Chapter Eight - Archives

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Aramis Bronx Davina After all of the warrioress took their turn from Mr. Herald, he clearly told us that he wasn't necessarily here to teach us the basics and some skills that we lack, but he just wants to be more well-built enough for the sake of the villages from the survivors. But he also told us that not all of us may come out of here alive, being chosen as one of the candidates can assure that death might be knocking on some doors. It scared me for a moment, but there's something inside me that didn't overreact like I was certainly expecting this to happen and I've come mentally prepared from here which is so weird. There's something inside me that helps me remember things either, it helps me not to make a fool out of myself. I find it odd and helpful at the same time, is that the soul of this woman before? Why do we even have the same name?  That's so weird for me to be honest. Though, the weirder thing is me being sent here to this unknown world? Where the heck am I? Am I in Europe? Japan? England? Asia? Antarctica? For sure this is not Antarctica, we're in the middle of the forest but it sure does feel cold at night but in sunlight? It's irritating as hell. Mr. Herald also told us that aside from looking for the future Queen, they're also finding warrioress that they can count on to protect the different villages around the Devon Kingdom. The Devon Kingdom is a growing Kingdom after all, and not all of them can protect everyone due to lack of officials because some of them died protecting specific villages. After he discussed some of those things, some of the eyes from numerous warrioress couldn't leave my presence. Can't they be more obvious? It's starting to annoy me honestly. "Aramis! I can't believe what you just did a while ago! That was something beyond what I can imagine!" Dahlia shouted after meeting up with me, they were the last ones who sparred with Mr. Herald so it took them a while to join me on the sides. "Agreed, that's something to be surprised about. I didn't expect you to be that strong since you told us you just woke up last night right? So, that means you haven't been training for months, those moves felt like you've been training for years," Loane stated while offering some bottles of glass containers of water which I accepted earnestly. "Right? Backflipping for me is something I find certainly difficult considering that I'm having a hard time catching up with my flexibility, and you didn't train for months right?! How can you do that?" Thalia looks in awe before munching on some cookies she probably stole in the breakfast hall. "W-Well yeah um, I just felt like doing that, I guess?" I nervously chuckled because I also have a hard time understanding what's going on with me.  It seems like I have hidden strengths underneath my skin or my body. This not only happened once but twice. I also have to be mindful of this for me not to endanger myself. "Well you better train us from now on, if we want to survive this all then we have to stick together," Loane smiled, which made me nod at her. No problem at that, but I'm nervous about taking them on a PVP mode, it means I have to battle with them one on one for real, that's something my tummy wouldn't churn for sure. After that training, we separated ways with the nobles and richtians as we were all invited again to eat at the hall again for lunch, it was starting to feel so odd because they prepared a huge buffet of foods for us to eat again. "Well, I was really not expecting them to also serve us these numerous foods at lunch, what do you think guys?" Thalia looked at us while she was getting plates on our side. This is strange, Devon Kingdom would never treat warrioress like this unless they're plotting something dangerous "I-I'm not sure, but let's just be grateful because they served us this many foods? They're treating us nicely and I guess we should be thankful for that," Loane stated this time. "What are we waiting for? Let's eat!" Dahlia cheered while roaming around the buffet table with Dahlia. Loane stayed beside me before tapping my shoulders, "Do you want to eat?" she curiously asked, so I slowly shook my head at her. "I'm still full towards what we ate a while ago, so I'll pass. Maybe I'll just get extra apples again," I informed her, so she just gave me a small nod as she escorted me towards the fruit area and kept a lot of it from my bag just in case I get hungry later. "Alright then, are you going back to the room? Or," she leaned in to whisper in my ears, "Are you going to look for the Archives?" she asked, so I flinched before chuckling at her question. "If I can right now, I'll go there," I said before closing my small bag that's filled with apples, "I'm still having a hard time sneaking over there," I admitted, so she just nodded at me as she took some plates. "You have to be careful, okay? To wherever you're planning to go," she smiled, which made me nod at her as I tapped her head. She looked a little bit surprised about what I did, but eventually, let me be. "I'll be leaving, tell them I'll try going to the Archives since we're not doing anything later aside from training ourselves right?" I asked, is it just me, or I'm sounding more and more formal each day? This is frustrating! "I'll tell them, now go until all the guards are still probably taking their lunch," Loane bid me goodbye as I thanked her and left the hall towards our quarters. I left some of my food in my bag and took the map that Dahlia gave to me, my eyes examined it for a moment, and still, some of the pointers and marks are unfamiliar. There are also some weird markings that I don't understand. "This would be much easier if I had a phone where I can look through maps!" I muttered to myself and stopped when I realized what I had just said. "Wait a minute…that's right! GPS here would probably work right?!" I tried looking for a phone in my bag and almost cried when I realized that I don't have any phones, tablets, or computers in this era of time.  I probably left my phone in my room in the other world where I died! Oh no! I can't believe this is happening to me! "NO! NO! THIS CAN'T BE!" I panicked while pacing back and forth, "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT WIFI! HOW COULD I EVEN FORGET ABOUT THIS?!" I almost cried and ran outside of our quarters trying to look for my friends…I think? They should have phones with them, right? After stepping into the hall, I sighed in relief seeing them enjoying their meals on a specific wooden table, "G-Guys!" I called out before trying to catch my breath that I had lost after reaching their table. "Aramis? Where have you gone and what's gotten into you? Why aren't you eating?" Dahlia asked while munching some unfamiliar cakes for dessert. "I-I need to borrow your phone, do you guys have it with you?" I looked at them and their eyebrows were immediately furrowed at me. "P-Phones? What is that?" Thalia confusingly asked while drinking her glass of water, my eyes widened, don't they know phones here yet? "Um, same question Aramis, what is that word?" Loane asked this time when I didn't answer as I took a step back. "U-Uh, the one you use to send messages to socialize and update tweets on Tweety?" I mumbled, and they looked at each other because they're confused at what they've been hearing. "Aramis, we send messages through letters at the post office," Loane glanced at me this time, confusion evident in her tone. "And we usually visit someone to talk to them, travel by days at least," she added, which made my eyes widened. "W-What?! Travel for days just to talk to someone?!" I exclaimed, so they all just nodded their heads at me. Who on earth does that?! "Y-Yes? That's what we always do here, have you also forgotten about it?" Dahlia curiously asked, so I slowly nodded my head at her. They laughed at me which made me sigh in relief. I hope they're not going to find out that I'm not the Aramis they've known before. "I see, that explains why, and what the hell is a phone and a Tweety Aramis?" Dahlia asked this time, so I flinched before playing with my fingers. "N-Never mind, forget I ever said that," I swiftly ran to leave the hall. I can hear them calling out my name, but I didn't bother to answer. I continued running in the spacious hallways of the castle until I gasped after reaching our quarters. "T-That was a close one, I thought I'm screwed!" I clutched my chest because it was pounding so rapidly because of my fright. Shaking my head, I immediately took some bags and the map with me. "I'm losing time, guess I'll just use my mind, if I still have one," I let out an exasperated sigh before leaving our quarters. My mind was confused because I have never read a map this complicated before. I looked at some places in the castle that looked familiar on the map and eventually took myself over there. So far, I haven't seen guards or knights but luxurious furniture, paintings, and sharp swords that are displayed that I can sell at a good price back in my other life. I just sighed and swiftly paced the hallways and took the wide stairs with beige and gold design towards the second floor until I found some enormous hall with giant white doors with intricate designs of flowers. My eyes peered at the map, checking if this place looks familiar and it feels like I'm in the right hallway and one of the doors here in the Archives. "So, which one of these doors is the Archives?" I asked myself, before deciding to check those doors one by one. The first door led me to a giant room where unfamiliar musical instruments were placed on the corners, the center has this enormous red fluffy carpet that can probably serve as a bed if you don't have one. At the top of the ceiling is where a small chandelier was placed that will probably serve as a light at night or dawn. "It looks nice, but this isn't what I'm looking for," I closed the door and proceeded towards the next one until I'd opened almost all of those giant doors.  I'm starting to get impatient since all of the doors that I've opened are some music room, luxurious bed chambers, chapels & oratories, and some solars of the officials. My body is telling me that I should not move forward or I'll enter a room that's forbidden for us peasants, but I can't stop now, I came this far and the least that I could do is finish it. Plus I already died once, what else can scare me? Pfft. The last door that I'm going to check is located in the center of the hallway before the next hall towards the right. My heart was beating so fast when I reached out towards the handle and pushed it open. It created a creaking sound before the door went wide open, the musty smell that embraced my nostrils after I entered that enormous room is most likely cellulose decay of some books. My eyes were brimming with happiness after seeing a huge room with lots of bookshelves filled with brown folders, dull-colored covers of the books, manuscripts, maps, and many more that adds to the arousing smell of the Archives. In the middle of the room is a huge space where a study table is located with a red carpet and some luxurious pillows placed before it where I can freely lay down if I want to relax. "Books! I found it!" I beamed and closed the huge door behind my back as I started rummaging on some bookshelves. The searching was fun because this feels like I'm picking up DVD games and some novels at famous stores back in my town before in my other life. I frowned at the thought, wondering how my mother is doing over there? Is she eating well? I brushed off those depressing thoughts. I have to finish my goal here before someone finds out or I'll be dead again! My searching continued from different hallways and bookshelves. It was fun looking at first, but the searching is taking too long. I have to be quick and find out more about this place or where I am right now. My eyes glanced at the center and saw that there's glass bookshelves and is filled with good-looking books. My feet dragged me over there before I tried to open it realizing that it's locked, "Hmm, this is the only cabinet that is locked and contains those odd-looking books, this must be important right?" I talked to myself and tried to look for some keys on the study table. "There must be some secret button that I should push here, I watched that on some movies before," I mumbled to myself while caressing the table from under it. When something clicked, I cheered and almost gasped when a small space from the table opened. To be continued...
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