14. Fairy-Doctor Orders

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Nina “I can’t heal her completely, only to a certain extent. I don’t know why; I assure you this has never happened before. Nina, something in you blocks my magic and doesn’t let it flow further. You are the first human to ever set foot in the Six Realms, so my theory is that magic doesn’t work well in your body. It’s not used to it. Besides that, teleporting from the Human Realm to the Six Realms might be what is making you sick. Your body is overwhelmed and having a hard time adapting to the magic of this place. The only thing I can recommend is for you to take Queen Lea’s balms and rest a lot, give time to your body to adapt to the magic. It might take a while, but I am sure that the bond you and Zorion share will help you with it. One more thing, I am not sure about the consequences of mating and what it could do to her body, so until something changes, you shouldn’t mate.” As she said the last part, she looked between Zorion and me. Dream-guy’s face creased with frustration and I noticed him trying to contain his huff. What did Sienna mean, exactly? I’ve watched Animal Planet a few times in one of my foster homes, I knew this word. “Mate as in animals having s*x?” I asked, tilting my face in confusion as I looked between Zorion and the Fairy. “Mate as in us having s*x, my Soulmate,” Zorion explained to me. My face contorted in an inadvertently frown. For the sake of my sanity, this was the only time in my life I desired someone and I couldn’t mate with him? I didn’t only desire him, my whole body, and something even deeper within, burned for him at a much higher temperature than any fever. My luck, really! The architects of this chaos called world — or magic world — really liked to mock me. “That’s it for now, and I will come back within a few days. For the next few hours, you shouldn’t leave the bed,” Sienna said and after we thanked her, Aurora walked her out of the room politely. Sitting up and folding my arms in front of my chest, I sighed. I was about to lose another job. “You should do what Sienna said, you know? If teleporting was the cause of your fever, doing it again now would be very dangerous, Nina. It’s a risk we can’t take.” My head nodded. I didn’t like it one bit, but he was right. “This room?” I asked, looking around it again. It was bigger than my whole apartment, the light and elegant decoration wasn’t over the top like in the office, but it also had a Royal vibe. I was lying on a four-post bed big enough to fit an entire family! Yes, Nina, you were sucked into a fairytale book; in fact, the Fairy had just left. But no pumpkin carriage for you. The only bad news: no s*x! Sienna seemed nice and all, but me not being able to be with Zorion completely was the last thing I expected to hear from my Fairy Godmother. It was not fair! “It’s your room. Here you can be comfortable. There is an ensuite bathroom and a closet next to the small study. Maybe you can use it to paint when you feel better,” he explained. My head creased with soft lines of confusion. I thought that soulmates were supposed to sleep together like human couples do. Maybe things were different here. Not that I was signing up to jump into his bed, but I…my body needed this proximity; otherwise, it felt like it would combust. “We can’t mate for now, but it doesn’t mean I won’t tend to your needs,” Zorion murmured in my ear, making my breath hitch in my throat. “What?” I asked, licking my dry lips. I didn’t get if I would be fed or become food. Needs as in getting me food or devouring me with kisses? “Once you are feeling better, I will show you ‘what’.” His voice sounded graver and smoother than ever. His breath hot against the shell of my ear made goosebumps explode all over my skin. His words also didn’t help and I could feel my stuff down there pulsing with electric desire, clenching desperately with a previously unknown level of need. He stood up and was about to leave the bedroom, stopping on his track as I called him, “Zorion! You can’t leave after saying that! Come back!” He chuckled at my words and came back to my bedside, “Only when you are feeling better, Honey. I won’t give you anything now.” “This is not funny!” I frowned a little, “Can you just… hold me? I know that I am sweaty and probably stinky, but I…” He laid beside me and pulled my back towards his strong chest, “You are not stinky, Honey. I will always hold you, whenever you want or need me to.” As I adjusted myself into his arms, I felt something hard against my butt and an inadvertent gasp slipped through my lips. He was so big and hard… because of me? A tingling sensation in the apex of my thighs resonated to my heart. Feeling desired like this, for someone like him was magical. “I am sorry, Nina,” he murmured, adjusting himself so that his magic wand wasn’t pressed against my bvtt. “No, I like it,” I murmured, which drove my so-called soulmate to pull me closer to him and make me melt into his arms completely. A guttural groan vibrated in his chest, making me smile. It felt natural, good, warm… or I was really burning with a fever and my heart was hallucinating. After a great night of sleep and dreams about his kisses, I woke up in his arms. As soon as I opened my eyes, Zorion spun me around and took my lips with his. It was so hot in here! The word fever was getting a whole and delicious new meaning! A soft knock on the door made me pull away and turn around. “Hello?! Might I come in?” A feminine voice asked. “You can come in, Vina,” Zorion replied, and a beautiful brunet lady with an impeccable uniform and a perfect bun walked inside, pulling a huge tray filled with many different kinds of food. A large variety of bread, cake, omellete, waffles and even stuff like salad, fish, and pasta. My mouth watered and I looked at my watch, trying to find out what time it was. Is time difference a thing between the worlds? “It’s four pm, Nina. You slept for a really long time and that’s great. Are you feeling better?” Zorion told me and I nodded in response. I couldn’t even recall the last time I slept that long; that was what I called magic! “Good morning, Prince Zorion. Good morning, Lady,” the woman said as she settled the tray close to us. My eyes opened wide and my jaw fell, I also felt Zorion still at her words. What the hell? Did I hear her right? There was another secret rabbit hidden in his magic hat? “You know you don’t have to call me like that, Vina,” he told the lady. “I know, Your Highness. But as you know, I like to do it. You are our realm’s very expected Prince and heir to the throne, so I couldn’t call you otherwise.” She smiled, nodding and leaving the bedroom. Turning to look at Zorion, with my eyes narrowed, I asked, “A Prince?” “Nina, I didn’t tell you anything because of the way you reacted at first. I didn’t want to overwhelm you even more,” he said, wrapping an arm around me. “How else could anyone normal react to the I’m a wizard talk? You could have added alien-prince-and-Elephant-shifter to the bunch, I would freak out all the same. Crazy is crazy,” I shook my head, looking away and trying to think. A prince? What did that mean? Probably lots of trouble. I was everything but a princess or princess-material. I couldn’t even make for a Disney princess. First of all, I couldn’t sing; I’ve never talked to birds and mice and the flying squirrel in the garden didn’t seem to like me. “It doesn’t change anything, Nina. It doesn’t matter what I am. All that matters is who I am to you and who you are to me: soulmates,” he replied, tilting my face and making me look at him. “It does matter, Zorion. We are even more impossibly different, even more than I thought,” I sighed. “We can find a way to make our worlds converge, Nina. But first things first, let’s eat; you should be starving,” he told me, pulling the tray closer to us. A sigh left me, he was right: I was starving. After eating, I went to take a long shower, ignoring the Prince Elephant in the room. Talking wouldn’t help much, him being a prince only made whatever was happening between us even more complicated. It was only a dream — a handsome, gentle and hella sexy dream. However, soon I would go back to my reality, to my world. The bathroom was bigger than my bedroom and part of Laura’s put together, and everything was beautiful and flawless. He was a Royal, so… that was normal, right? Wrapping myself in a very soft towel, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked tired, ordinary, boring. I surely didn’t fit among all this perfection, not at all. A cute blue dress, and a matching white lacy bra and panties were on the top of the long sink counter, waiting for me. I’d never worn this kind of underwear before, it was sexy, but it didn’t look like the ones the dancers in the club used. They looked decadent, delicate as if the bra was saying, ‘I am covering beautiful yet sensual secrets.’ Dressing up, I left the bathroom and after Zorion’s eyes roamed up my new dress, they met mine, “You look beautiful,” he smiled. I nodded, not knowing what to do with the compliment. What do people say after being complimented when they really disagree? “You also look much healthier, Nina. My aunt’s balms surely worked well,” he smiled, closing the distance between us and wrapping me in his strong arms. I couldn’t do anything but melt like butter into his arms. “Great! Tomorrow I should be completely fit and ready to kick. I won’t have to miss any class. The only issue is finding a job,” I sighed. “You don’t have to. You can live here. You won’t have to study, work two jobs, or share a small apartment with Laura. You won’t ever have to struggle again, but rather have everything you need and want,” Zorion said casually, as his fingers drew soothing patterns on my back. Taking a step away, I narrowed my eyes. “No! Are you insane? Do you want me to leave my life behind to be with you? I barely know you.” “Nina, please. I am your soulmate, not a stranger. I know you can feel it too, and now that you know about magic and about our bond, we can and should be together. We belong together, that’s how the mate bond works, it’s the purest and most divine magic uniting two souls, intertwining two hearts,” he argued. “For someone who claims to be my soulmate, you don’t understand the first thing about me! I won’t leave everything in my life, in my world, for a guy. That is ridiculous!” This soulmate thing made no sense. It was like some kind of thing that made you instantly want and love a stranger, this was… not natural. What if someone is mated to a serial-killer or with a former reality show participant? “It’s not even like your life is great in the Human Realm,” he exhaled in frustration, crossing his arms for a moment before dropping them to the sides. Was he frustrated? Good! I was enraged. “What? It may not be great for you, Prince! But it’s my life and you have no right to tell me that my life is s**t, and you will give me better by coming out of a Fairytale and saving me. I don’t need it! I don’t want it!” I couldn’t leave my life and my plans behind for him. What if he decided to leave me one day? What if he found another soulmate, a better one? Many things changed in my life, but there was always a constant: people always left, or they found a way for me to leave. It was like that in every foster home, with every nice social assistant I got attached to. A few years ago, when I moved to Madrid, I decided never to let it happen again. I wouldn’t get close to someone only to see them either walking away or sending me away. No one ever loved me. No one ever chose me. No one ever stayed. All I had was myself. “I didn’t say that… I just want you to have a better life. You weren’t safe or happy, Nina. You don’t know how things work yet, but seeing my own mate in danger and crying is dreadful, it’s one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Everything in me wants to protect you, make you feel happy and cherished. I want to do everything in my power to give you the life you dream of.” “There is nothing wrong with my current life. I may not have things easy, but I’m enough for myself. I provide myself with all I need. I won’t give up on that, even if you don’t think it’s good enough.” The nerve of this prince! I wasn’t even used to accepting help. Every time I tried, I just got disappointed. People got eager to help you at the first moment, but then they found something else to do or were too absorbed with their own lives and forgot all about you. Which was fine since they owed me nothing. “I don’t want your help. I’ve always done everything for myself!” I furrowed my angry brows at him. Not needing anyone and taking care of myself made me proud. I’m my only person, sometimes it is hard, but I do it! So no, if a man comes out of magic, offering to help you, you just say no. That’s not how things work. ~ * ~ Zorion “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you.” I inhaled a lungful of her sweet scent in an attempt to calm down. Why did my mate have to be so uncompromising? All I wanted was to make her happy, give her a better life. What was wrong with that? Why didn’t she accept it? “We literally belong to different worlds, Zorion. This has no chance to work out. Those were a nice couple of days, a nice dream. But I have to wake up now,” her eyes clenched shut for a moment. I could see her conflict, her turmoil. It was almost tangible. “I’m just saying that you don’t have to return to the Human Realm. You have options, Nina,” I told her, trying to be as patient as possible, but it was hard. Having her still denying our bond was hard. Hearing that she wanted to be away from me was impossible. My chest was heavy with tension and anguish. I couldn’t lose my little honey. “But I do. I’ll go back to my shitty life. It’s shitty, but it's mine. And that means everything to me.” My little though headstrong female replied, her eyes full of determination. “Honey, if you don’t want to leave your Realm, I can go there with you.” “What?” my words made her frown morph into an expression of surprise. “I just want to try, Nina.” I took a step closer to her and this time she didn’t walk away. “Can you? You are a Prince, Zorion. You can’t leave your world for me. I wouldn’t ever ask you that.” “You don’t have to ask. Being with you is what I want. I respect that you want to stay in your Realm and keep living the life you are used to. So, respect my choice as well.” Nina gulped audibly, but nodded. “I just ask you to give us a try,” I told her, cupping her face with both my hands. She took a deep breath and bit her lips, “We can try. But I… I don’t want you to give up on anything for me,” she told me, and my heart clenched as she muttered a few more words under her breath, thinking I wouldn’t understand them, “I am not worth it.” This foolish human beauty didn’t know that for me she was worth more than my own life. “I won’t give up on anything, I know what matters the most, Nina,” I told her, holding her tightly, caging her in my arms. I wouldn’t let go of her. It didn’t matter in what world it would be, we would be together. We would be forever. * Guys, I've already started Alev's book - The Golden Dragon's Surrogate, please check it out. Try "The Beta's Redemption?" as well, while it's still for free. It already has more than 50 chapters and it will become PTR in May.
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