Chapter 5: Snuggles and Shocks

1236 Words
Stephanie sighed and snuggled deeper into the luxurious softness of her bed. She didn't remember where she got the enormous comforter or the silky sheets, but she sure as hell was glad. Smooth and soft against her skin, she sighed again, rolling onto her side. She was flush against something warm and hard. Not her mattress. Sleep kept her eyes shut as large arms wrapped around her, stroking her back as soft lips nuzzled her ear and neck. Mmm. She liked that. A lot. The clean scent of rain mixed with a fiery spice reached her nose. Mmm. Smells good, she thought and pressed herself even closer to the source. A low rumbling growl vibrated through her body. What was that? Earthquake? Slowly, she opened her eyes. Stretching her body in an effort to try and shake the sleep from her absolutely exhausted frame. What a pleasure to catch up on a few hours! She hadn't slept that securely since her roommates had left. Sigh. Stretch. Wiggle. "If you keep moving like that, pet, proper introductions are going to have wait till after," a low voice murmured while soft lips and a warm tongue teased her ear. Stephanie froze. Her entire body stilled. Hell. She didn't even breathe. What the-? Okay. Fact check: She did not own silk sheets or goose down comforters. She did not currently have a boyfriend or lover. She did not drink last night or go home with anyone. And she certainly did not remove all of her clothing. Did she take off her dress? A vague memory of her car stalling out, the rain plastering the linen dress to her body, a fence- Crap. But she knew she did not remove her underwear and bra. Ha! "Um, who are you," she pushed against the enormous, and yes, naked, chest of the man who was cradling her against him as if she belonged there. No, she was not about to admit to herself that she wanted to whine the second he released her. "I should be asking you that. It was you who trespassed onto my property." Then it all came rushing back. The car, the storm, her ankle, her dress, the fence, and the, the huge, red guy with horns and a tail? Oh. OH. For the first time in her life, she was f****d. Yes, please. I mean, uh, no. Eep! Uneasy by the turn of her thoughts, she stared at the gorgeous stranger and tried to come to grips with what the heck was happening to her. Okay. I am okay. Not hurt. Not molested. Just naked. Okay then. So, sue her if she was a tad bit disappointed. It wasn't everyday a gorgeous hunk of man strode up to her naked and plucked her out of the rain to, well, to take care of her and cuddle? Well, damn. Maybe he's just a nice guy who would've done that for anyone. She couldn't help but feel disappointed at the thought. "What's going on in that beautiful head of yours, pet?" His fingers danced up and down her arms, teasing her skin, tempting her to snuggle back against him. No. Bad. "Stop that," she snapped. Hmph. Once again, she was not going to admit disappointment when he readily complied with her request to be left alone. "Okay, I am naked in your bed. I guess I can tell you more than my name. As I said before, it's Stephanie, I work for the Committee to Preserve the New Jersey Pine Barrens." "Stephanie," he purred, "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman. He purred. The man purred. And damn if it didn't get her all achy in her girlie parts. True, his line was corny, and yet, she hoped he meant it. Sigh. "I'm Avail Leeds," he lifted his hand and she did the same, dropping the sheet in the process. Pervert. He had the audacity to laugh as she scrambled for it. "Shame on you, mister!" "Don't panic, sweet Stephanie. You were soaked to the bone. I undressed you and got you under the covers then crawled in with you to keep you from freezing." The fact that it was still storming outside stopped her from yelling some more. That and her hair was damp. So, maybe he wasn't lying. Right now anyway. But what about everything else? "Okay. Even if I buy all that, what was the kissing and touching about?" "I couldn't not touch you if I tried, my promised," he sat up, the sheet dipping low on his waist. She knew he was as naked as she was, but the reality of seeing such a perfect specimen of man in the buff was simply out of her experience. Okay, she drooled a bit. "Wait! You were already naked in the rain when you saw me outside by the fence," she realized. "Yes." "Why?" "There I was just taking a walk, hoping to release a little energy, when I found you. I guess Fate had other ideas for me this evening," his growly voice made her shiver. Or maybe it was his fingers that were causing such a reaction. There he was, teasing her wrist with light touches. Small, soft strokes that were driving her insane. "In the rain?" She cleared her throat. "Yes." "Without clothes?" "Yes." Oh, great. Another one-word answer. "Um. Maybe we should get out of bed and talk?" "We could do that," he grinned and moved to stand. "Wait! Um, I'll close my eyes," she slapped her palm over her face and ignored the sound of his rumbling laughter. "You can look now." One perfectly arched eyebrow raised lifted to the top of his forehead. Eep. Caught in the act! The tall, dark, and sinfully handsome Avail Leeds had turned around to find her hand had slipped down to her chin. What he didn't know was that Stephanie had dropped said hand as soon as he'd gotten up from the bed. How could she not? He knew she'd been watching as he stood and flexed his delicious looking ass into a pair of jeans on his lower body. What a shame to hide that body. Tsk. Heat suffused her cheeks, but she refused to look away. So she peeked. BFD. He was too good-looking to not be aware of the effect he had on women. And she was only human. "Sorry," she squeaked. Stephanie bit her lower lip and looked down at her hands as they fisted the silk sheet tucked over her front. Okay. I am naked. In a stranger's bed. A stranger who I am sure turned into some kind of red-dragony-monster-thingy. Oh damn. "Here, pet. Put this on," he handed her a fluffy white half-robe. "Aren't you going to turn around?" "Nope," he grinned. She wanted to scream at him, but why bother? The truth was, she wanted him to look. Never wanted that before. As a fluffy chick, she tended to prefer the lights out. That way she could ignore the not so subtle suggestions of her lovers to seek a healthy lifestyle. As if I have all day to cook healthy meals and work out for hours at a time! Hello, bills to pay! Besides, she liked her lifestyle. Her job was interesting, her co-workers were nice. Maccon City was turning out to be a pretty exciting place to live all in all. Especially since she ran into him.
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