Chapter Five - Quarters

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Aramis Bronx Davina We followed the royal maid who quietly guided us inside of that enormous castle. I want to be amazed seeing how it looks more elegant on the inside. Expensive shining chandeliers serve as the light towards the whole palace, exquisite looking furniture, ornaments, and heirlooms are placed in fragile glasses on the corners of the place. This place is amazing, I'm really freaking inside a castle! I can't believe it! My eyes are probably sparkling right now, I just can't believe that I've been allowed to be inside of a castle. But I was reminded of how people were treated here a while ago, I think I can never bring myself to love this place. That King was freaking cruel, how can he easily tell me to behead someone just because I was bedridden? He's too cruel, I hate him so much! "I wouldn't be surprised if she reacts like that, she's a peasant after all," one of the warrioress commented, which made some of them laugh. My eyes curiously glanced at them because they're having fun but to my surprise, they're staring at me. I examined them from head to toe, their warrior training outfits are filled with silver and gold bracelets placed at their arms and wrist. Nobles and richtians. Of course, this wouldn't be real life if I didn't have any rivalry like them, I smiled before chuckling that would probably offend them. "Why are you laughing like that peasant?" one of the warrioress asked, with bright blonde hair, she looked like she's being taken care of really well, her skin didn't even have scars. "O-Oh uh nothing, I just didn't know frogs can talk aside from croaking," I said casually, some of the women giggled but stopped when they noticed that a terrifying woman was glaring at them. "Disrespectful, how can you talk like that in the vicinity of the palace!" she scolded me, so I glanced around the corners looking for banners about rules. "Who said something about that? No rules are saying I'm not allowed to talk like this," I replied, which made them shut up. I can't believe I still have brought my savage self with me to my next life. Well, this would be useful from now on, I wonder how much they can take?  She was about to hit me with something when the maid cough to intervene, "Excuse me, but we have arrived at the quarters, nobles, richtians follow me, you have a specific room with you here," she said before peering at me and the ladies at my back, "Middetians and peasants chose your bed," she said, the nobles and richtians laughed at what the maid has said towards the middle and peasants warrioress. Including me of course. "Well, we'll see you around dirty peasants," they smirked before jumping with joy as we peasants and middletians faced the door the maid had taken us. It's an old big oak door with common intricate designs of flowers, the handles were made of silver while the edges were painted with gold. "The rooms here are cranky and small, bear with it guys, we can't afford to buy rooms at the palace," one of the women from the middletians informed us, so we opened the door and saw a few rooms that we don't know if it can fit us all. "What would we do? There's like 40 or 50 of us here and there are only 13 rooms," the middletians warrioress said, so the worries of the warrioress I immediately stepped to grab one room and opened it, "Hm, for us to all fit inside these few rooms, maybe we can share rooms by three or four maybe five? It's big enough for three though we can count to divide ourselves into groups," I suggested, so all of them glanced at me. "Well, it's not a bad idea, we could try it," one of the peasantians smiled, so it made my heart flutter. I'm glad they don't see me as those nobles do. We started counting people and some of the groups had to be five in one room. Many of them volunteered, so I'm glad that everyone's understanding. I wonder if we ever had the same quarters just like the nobles? It would be a freaking disaster and hilarious as hell. "Look at this girl, she's leading us without knowing it," someone tapped my shoulders, so I turned my head at them. "Aramis! I'm thrilled to see you alive!" someone suddenly approached me, she has this bob-cut hair and chocolate eyes. Who's this? Do I know her? An image flashed before my mind and it told me that she's living in the other peasantians village near us. She was in the same training camp for peasants like me and we became best of friends. "Dahlia Georgina?" I nervously asked so she pouted before jumping to hug me. She's wearing old warrior training clothes, but she's a little bit tall and muscular. "That's right! This is the one and only Dahlia! Don't tell me you forgot about this beauty?" she fakes her cries on my back which forced me to pat her head. Whenever I encounter an unfamiliar person or place, it feels like my mind is allowing me to remember their names and faces, most especially the memories I have with them before. Is this the memory of this woman before? I wonder what happened to her? "We're worried when we heard that you might not make it to the Calling, but I'm glad that you woke up sleeping beauty," this girl with jet-black hair is called Loane Killen, she's also a friend of mine from the camp. "No, don't compare her to that story, that sleeping beauty was raped while she was in a deep sleep and gave birth to twins with the help of fairies. She was almost set on fire when the Queen found out that her husband the Kings had kids with her, it wasn't a good story," my eyes widened after hearing what Dahlia had said. Sleeping beauty what?! Isn't she a Disney Princess?! "Sleeping beauty is a Disney Princess right?" I asked, so they furrowed their eyebrows at me like they're confused. "Uh? What's a Disney Princess Aramis? Is it from another Kingdom?" they asked, so I kept my mouth shut. Right, Disney isn't alive these years yet. That story is probably from the Grimm brothers or whatever. "Nevermind, forget that I ever said that," I chuckled before they grabbed me on my arms, and pointed at a room they chose of their will. "We'll be staying here together with you, you wouldn't mind right?" their eyes are radiating waiting for me to say yes. I just scratched the back of my head, who could say no when we're already inside of our quarters and they're taking off their clothes now. "Of course, I wouldn't mind," I smiled, so they cheered before giving me a tight hug, they sure were joyous. It's a relief that not all of them are formal like the oldies here. "Sorry we couldn't defend you a while ago, we're just scared, we don't have the courage to answer back like you," Dahlia suddenly got emotional while placing her bag on the top bed. Are they talking about how the warrioress nobles we're treating me? That's nothing, though it's a bit interesting that those girls can talk like bullies in my past life. "You weren't much of a talker, so I was really surprised about how you answered people and the King. I was terrified for Aramis, I thought my soul would leave while I was standing in those cold grounds," Dahlia hugged herself, so Loane nodded at her. "Agreed, though we know how feisty you are when you fight and they mess with the wrong person, are you alright? I heard you were sexually harassed. That's what you said, right?" Dahlia asked, which made me bob my head at her. "Tsk! Those knights and guards! They belittle us just because we're peasants, we're much stronger than those nobles and richtians," Loane almost cursed which made me look at them intently. "Were you girls also forced to come here by that letter?" I asked so they both looked at me before nodding. "Didn't you remember? We three got those letters before we left the camp and we just heard that you were bedridden after that, we can't visit you due to lack of money," Dahlia looks disappointed with herself. "No, you don't have to be sorry, I know how hard our lives can be, but I'm awake now so that's all that matters," I firmly said, so they both just smiled before exploring the room with me. "Are you prepared for the theme? It's famine, they put the hardest one for the eliminations, it seems to be like they're in a rush," Dahlia said, which made me think about it for a moment. "Famine, does that mean, they're not going to let us eat at that challenge?" I curiously asked while placing my bag on our small almost destroyed bed. The room here is narrow, walls are painted in plain white and it's enough to fit one person but we have to save space, so three is enough to stay here in this double bed, and it's a little bit smelly. It seems to me that these were stables before for horses but what do we expect? This is how they treat peasants here. "Yes, that's probably it, we have two days to prepare for it and we haven't got any clues on how to survive that," Dahlia and Loane continued talking about their plan, but I'm more curious about where I can find the archives or Library in here. "Are we allowed to visit the library here? You know that place where I can read books?" I asked so they both turned their heads at me. "It's called Archives here Aramis, where did you get that word?" Dahlia chuckled together with Loane. Right, Archives. "Though I'm not sure if we're allowed to go there, only nobles and richtians can be allowed," Dahlia reminded me of the pain in the ass that I should face. "Can I sneak in there then? While the quest isn't starting?" I asked, so their eyes widened in disbelief. "Aramis, you really don't know when you'll hold back, what you're planning is dangerous," Loane firmly said while gripping my shoulders. I didn't notice that her eyes were the same as Dahlia, a chocolate one either. She looks pretty. "Agreed, what's so important that you have to go there?" Dahlia asked this time, so I just sighed. "I-I want to read some novel that's important to me, I want to know all parts of the Kingdom too," I admitted which made them furrow their eyebrows at me. "Are you serious about that Aramis? Don't you really remember?" Dahlia asked, so I slowly nodded my head. "I was told that I've been bedridden for months, some of my memories have faded, I guess?" I said and was hoping that they would understand me. "Right, you coined the name Bedridden Warrioress now, but seriously Aramis! I want to see if you're still the same strong one back at the camp," Dahlia beamed, her chocolate eyes radiating even though it's dark. The light in our room is faint, sometimes it's flickering when we open or close the door, can we even live for… "Oh um, how long do we have to stay here?" I curiously asked so they both looked at me before laughing. "You really forgot about a lot of things Aramis, We'll be staying here for a year or months and after that, the Kingdom will probably have a Queen by then," Loane said, so I thanked her before unpacking some of my stuff to change into some comfortable clothes. "Aramis, if you really want to go to the Archives though I'm not really recommending it, you can have this," Dahlia threw something at me which I casually caught by hand. My spirits were lifted after seeing a map of the palace where some important parts are located, "W-Woah! I can't believe you have something like this," I commented before laying it flat on the wall and taking out some pins I saw in my bag. "That's nothing, I stole that from my work because the head there is pissing me off," Dahlia casually said which made me and Loane look at her intently. "W-What? It's not every day you see a blueprint of the castle," she smirked, which made us shake our heads. "You women, you never change both of you huh? I'm looking forward to a match with you," Loane said, which made me frown. That's right, they're not exactly my allies in that match but we're friends out of that line. "Hey! Who said I'll fight you two? Hell no! I heard that will never happen because we'll face middletians, richtians, and nobles. At least, that's what I have heard," Dahlia said, and they continued talking to each other while I was busy looking at that map. Archives are a little bit farther from our quarters which makes it even harder for me to sneak since I'm going to go through some trouble before going there. Plus the King's office is also near Archives, will I be alright if I push this? I tried asking myself but just shrugged. "Well, I already died anyway, nothing scares me anymore," I mumbled beneath my breath before plotting my plan. To be continued…
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