Chapter 29: Old Loves

2025 Words

Cora bristled as her mate told her all about his former lover. Some b***h, excuse me, witch, named Tricia Cadela. The slut had wanted Rei to freely give her his flame, even went so far as to claim she was his mate in order to convince him to hand over his powers. Cora wasn't exactly sure what his powers were, but they were his damn it. And he was hers! If that Witch were alive, Cora would hunt her down and tear her a new asshole for even looking at her mate. Anger and the need for revenge coursed through her. Some of it was his, but mostly what she got from him was an overwhelming need to protect her. Awe, she thought happily. He does love me. "Of course, I love you, kitten," he said and nipped her fingertip between his sharp teeth. "Mm," she inhaled and looked around the now cleaned

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