22. Trusting steps

2882 Words
Nina After this Nema talk, all I could feel was desire. It flooded my body and mind like red watercolour. I needed Zorion. I had to be in his arms, melt into his kisses and feel those delicious sparkles everywhere. Lena stood up with a jolt, and a huge smile formed on her lips. But the joy didn’t reach her eyes, and she thought she could hide her sadness, but it was clear behind her grin. “Let’s go for a swim, girls! That’s the only thing that helps me with a b***h hangover! Not even aunt Lea’s miracle potion is doing it this time.” Lena sighed deeply, looking between Aurora and me. “We can go, but you will tell us what happened last night between you and the alpha,” Lola said softly, placing the piglet on the sofa and taking a step closer to her sister. “There is nothing to tell, Lola,” Lena moved her gaze away from her sister. It was so clear that she had a lot to tell, she was drowning in her feelings, trying to smother them. I knew this behaviour very well myself. “Lena, you have to put it out, otherwise your headaches and your pow-” Lena’s dirty gaze stopped Aurora in her tracks. There was something Helena didn’t want to talk about? What headaches was Lola mentioning? “Fine, Lola! But I will only talk about last night, nothing else!” Lena agreed with a frown. “So it’s sharing and swim girls day. Which means that you both will also spill all your secrets out!” Lena declared, raising a brow at us. “I will get my bikini and we will meet here in five,” Lola told her sister, wrapping her in the hug she surely needed. “Wait. I still haven't had breakfast, so let’s go in one hour instead?” I asked the girls. I really wanted to have some girl time with them. It was the first time I'd had real friends, sisters, and I loved it. However, nothing could match my yearning for Zorion. Things down there were melting like butter just at the thought of him. “Okay, have fun with your breakfast!” Lena winked at me before I headed upstairs. We all knew that the kitchen wasn’t in that direction and that my snack would be much more delicious than any food. As soon as I entered my room - well, our room now - Zorion asked, “How are you, Honey? I hope Nema didn’t overwhelm you with her Nympho talk,” “She didn’t. I-I am hungry,” I murmured, gathering all my boldness and standing up on the bed to be able to reach that monument of a man. On their own accord, my arms wrapped around his neck. Taking in the invitation, he pressed his strong body against mine and caressed my lips with his. “I am always hungry for you.” Zorion tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear as he smiled against my lips before licking them slowly. His hands slid from my back to my butt as he took me in his arms and my legs wrapped around his hips. His tongue plunged into my mouth, caressing, teasing mine. There was no patience in his passion, but pure fire. Good, I wanted it all. No fear, no insecurity, as if my body didn’t even exist beyond the desire. I was only Fire. I got lost in our kisses, in the soft way his tongue explored and dominated my mouth, in the feeling of his big hands running all over my body possessed me. My eyes opened as my back made contact with the cold surface of the wall and my butt met something hard. Zorion sat me on the top of the shelf, and adjusted himself between my thighs in such a way that his d.ick was pressing against my folds, simultaneously reliving this yearning and feeding the urgency for me. My head arched back and I pushed myself against him further, wanting to feel everything, all the sensations, feelings, even the magic. His lips let go off mine after his teeth tugged at my bottom lip, making me giggle like an overexcited teen. I was under his spell, and I wanted it, I needed it. I needed him. I was a wanton mess but I didn’t care at all. Our eyes locked and I lost myself in the beauty of his blue eyes, now darker like the sky before a storm. Without moving his gaze from mine, he ripped his shirt off. “Zorion!” I gasped in surprise, desire pulsing, clenching within my s*x. His hands wrapped around the hem of my dress and I was prepared for him to rip it off too. To my surprise, he pulled my dress up slowly and as soon as it was off, he cupped my breasts over the white lacy bra. “You don’t need that,” Zorion’s voice was deep with desire, sounding almost like velvet. A moan escaped my lips, but it wasn’t sexy like in the movies. It rather sounded like the noise of a struggling cat. Zorion’s perfect lips tilted up in a smile and his skilled hands ripped the central part of my bra. Without causing the slightest pain. Oh, no pain at all. All was desire. His lips crashed on mine once again and his strong athletic chest pressed against my saggy breasts. His kisses roamed down my neck. His teeth scratching my skin, marking me in a delicious way and making me press my burning s*x further toward his hardness. I wanted all the games and crazy stuff Nema mentioned. I wanted everything with him. His kisses grew even bolder, as they reached down, finding a very willing pebble. His lips captured it, sucking at the sensitive skin and making me moan like a mad woman and my whole body trembled slightly. As the last straw to drive me crazy, Zorion’s hand slid down into my panties and he caressed my c.lit before starting circling my entrance. I was melting like butter, all moist down there when he thrust a finger in slowly. “Zorion! I… I will melt,” I gasped, trying to take control of my body again and not lose myself even further. “Yes, Honey. Do it,” he murmured against my n.ipple, before nibbling at it teasingly. He curled his finger inside me, making a jolt of electricity cross my body. This was powerful magic! It felt much more intense than the first time he touched me there and I was sure my body would disintegrate into many flashes of light if he continued. I would explode, combust like a broken star. “No! I… it’s too much, it’s a lot…” I grumbled, out of breath, out of my mind. “Is it hurting?” he asked confusedly, cupping my face and looking carefully at my semi-opened eyes. Out of words and absent of sanity, I only shook my head. “If you want, I will stop now, Honey. But I want to pleasure you, to make you feel better than ever. Trust me,” he murmured. My head nodded on its own accord and I bit my lips, trying to get a hold of myself as he touched many hidden magical spots inside me. Zorion soothed me with soft kisses and caresses as his fingers worked me out. My womb clenched achingly and I felt light forming behind my closed eyelids as my inner walls clenched around his fingers. A deep moan parted my dry lips as my whole body exploded in ecstasy. He wrapped his arms around my waist and covered my head with sweet kisses, his hands running down my arms in placating motions. As soon as I could breathe like a normal person and not someone who had run a marathon again, Zorion cupped my chin. “You are so beautiful, Honey, and you did great. Thank you for trusting me,” he praised, kissing the tears I didn’t know had slid down my cheeks. I let my body fall against his as the strange and sweet sensation lingered. I wanted to stay like this forever, and the peace of his touch almost lulled me to sleep when a thought popped up in my mind. The girls, it should already be time to meet them. Opening my eyes slowly, I looked at the clock on the way. Yes, it was time. I hadn’t even eaten breakfast, but I felt completely sated. “Zorion, we can’t continue now. I have to meet the girls. It’s important, Lena said she will explain what happened last night. I’m neither a psychologist nor Oprah, but I know that girl needs to talk,” I told him. “You are right. I’m glad she’s putting things out. She carries so much burden and infinite pain in her chest, in her mind. Go with them, Honey, but when you are back I will take you to a special place myself and there, it will be only you and me,” he replied with a peck on my lips. “I like the way it sounds! “ I giggled like a little girl, something I hadn’t done for a long, long time. Here I felt free to be, to feel… After a fast shower, I headed downstairs. As soon as I put my feet down the last step, an over-excited Lena took my hands in hers, “Let’s go, Nina. You will love the place and I really need some fresh water to sink in!” “I packed some food and an extra bikini. I think that’s all you need. Do you think you will be fine with teleporting?” Lola asked me and I nodded. I didn’t know why, but I felt trust inside me. Trust that I could make it and well… trust more in general. Lola moved her hands midair and chanted underneath her breath, “Lucem me fac per vela, ubi volo esse. Videbunt oculi mei, locum sortis meae.” A portal of soft red light formed in front of us, and Lola held my hand, giving me a reassuring smile, “Okay, Nina, let’s go then. If you feel bad, just squeeze my hand.” I walked through the light, leaving the living room behind and walking onto the shore of a lake. My eyes blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the sunlight, but as soon as I could see this place clearer, I couldn’t stop looking at it. A gasp left my lips as I looked at the blue translucent waters of the lake. Robust trees with leaves in shades of green and turquoise surrounded it. Little sparkles of golden light emerged from the waters. A small rounded bridge made of stones crossed the lake. Its reflection in the translucent waters, together with the bridge itself, formed a perfect circle. My body stilled as my eyes tried and failed to capture the magical beauty of the place. It was too much, almost vertiginously beautiful. It was surreal, magical, art. “Are you alright?” Lola asked, wrapping her hand around mine. I nodded in response, not wanting to take my eyes off this place in the same way I didn’t want to take my eyes off Zorion’s. Hell, I wish he were here! A humourless chuckle left me. Was I becoming a clingy girlfriend or is it what love feels like? “Here we are, beautiful, no? The ones in the Elf Realm look better, but here the water is warmer. No, my poor hungovered-self couldn’t deal with cold water!” Lena grumbled, taking a seat on the green lush grass and stretching her long legs slowly. I took a seat next to her. The whole teleport thing didn’t make me feel bad, just a little dizzy. “How are you liking the Six Realms? I know you still haven't seen much, but we can take you to amazing places! Beautiful cliffs, lakes, caves and meadows. And the most beautiful clouds, of course!” Lena’s voice was filled with excitement. “So far it’s all very beautiful.” I smiled at her. I wanted to paint every single thing I’ve seen here today, even though I knew that I wasn’t good enough to do justice to this place. To my surprise, the urge to paint it was greater than my insecurities, to the extent that I could already visualise the colours and brushes I wanted to use. “How are you feeling? I imagine it’s a lot, so many new things can be overwhelming,” Lola added, offering me a sweet smile as she placed the little basket in her hands on the floor and sat next to me. A deep sigh left me. Once again, just like in all the foster homes I’ve been to, I was the strange one and I stuck out like a sore thumb. No, I was more like a sore little finger, small, insignificant but there sticking up for the whole world to see. “I don’t know. I feel like a cuckoo in the nest, I’m the only human among so many special creatures, so much magic. While I’m as plain as a table, even that tree should be more magical than me.” “Well, that’s a Lumunyx. It’s a fascinating tree. Its trunk lights in shades of blue and green during the night, attracting animals towards it in a magnetical way. It has a force to it. The little animals rest in its interior safe and warm for the night.” I shook my head at her words. Of course, the tree had to be amazing and have Jedi powers. “No, Nina. You chose the wrong tree. The other ones aren’t that magical. That’s not the point, you are special the way you are. The only human we have ever met and know and can be different from us,” Lola told me. “Yes. You are different. Seeing all the magic and fairies with wings of all colours is boring. You are someone exciting, new, like an alien,” Lena added, and Lola gave her a very much required what-the-hell look. “A cool and cute alien, not a green one! Yes, I watched these human movies too, and trust me, you look way better than the E.T. dude,” Lena reassured me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “I think you have a magic of your own, Nina. Maybe not all the magic is about abilities, teleporting and lighting spells. It’s also about resilience, having faith when the world throws you out of your comfort zone. The ability to have hope, to believe and to love are magical in themselves. And Goddess, I couldn’t wish for a better sister-in-mate, I think you are the perfect fit for Lena and me,” Lola told me with a smile. “Yes, no Fairy, witch or anything else would do. They wouldn’t be you and being human is like your superpower!” Lena added. To my surprise, Lola kneeled closer to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders in a warm hug. I thought my body would tense automatically at the unexpected gesture, but it didn’t happen at all and I could enjoy her hug fully. Lena came behind me, and hugged me as well, making Lola and I fall onto our sides on the ground. Chuckles filled the air and I took a few seconds to notice that some of them came from me. We stayed there, lay on the grass, chuckling in a silly way. Could happiness be that simple? It felt like. After a few minutes, Lena jumped up and offered us a hand to do the same, “Now, let’s swim, girls!” “No, no. Questions first,” Aurora shook her head and looked intently at her sister, “Lena, did you feel something? For a moment I thought that the Alpha was-” she started. “Lola, he isn’t my mate. I felt a giddy illusion and in a few seconds it was over. You know that you and I aren’t good and this mate thing, we will be alright though. We don't need mates. That’s it, nothing more to say, girls! Let’s swim,” Helena said, taking not only her cover-up but all her clothes. She was as bvtt-naked as the day she was born when she entered the lake, her long blond hair cascading down her back. “Aren’t you coming?” Lena asked. Lola took off her cover-up and was about to enter the lake - wearing a bikini - before a weird noise filled the air. When I looked back, the Jedi-tree that was supposed to become a light sabre only during the night was on, gleaming in an intense shade of green. Lola took a few steps closer to me and looked around carefully, worry clear in her eyes. “There is something there,” Lena told us, also walking to the shore. My eyes opened wide and I swallowed hard. Hell! What was happening now?
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