me: isn't that why you pay me, to get in trouble with you? I am not saying I like it but it has already happened. He laughed then we talked some more before I went back to my office. The bond my boss and I had was amazing and the thought that I would eventually kill him scared the hell out of me. My wife called after I had gotten to the office and I was damn sure she had seen the news paper. Betty: baby I love you but this is not the image you want our babies to have of you, what am i going to tell them when they come asking? Me: do you think I wanted this? Betty: of cause you do, you have a choice to call the police and explain to them everything and have those bastard arrested. Me: then what huh, do you know how many they are, do you know how they operate? Betty: I don't know but you should know better than having your face on the first page of the newspaper for murder. I took a deep breath and got up from my seat and walked up to the window. Me: baby I know you are scared and i am too but I can't start a war I can't win. Telling the police about all this will land me in jail for Jame's death then what will I have achieved at the end of the day? Would you rather my face on a newspaper or me in jail? Betty: I can't answer that question but I will put my family above anything else. I don't know what sort of deal you made with those guys but baby if you don't walk into a police station and tell them what's going on and what those people are making you do, I will. You have today. Have a good one. She said that and hanged up on me before I could utter another word. Betty's words got me troubled and just like that, i lost focus on everything. What if she really told the police what was going on and what if Tom found out what she was trying to do? I called Betty severally after that and she didn't pick. "Fine, I will do it" I left her a text to slow her down on her decision as I figured out my next move. I got out of my office and went to see Mr. Peterson instead. I needed the day off to help me carry out my next move and i could not do that while at work with my mind all over the place. Mr. So how long is this break, you know I need you around. Me: yes, but it will only be for the rest of the day and the better part of tomorrow morning. Mr. Peterson: okay, you can go. I left my boss's office, went back to mine, collected a few stuff amongst my car keys and left the premises. When Joe saw me leaving he hurriedly caught up to me and we had a small chat before I left. That was most probably the last time I was going to be in that office because I had made up my mind to take out my boss that night then leave the country with my wife and kids. "Just left the office so hold on to your plan of going to the police station." I texted Betty since she wasn't picking my calls. A minute later I got a text from her saying she and Aliyah were from picking Brandon at his school as Betty had made a decision to leave the house. "Leave to where" I asked but there was no response so I called Aliyah instead. Aliyah: hi dad, Me: hi princess how are you? Aliyah: mum is forcing us to leave and I don't want to go, please tell her to stay. Me: put her through. Betty took the phone and what followed was the "what" question. Me: where the hell are you going with the kids? Betty: away from you and all that madness. Me: No, Betty you can't leave the house. I'm coming at least wait until I get there. Betty: it's too late, we are already on our way. Aliyah: Dad I don't want to leave. Aliyah shouted from the other end of the phone and I could hear her mother ask what she was doing. "Aliyah stop it!" She shouted and I wasn't sure what was going on since Betty was not responding when I asked what was happening but from what I could get Aliyah had taken off her seat belt, opened the door to the car and ran off. "Aliyah watch out! " And what I heard next was the mother screaming and a loud hooting sound and suddenly the phone was left unattended and in the back ground I could hear Brandon calling after the mum What had really happened, I had no idea.....
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