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The guys followed us still shooting and i guess the orders were to kill us. I reached for my bag which was on the back seat and pulled out two guns, got my body halfway the window and shot back at them. It was hard to hit a target because of the speed at which the car was moving and the corners kepha was taking. Kepha knew all the routes within that area that couldn't land us in trouble with the police as he was the one who used to drive the get away car after a robbery. Now in the crime field not anyone can drive the get away car. You have to train and drive the fast and furious way, it's a dangerous kind of driving that can get everyone killed if there is a collision between that car and another. In our field, only kepha and I could do that kind of driving but I was also too good in firing shots so kepha automatically had to do the driving. I shot the windscreen several times and at some point the car stopped and having been in one of the corners that no one passed unnecessarily I got out of the car holding my gun tight in hand as I walked towards the car. Kepha had remained in the car just incase there was need to take off again. I got to the car and opened the door to the driver's seat and found the driver and one other person dead. The other one was still breathing and barely alive. he tried to crawl out of the car but he couldn't. I got down grabbed his face and had him look at me in the face. Me: was my wife there with you? Him: what wife? Me: what the hell were you coming to do at the spot we met in, don't you know you were bringing my wife over, that was the agreement with Tom. Him: i was coming there to kill you. You don't have a wife, not anymore.. she is Tom's property now. Me: did he tell you that? Him: I have eyes and I can see. Me: so where do they live? Him: I can't tell you that. After the conversation with him i put a bullet in his head to silence him for good since that's what he wanted then I joined kepha in the car and we left the scene. Kepha drove off slowly but in silence for a while and after I had checked how many rounds I had remained with I tucked the gun behind my back. Kepha: so it's happening again? Me: what? Kepha: me and you on the road with guns just like before. Me: only that this time we didn't ask for it. Kepha: nit that I'm scared, you and i are badass but we know this won't end well. so, did you get any info on your wife and son? Me: you mean Tom's son. No I think Betty chose him over me. What were we even risking our lives for? Kesha: she didn't come with him? Me: no, I think he just came to kill me so that they could continue whatever they have going in peace. Kepha: so now you are going to give up just like that? Me: and what the hell am I supposed to do K, she made her choice and it's not like she is a teenager that I can go yanking by her hair. Kepha remained silent for a while pretending to focus on the road as he stole a glance or two and I knew he had something in mind that he was dying to tell me. Me: okay talk because if you keep it in you will explored. i know you have something to say. Kepha: it's just something I have been thinking of. What if you team up with Peterson and take out Tom... Me: No no no... Let's not go there. i don't want to start a war I can't end. Kepha: you are freaking out now?.. Me: not freaking out, I'm just being cautious and staying out of trouble.. Kepha: come on think of it this way, Peterson was hurt by Tom infact he wanted him dead meaning there should be a revenge plan going on in his head. Me: Kepha, you can't mess with family man, they can join forces and turn against you. Think about it, if they can double cross each worse can it get for much me?.. Kepha: not on this one. You saved the dudes life and he owes you. If he can't join you in the fight then maybe he should tell you how to find Tom. I thought of kepha's idea for a while and as much as I didn't want to trust Peterson anymore I knew what kepha said could work. Kepha: Tom will not hide anymore but trust me he will not stop coming at you because he knows just how dangerous you are, he knows you killed Peterson so there is no reason for him to contact you anymore but you do. If you truly love your wife, you will fight for her. Before kepha dropped me off, I did some shopping as I had nothing in the new house. I thought we would come back as a family but I was wrong. Maybe there was no family in the first place. Was Aliyah even mine to begin with? Kepha pulled over at the parking of my new home and he helped me with the shopping as we headed up the stairs. My house was on the second floor of the building. I kept thinking of the possibility of Aliyah being my daughter but on second thought what difference would it make if she wasn't. Whether she was my daughter or not, she deserves a decent burial. We got to the house and I called in my furniture guy to bring in some stuff I had ordered as kepha and i fixed tea since it had been a whole day before we had anything. Kepha: what will you do about Aliyah now that Betty is not in the picture. Me: what should be done. I will bury her even if i have to do it on my own. Kepha: when, I can get Angie to come. Me: the day after tomorrow. There is no reason to wait anymore. Kepha: okay, i will let Angie know. We had the tea and some bread and an hour and a half later my guy had arrived with the furniture. We settled everything in and after they left, Kepha and i had a sit down since he was not in a hurry to get home, his wife had texted and told him she would be late as she had gone go see her father who has been rushed to a hospital and admitted after some blood pressure issues. Me: would it be a bad idea if I invited Peterson to stay over, I feel for him after burning down his house. Kepha: on the contrary it would be a good idea. think of it this way, If we are going to be in team impossible we need to earn his trust but at the same time keep a close watch on him. I don't think we should trust him right away.. ELSEWHERE THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS Justus, the head of criminal department and a few officers gathered in a room going through a case file that has been reopened and they had both kepha's and Henry's faces on the suspect board. Justus: now we know these two have been on the radar again. We have had some series of activities and the street cam picked up their trail one night when they chased a guy down the street then set another one on fire in some car registered under one of them and now we need to find them and put them behind bars. Jeffrey: what do we have on their location? Justus: at the moment nothing. The guys have been smart and haven't left anything tangable behind but it's our job to hunt them down. He put up the photos of both Betty and Angie on the board and turned to look at his team. Justice: that is Betty, Henry's wife and the other is Angie kepha's wife. They are civilians yes but I don't think they could be as innocent as they look. Dig up any information you can find about them for if we find them, we find our guys. Mark: I don't think seeing them behind bars is enough. These guys did alot of damage before and I don't understand how they are still alive. Justus: this is my operation and I give orders. I say bring them in alive. Get to work, we need to pin down their location then we strick by sundown. The team of three men and one lady police departed from Justus' office and went to their desks. ELSEWHERE The G5 group also had their meeting whereby they were on a hunt down for Henry. Their leader was known as Nuksi and he had some personal scores to settle with Henry, something he never told anyone before but now that he found out all the evidence on the information he was gathering he was ready to make him pay. The group consisted of four more guys besides him, Dufla, kip, Melvin and slim. The meeting was quite heated as Dufla and Melvin were not willing to go on a mission they understood nothing about and after a heated argument between the three, both Dufla and Melvin walked out on him. Slim: you know we don't roll like that man, if we are going to put our lives on the line it has to be something that brings money on the table. Nuksi: I'm not asking for back up, this is my mission and there is no money involved. I just needs Henry's head. Kip: personally I am not killing anyone without a reason. You give us a good reason why we should and I've got your back, you can count on that. Nuski sat down playing with his gun in his hand and after thinking for a while he got up and walked out too having carried an extra gun. Kepha and I drove to my former house where we had left Peterson and Sabina and when we got there, we only found Peterson who told us that he had convinced Sabina to go back to her home and keep a low profile. Kepha: don't you think she will talk about you being alive? Peterson: I made her understand the danger that would come with that, I trust her. What are you doing here? Me: we are here to make a deal. Peterson: I'm listening.. I explained our plans to him and after convincing him that he needed to revenge on all the things Tom had done, it took alot of convincing before he finally agreed to join our team. Peterson had agreed to give us Tom's location as long as we would clear the mess, clear his name and get him back to his office. Kepha drove both Peterson and I back home before he left for his. Peterson and I talked for a while and despite our differences we got along just fine, maybe it's because of the bond created at work. At a around 9:05pm I got a call from kepha asking me to stream in live to one of the stations for news and i did. Tom was having a press conference talking about his Peterson's death and talking about how he was going to take over both companies and act as the CEO before any decisions could be made by the family. "It's sad to say my brother burned beyond recognition, but am working round the clock with the authorities to find my brother's killer." He said and when Peterson heard that he got up so angry, took the table and threw it on the wall. Peterson: this son of a bitch.. Me: easy buddy, I just got the table today. He looked at me then paced across the room. Peterson: I will give you everything you need to pin Tom down but when you set your eyes on him, do me a favor and kill him on the spot..I want him dead and buried six feet under where he can never see the light of the day again. Me: i don't take orders from you anymore, you are no longer my boss. you stopped being one when you set me up. Peterson: then consider this a kill job and am paying...
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