30. Mate Ball

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Avalon I headed to my castle in the early afternoon, not to attend the Mating Ball but rather to meet Linus in my office. This year we decided to have the Ball in my castle, which was surely the most appropriate place for such an event. My third in command was already there waiting for me, a glass of Fairy Wine in hand. “King Avalon, I wonder what the urgent matter is,” he murmured, taking a seat. I was too restless to sit down, feeling in such a way that only my Livia’s smell and touch could soothe me. So, I started talking while pacing. I’ve been thinking about Nina’s mortality issue since I've met her and now I have finally come to a conclusion on how to proceed. “Linus, you should stop looking for information on Nina’s father. It might be dangerous, we don’t want to attract their attention.” I told him and he nodded, taking a gulp of wine. “But I think I got a lead. Why stop now, King Avalon? We are so close to finding out who he is,” Linus murmured back. He had been looking for information on my son’s mate’s origin for a while, following my suspicions, which were very close to being confirmed. A long and exasperated exhale left me. I was quite sure she wasn’t only human. But if my suspicions were real or if she was only human, the consequence would be the same. “It doesn’t matter if she is only human as she believes or if she is what I think she is; Nina won’t live long. Hence, what she is doesn’t change anything for Zorion, since her life will be short. The children that they eventually have won’t ever see any future other than death. Their mating was doomed from the start. If I don’t act, she will destroy Zorion, for the death of a mate can only have two outcomes: one’s death or something even crueller — living forever in anguish, and infinite misery where every day of life is a curse, a punishment.” I told Linus and he only nodded. No one should go through losing or waiting for a mate for a thousand years like I did. I knew that if Zorion consolidated his bond with Nina, my son would suffer much more than I did, and the idea of it was unbearable. “Can I go now, King Avalon? I have to get ready for the Ball! I have high hopes that this year I will find my mate,” Linus let out a goofy smile and I shook my head. I also hoped he could find someone; he was a good and loyal third in command and deserved happiness. After gulping down his wine, Linus left the office speedly. Pouring myself some Hell Whiskey, I let myself fall onto my chair and breathed as deep as I could while worry consumed me. Besides the mortality issue, I have noticed some changes in Nina’s magical energy, which brought me to believe she was syphoning his powers, weakening him and making him even more vulnerable to the unavoidable doom she was to bring. My clenched fists met the surface of the table as a fast surge of anger spread across my mind. The Goddess was still cruel and insisted on punishing me regardless of what she said in our last meeting back when my son was still a baby. For everyone, a mate was a blessing, a miracle even. Yet for my son, it was nothing but a curse and a promise of eternal pain. Thus, I had to act before Zorion grew even more attached to the girl. ~ * ~ Nina After dressing up with the girls, all of us plus Zorion teleported in a flash of light to the Palace where the ball would take place. My eyes couldn’t leave the impeccable and fancy as hell state-of-art decoration. Even the pillars were made of marble and gold. Dizzily, I looked up, only to notice the carefully painted ceiling – some sort of idyllic landscape with God-like people, a meadow and a river. “This is so beautiful but so over the top!” I murmured under my breath. Today was the over-the-top day. Everything was very much out of my element, from the navy-blue gown I was wearing to this palace. Lena chuckled, “This is Avalon’s castle! Zo-zo here will be the future King and you, his Queen.” “What?” I gasped. Zorion gave Lena a dirty look and shook his head, taking me to my place of reassurance: his arms. “Don’t worry about it, Nina. I don’t think my father has any intention of stepping down and abdicating in my favour. At least not in the next centuries,” he told me, and I nodded. Centuries? I wouldn’t be alive by then anyway, so I didn’t have to bother. This word reminded me of my mortality, making a haunting thought pop into my mind: Zorion would have to go through my death. I would go grey and die, while he would stay forever perfect. Much worse than that, if Lola was right, and I felt she was, this mate bond thing is strong. So, I would cause Zorion so much pain when I eventually die. My heart tugged at this idea. I didn’t want to make him suffer, break his heart. He should have an immortal mate like him — not a human being. Taking in a shallow breath, I tried to shake this thought off, it should be a worry for future Nina. “Sorry, Nina! There is nothing to worry about. I am quite sure Avalon will want to keep his crown forever; I even have the theory that he sleeps wearing it and does not take it off even when he is mating our mum.” Lena added, making Lola shake her head, making me believe she was exaggerating. I'd met Zorion’s father a few times in the house and never saw his infamous crown. Zorion took my hand in his and the four of us crossed the hall, heading towards the huge and very golden ball room. This place made the castle in Madrid look like a hunting cabin. “You both look amazing!” Lena complimented Lola and me, “Oh, and you too, Zo. But guys’ clothes are boring, suit or smoking – the funniest thing that can happen there is a cape or a vest.” . Once again my gaze moved to Lola’s cute pale pink gown – sweet like her. It had a princess-skirt, but it was elegant without being over the top. Even before we entered the party, many people turned to look at us, many of them gasping or murmuring in shock. At first, I thought they were looking at Lena’s femme fatale outfit, but soon I realised that their eyes were on me. Their curious stares made me become more self-conscious than ever. I swallowed hard, only wanting to hide myself, crawl into a hole. Zorion pulled me closer to him, wrapping a protective arm around me. “Some of them can feel that you are not from here, Nina. But they will get over it in a few minutes,” Lola told me with a look of sympathy. I hoped she was right because I really didn’t like to be the centre of attention. As soon as we entered the place, a frowning Avalon stopped us. This time his unsettling look wasn’t directed to me but to Lena. “Helena, for all the Gods in Olympus, what are you wearing, child?” Avalon shook his head in aggravation as soon as he saw Helena’s revealing dress. Inadvertently, my eyes roamed to Helena’s long red dress. It had long slits going down each leg, a huge clevage, besides some cuts that showed a lot of her belly. “I’m a big girl, Av.” Lena replied casually, shrugging at him. “You are a royal, representing our family in an official event. You can’t dress like a …” “Like a Summer Pixie!” Queen Livia finished his sentence as she entered the ball room just in time. “You are over eighteen, Sweetie. You can dress as you want, though you know you shouldn’t. But it’s your decision, ” she told Lena, running her fingers down her arm. “Liv, I–” Avalon started but went silent, too busy drinking his mate’s presence in, his eyes roaming from her head to the end of her gown. I got the effect she had on him. She looked gorgeous in her light blue gown with a long cape. She offered him her arm and he took it immediately. “Let’s go, Avalon. Have fun, kids!” Queen Livia said, winking at us. “Baby, you… look astonishing. Perfect.” Avalon’s frown morphed into a smile. “I want to make another baby with you tonight.” Avalon added, murmuring in her ear before they both left. I exchanged a look with Lena and she muttered “Gross!” My head nodded in agreement on its own accord. How could I even hear that? Was this one more of the magical changes Mama Schawn meant? The ones to make me a super-Nina. “Nina, you are not human. No way! You heard it!” Lena told me, widening her eyes. “I don’t know what I am anymore,” I sighed. I wish she was right, so I could be with Zorion and my short life span wouldn’t hurt him. Hell, I wanted to know more about my parents. For a long time, I was so angry and hurt that they abandoned me, didn’t want me, that I didn’t want to know anything about them. Now I wanted to find out more about where I came from, more about me. It could be the solution for many of the fears haunting me now. As we walked further into the ballroom, the stares didn’t stop, they only grew more intense, uncomfortable. “They won’t stop, let’s go home.” Lola sighed and Lena agreed with a nod. Although they had been so excited for this party, they were willing to leave because of me. This was sweet, but I wouldn’t let it happen! Zorion exhaled sharply, I could feel anger radiating from him, “I will tell these people something. They can’t look at you like that, Honey! I will–” he started. “No. I will ignore them. My whole life I felt invisible. Now it’s my time to make everyone else invisible, like background noise, and focus on enjoying my time with you and the girls!” I said with determination, I wanted to dance with my mate, to be in his arms. Besides, I knew that there was no way for me to go back to the house with this amazing trio following me. I wouldn’t ruin the night, neither for me nor for them. As we reached the dance floor, Zorion took my hand in his and kissed it, making a silly smile rise on my face. His arm wrapped around me, and he took me for a dance. He taught me a few steps at home and I would do my best not to step on his toes. With the corner of my eyes I checked on my girls. Lola was drinking something and talking to her cousins and Lena was looking into space, rubbing her hand against her head. Was she having a headache or something? To my relief, Lena seemed more relaxed as that werewolf Tor approached her, asking for a dance. I could even hear them with my newly-developed acute hearing. “One dance. There are many guys here and I never repeat the dish,” Lena replied to him, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. Yet, I knew her well enough to notice how her blue eyes shone more when Tor was around. She wanted this dance and that guy more than anything tonight. “She likes him,” Zorion shook his head, looking at them. “I think everybody knows that, everybody but herself and wolf-boy,” I chuckled. Without wasting time, Tor wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close and they both romanced to the dancefloor. Now that I was sure that the girls were fine, I could enjoy every magical moment in my Zorion’s arms.
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