Chapter Twelve - Saw Scaled Viper

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THIRD PERSON POV// "Your Majesty, the first beast appeared in the east side of the desert, and it's in the group where the bedridden warrioress is in," one of the castle guards reported while the King was occupied cleaning up his things in his private room. The King stopped doing his important matters after hearing what his guard informed him, "Good, you may go back to your station and report everything else back to me," the King ordered before undressing himself to change into his warrior armor, the guard immediately bowed before leaving his private room. "What a shame, you must be that unlucky to face that beast first," the King muttered to himself and proceeded towards the tower's bleachers where nobles can peacefully watch what's happening all around the desert. The King purposely built circled towers that can view specific places on the desert islands. This will help them realize who and how many are there left using their old-fashioned telescopes. "I hope everyone is comfortable?" The King's tone was enough to capture all of their attention at once. They all bowed before looking at him in the eye, "We are, there's food, water, and a decent bed, but I have to admit this place is filthy," one of the nobles started complaining, so the King raised his hands to shut him up. "It's nature, not filth, this is where we get the abundance of some crops," the King fearlessly glared at them, so the nobles piped down and continued watching on their front. "Point to the east, that's where the first beast has appeared," the King informed them before he sat on his own chair to watch. "How feisty can you be, Aramis?" he whispered in his mind and used his telescope to freely observe what's going on in the middle of those warrioress in a running spree. Aramis Bronx Davina My eyes are continuously glancing from behind while I was busy regaining my breath. I can't help but look because that viper snake it's freaking big like an anaconda, but worse since this is one of the deadliest beasts on the desert islands. It's poisonous once you're bitten with its venom. "H-How the hell that viper is so big! They're usually small and can camouflage!" I screamed while running as the viper snake crawled in speed to come after us. "Every beast outside the Devon Kingdom is 100 times bigger than their normal size! Just look at its skin! It's camouflaging the sands too!" Rhea replied while catching her breath. "We can't run much longer, we have to face this!" I suggested, but none of them listened to me. "We can't! Once it's started to give us its warning sign that means we have to avoid it or we'll die! Its venom is incurable!" one of the warrioress shouted while running at a steady speed, crap! The saw-scaled viper looks like it isn't giving up so soon, it's only a matter of time when these girls run out of breath. With all their strengths used up for running, they might not be able to continue any longer. "F-Fine! Run as fast as you can and hide on some mountain of sand! I'll keep this beast busy!" I can't believe what I just said, it's enough to make them all stop. "W-What?! You can't do that Aramis! You'll die!" Rhea screamed while holding out her knees, I looked at her waist and saw a big sword over there. "I-I won't settle for a fight that I can't win!" I admitted because that's what I always do during games. If I know I can't, I will not go further. But if I can, I'll push towards my limit. My body feels like I can defeat this venomous viper. I've defeated an anaconda before, so what's the harm in killing another snake err… viper. "Hand me over that sword, I'll exchange it with these knives quickly!" I ordered, she was hesitant at first but she eventually gave it to me. I removed all of my things from my body and placed it where it can't be harmed while I fight, "Now go! Don't wait for me! Just run and run until you guys find an oasis!" I shouted, so all of them just bit their lower lip before nodding. "We'll come back for you Aramis," Rhea sounded like she's about to cry, so I just nodded and faced my opponent. After they ran away, the saw viper snake stopped crawling at its steady speed and towered over me like it's taunting me. "I'm not scared of you, I already died once!" I stated a fact and pointed the sword at it. The saw viper snake started making this warning that sounded like a saw rubbing on some wood. I've read a book about snakes before and when this viper starts making that signal, it means he's going to bite or attack. I don't know where I get the confidence of standing here alone in the presence of this giant saw-scaled viper, I must be out of my mind for even suggesting that I should stay and fight! But there's one question that is present in my mind right now, how am I going to kill this beast? "Whatever, come at me!" I positioned myself and waited until it charged at me, the sizzling signal it's making is doubling up the pressure that I've been feeling on the inside. How quick will this viper attack? My body moved on it's own when that viper charged three times to bite me. Luckily, I also backed away three times while avoiding its fangs using my backflip skill. I exhaled a lungful of air when I realized that it was a close one. This viper's speed is no joke! It's super quick! "Crap! How am I going to defeat this thing?!" I charged this time while running towards its body. In my games, I kill monsters by stabbing them in their hearts, or off their heads. An image of Alice in Wonderland flashed before my eyes, her killing the Jabberwocky was getting the right posture in the air while slashing its head with the vorpal sword. My breathing hitched when I glanced at my sharp-edged sword being held by my hand, it isn't the same as the vorpal, but I think I can do that. "Fine, I'll try to off with your head then," I jumped towards its body and tried to s***h it with my sword. My eyes widened when I realized that my sword wasn't doing any harm to it. "Holy sh--" I immediately backed away when it almost hit me with its long, large tail. I stumbled when I accidentally stepped on some deep sand and cursed. My body felt that the viper snake was going to tower over me, and before I could even react it trapped me underneath its heavy scaled body. THIRD PERSON POV// "That's what she gets for being a hero thinking she can protect her fellow warrioress, this is survival not teamwork," one of the nobles said while fanning herself. "Unless it's a battle between two people, they can help each other in the deserts," Romel Calypso disagreed with that woman's statement.  He's one of the youngest nobles that some nobles and richtians look up to, but some of them envy him which causes some troubles. "Is that admiration I hear?" one of the nobles raised their eyebrows at Romel who didn't bat an eye towards what the nobles had brought up. "I don't have to repeat myself because I believe that I clearly explained that this is not a battle between two people," Romel stood up for himself, the nobles just shrugged at his words. "Whatever, I just can't believe that the bedridden warrioress was defeated that easily, the rumors were probably mistaken," The nobles that were watching the fight were laughing at their statement. "With all due respect, the fight isn't finished yet, so we can't claim that she's dead," Romel Calypso commented, the tone from his voice was enough to make others realize that he's extremely worried for that peasant warrior. No one bothered to talk to Romel as they all continued watching what's going on. The King on the other hand was still occupied observing the fight. He knows that the bedridden warrioress isn't defeated yet, he can feel the beast's terror from below after it trapped her. "Silence, I'm trying to watch peacefully here," the King glared at his people before glancing at his telescope again. "It's odd, why does the saw-scaled viper look terrified?" one of the nobles commented while staring at its own telescope. "He's right, that beast is acting odd," Romel noticed it this time, and they all waited for that beast's reactions. What happened next was beyond anyone's expectation, the beast flew away towards the other side and it was all because Aramis used her inhuman strength to get rid of that beast above her. From afar, they can all witness how she was covered with sand most especially to her face, she took something from the bags she hid on the far side and washed her face with water. She heaved a deep long sigh then stood while gripping her sword, readying for the next attack of the beast. "I knew she wasn't killed yet," Romel Calypso smiled, and surprisingly no one noticed him because most of the nobles were shocked. "How did she manage to do that? No woman can throw something as big as that beast!" some of the nobles sounded terrified. "Were they allowed to bring those things?" numerous nobles started complaining, but you can tell the uneasiness crawling up to their sleeves after what they have witnessed. "It wasn't in my rule to forbid those things, they can bring whatever they want unless I restrict it," the King commented this time with a sly grin forming on his face. Marvelous. He proudly said on his mind because he knew that the next challenges would be intriguing to watch. What happened next surprised them all when Aramis ran with a steady speed, jumping and skipping flawlessly at the body of that saw scaled viper until she reached the top of its head. She jumped so high with her sword in her mighty hands and one swing, the head of the saw-scaled viper was completely cut off. "It looks like this first challenge would be more interesting to watch," the King laughed before leaving towards his private room, leaving his people in a daze of what they've just witnessed. Aramis Bronx Davina I was gasping for air, my body felt like it's in frenzy even after I killed this beast with my own hands. The lids of my eyes closed as I wondered how I managed to do that on my own despite how exhausted I was from the continuous running, I gazed at my hands to check to wonder why am I that strong with just this small body. My hands started to check and realized that's how terrified I was when the beast almost consumed me from below. "W-Was it because of the adrenaline rush?" I curiously asked myself and shrugged because that's impossible to happen. This body is exceptionally strong and I can't deny it any longer. Do I really have superhuman strengths? I just shrugged. I went towards my bag to get some rest as my eyes stared at the beast that I had just slain a while ago. It was extremely huge and I wasn't expecting that I would easily cut off its head because of it's hard thick scales. Maybe because it wasn't firing a signal to attack? Was it still recovering after I moved it away from my body? I just shook my head and sighed before changing some of my clothes. I drank some water and ate an apple to regain the strength that I had lost. After changing my clothes, I cut off the wet, covered in sand clothing that I'm wearing on the inside after I wore decent clothes. My eyes peered at the dry and extremely hot desert, no one is around me aside from the bright yellow sands and this friggin 'sun! This is the first time I've been in a real desert before. "Damn it! Why am I in the middle of sunlight?!" I almost cried, I don't think I'll die from the beast's here, but with a heat stroke! I should also look for an oasis on my own, but I'm too exhausted at what I did a while ago. My legs are too numb to walk, so I have just decided to stay put on the saw-scaled viper to take shelter until sunset. To be continued...
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