4. Dream guy

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Nina After spending the morning at Art School and taking my shift in the café, I headed to the place I agreed to meet Zorion at. Let’s say that I went there more to confirm that I wasn’t going completely crazy and hallucinating. However, the fact that he was more handsome than a Rexona model might also have influenced my decision. A sigh of relief left my lips as my eyes found him with his back facing me. But I could recognise his frame anywhere; he was pretty tall and broad-shouldered, so, easy to spot, even among a crowd. My sanity was safe: Zorion was there waiting for me, looking even better than I remembered. His golden hair seemed so soft. I was not a weirdo, but I really wanted to run my fingers through it. He looked even more muscular in that white shirt, and tall, strong, virile — just like someone coming straight out of a sexy dream. Six feet and something of pure male perfection! Damn, I had to stop gawking at him. Placing my hand under my chin, I pushed it up to its proper place. But come on! I could still remember his smile perfectly, as if it was burnt into my memory. Oh, God! His smile made me all giddy. On top of that, the way his eyes wrinkled and his face lit up when he flashed that thousand-kilowatt smile was something out of this world! After I took a few more steps toward him, his husky voice filled my ears. “Hello Nina, how are you?” He asked even before turning around completely and looking at me. How did he know I was the one approaching and not just a random pedestrian? “So, you are actually real?” I asked before I could think about it, and at that, I wanted to facepalm myself. I was no social butterfly, but I was not that socially awkward. “What?” he asked, confused, but soon his confusion was replaced by that gorgeous smile of his. “Are you real? I wasn’t sure either,” he added. Was he just saying that to make me feel better? “I’m all dry and concrete reality.” My awkwardness struck again! He made me feel so... giddy that I couldn’t react like a normal person. Dream-guy still smelt like a summer day and looked like a Greek God even after a night of good and long five hours of sleep. “Do you want to have a coffee or something to eat? Do you know any place nearby where we can go?” he asked. My gaze roamed to my wristwatch. I had forty minutes before my second shift of the day at Café Noisette. It started at seven pm today, and at eleven-thirty, I would have to be at the club. I've got a late shift tonight. “Yes, I know a place.” I led him to a small and simple café on the corner just five minutes away. A sigh parted my lips, appreciating I must be crazy to accept the invitation of a stranger. I should be afraid, or at least cautious about it. Yet something about him made me feel safe and too drawn to him to say no, to not go with him. Trying to walk at a safe distance from him, we crossed the street, my thoughts racing in my mind. I was not sure if it was his looks, his smell, or his calm expression. When have I become that shallow to be all swayed by a pretty boy? No, it was something else. Like my subconscious was begging me to be close to him. But I couldn’t stop wondering why would a guy like him even talk to someone like me? He was way out of my league. Why was I even presuming he had any interest in me? That was nonsense! But again, what the hell did he want from me? He didn't seem like a lonely soul looking for a friend in a stranger, his smile was too warm and his eyes too relaxed. Everything in him was magnetic and surely enticed people to be close to him, as it did to me. Did he also feel alone among the crowds in this big city? “Are you from here?” he asked, walking a little closer to me. My body wanted this proximity — craved it — but my mind wasn’t having it. So, I put some distance between us. “No, I’m from a small town. But I moved here one and a half years ago for my studies.” “What do you study?” “Fine arts.” Why was I talking about my life with him? I normally didn’t speak or share personal stuff with anyone. Not even my flatmate, Laura, knew much about me. I considered myself more on the introspective side. I've had too many mental dialogues with myself to be able to talk a lot or spend time among people. Maybe I was just odd. “How about you? Are you from here?” I asked. “No, it’s my first time in Spain.” Stopping in my tracks, I looked at him in awe, “I couldn’t tell by the accent.” He only smiled in response. We arrived at the cafeteria and went to the counter to order; they didn’t have table service here, as it was a simple and small neighborhood café. “Hello. A coffee with a bit of milk, please,” I asked. Turning to the side, I looked at Zorion. He seemed to have a bit of trouble ordering. Has he ever been to a cafeteria before? Maybe he was a ... guy who had just been to fancy cafés with waiters. “Hello, Mrs. May I, please, have the same thing this lovely lady just ordered?” he told the old woman at the counter, and she smiled at him. Wasn’t he a charmer? He was so polite, and hell’s bells; he seemed so cute and sweet! Hell, I was only setting myself up for heartbreak. I had to stop thinking about him. ‘Nina, you've got no time for a crush, and dream-guy for sure didn’t want anything with you,’ I scolded myself. You have to learn how to pull your own ear when you grow up without parents. I paid by placing a coin on the table, and Zorion did the same. Grabbing both cups, I walked toward the cleanest table I could find. The place was almost empty. Before sitting down, I placed the drinks on the table, and as I moved his coffee towards him, he reached his rather large hand to grab it, causing our fingers to touch slightly — his hand went all the way around the cup. My eyes opened wide, my breath hitching in my throat. A jolt of energy coming from somewhere deep inside me crushed through my body, and I felt intense tingles. Pleasurable little explosions right where our skins touched, clearly a thermal shock since my hands are always cold, and his felt so warm. Swallowing hard, I pulled my hand away, as far away as possible — in this case, to the safety of my lap. My gaze shifted up, meeting his eyes and his smile — everything about him was inviting and warm. “It’s a nice place,” he commented, looking around. Was he being ironic? He didn’t sound like it. But this was not a nice place, dream-guy. “Are you studying here? Doing an exchange? Or just travelling around?” I was nervous and trying to talk about something, to not think about the fact that his touch made my soul shake. Besides that, I had to listen to him talk, his voice just wrapped me in a comfy sensation. “I have been travelling around for some time; I was looking for something.” I just hoped he wasn’t an ** influencer, travelling around to find the meaning of life, aka more followers and some sponsors. “But I’ve already found what I was looking for,” he added. A smile of relief surged on my face; he probably wasn’t an ** influencer. Maybe I was just bitter about ** coaches because deep inside I also wanted to be sponsored while travelling around and painting, inspired by different scenarios and cultures. Hell. Every day, I was becoming more and more bitter. “So, what brings you to Spain?” I asked after taking a long gulp of my coffee. “You,” this three-letter-word left his fleshy lips and almost made me fall off my chair. I looked dumbfounded at him. What the hell?! I was not the crazy one here! ~ * ~ Zorion Before I could contain myself, the word went out of my mouth. Nina’s honey-coloured eyes opened widely and her jaw fell. Her expression was filled with shock. I had to correct myself, “You…want more coffee?” She seemed confused, “I have to go.” She stood up with a jolt, heading to the door without sparing me a look. An exhale left me. I’ve ruined everything! “Nina, wait!” I followed her outside, but she didn’t turn around. I grabbed her arm gently while sparks and tingles arose, radiating from my hands to my whole body. She pulled her arm away abruptly, looking disturbed, “Don’t you touch me! Let me go! What is your problem?” she barked out. Surprised, I took a step back and gave her space, “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” “What do you want then?” Nina snapped, her cheeks growing red. She looked agitated, fidgety. It was as if by touching her arm, I triggered something. “I just want to talk to you,” I replied as calmly as I could. I couldn’t risk upsetting her even more, ruining my chances with her completely. “Why do you want to talk to me?” What is your problem? I don’t know you! Go away, get off of me!” she took a step back, colliding with a passerby. Turning around, she apologised to the guy. “I can’t…Nina, please just hear me out...” Without acknowledging my words, she walked forward, crossing the street while the light was red. Many drivers honked and yelled at her, but she didn’t bother. I followed her. I couldn’t let anything happen to my female. “Don’t follow me! Are you a psycho?” she yelled. “No, I’m not. I wouldn’t ever hurt you. You are invaluable to me,” I told her honestly. “You are fvcking insane! I don’t know you! ... Are you high on drugs?” she asked, as if the realisation had just hit her. “What?” My brows furrowed at her. “There are programs, people that can help you…you don’t have to face it alone.” Her voice was softer now, with a hint of sympathy. Although I didn’t really get what she was talking about. “What do you mean?” I asked, furrowing my brows in confusion. Humans could be so different. “Programs to help dru… people who are facing this kind of problem; problems of addiction. I don’t know much about it, but I’m sure that if you go to a health center they can help you…” “Nina, I’m not on drugs! I just want to talk to you.” Why couldn’t she understand it? I knew that humans went to things they called dates. So, this concept shouldn’t be strange for her. “I don’t know you!” She took a step back, with anger burning in her honey-coloured eyes and her face was contorted with tension. I knew I should have stepped back, but if I did that, I might lose her for good. I could always use a memory-erasing spell to make her forget this disastrous meeting, except I couldn’t bring myself to use magic on her without her knowledge and consent, to manipulate her. That was wrong and our relationship couldn’t start that way, based on lies and manipulation. “You don’t know me, but I know that you feel it as well. The tingles, the connection,” I uttered. She swallowed audibly, stopped on her trail and turned around, looking closely at me, into my eyes. “Your eyes…” she muttered. “They change colours. But that’s not the point. The point is, you can feel it too. You are my mate, Nina, my soulmate.” “What? How do they change colours? Who are you and what are you doing to me? Did you drug me?” she jumped away like a scared Pixie. That was all she took from what I said? I exhaled sharply. My mum wasn’t joking when she said having mates wasn’t easy. “I didn’t drug you; I wouldn’t do it! My eyes change colours because I’m a wizard, and you are my mate; my soulmate, Nina,” I wouldn’t lie to her. I had to explain everything. If she didn’t believe my words, I could show her something, some magic. “What the hell!? You lost your mind!” “Let me explain. I know that it’s all new and overwhelming. Maybe you can’t believe my words, but you can see it with your eyes; I can show you if you allow me to…” I started. I did everything wrong. Maybe Helena was right, and I was a Baboon. But it wasn’t easy, my rationality failed and I could be all but reasonable and under control when I was around Nina. Powerful magic, hormones, desire, and love clouded my judgment. “No! Stay away with your craziness! Better yet, go back to Hogwarts!” She cut me off, raising her hand up in the air, motioning for me to stop. I took another step toward her and that was my mistake.
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