Chapter 7: Must Love Pets

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"What was that?" Avail c****d his head to the side. "I made an appointment with her to discuss her donation to the committee. She told me to come here today-" Avail gripped the arms to his seat. His meddling grandmother couldn't have known what Stephanie was to him! Could she? He needed more information. Inhaling a deep breath, one that brought the subtle flavors of his future mate to his nostrils, Avail opened both eyes and focused entirely on her. "When did you make this appointment with my grandmother?" "Last week." Last week. After his unfortunate date and the headlines that had followed. f**k. The blasted woman had been manipulating him since he was a child, of course, she'd manipulated this situation. She's probably been scrying for my mate for ages unbeknownst to me. A gift given to her upon mating with his grandfather, Margot Leeds was something of a prognosticator. He never could get away with a damn thing as a child. She always knew what was going on despite his attempts to bribe the servants or hide his deeds in the woods. And now she'd manipulated this. He didn't know if he wanted to scream or sed her a bouquet of flowers to thank her. Hmm. Perhaps both. Avail took one look at Stephanie, honey blonde hair curling softly around her shoulders as it dried, bright blue-eyes wide and waiting, plump lips slightly open. She was suddenly everything he'd ever wanted and hadn't known he was looking for. But she was my discovery, dammit all, not Grandmother's! "Avail?" His name whispered on her lips snapped him out of his inner debate. "Do you know who I am, pet?" "You told me yourself, you're Avail Leeds." "Yes, but do you follow the news?" "I'd have to be living under a rock not to know about the Naughty Dark Prince though it took me a second to place you," ducking her head she shrugged her shoulders and he couldn't help his body's natural reaction to the innocent movement. "And do you believe me when I say I am the Jersey Devil? Or one of them at any rate." "I admit I am having a difficult time accepting that, though I know what I saw," her whisper held a mix of awe and fear. She was so brave, his promised one. He nodded encouragingly and smiled at her, oddly proud of her honest and forthright answers. "My grandmother has been after me to settle down for some time. It seems, she found you for me, pet," he shook his head in exasperation with the older woman. "Excuse me?" Stephanie's eyebrows shot up. "Lucky for me, Grandmother is always right. You are my promised, Stephanie Decatur." "Um, we just met," she stood up, backing away from him. No, no, no. This wouldn't do at all. Avail stalked his mate. One step at a time. Careful not to send her running. Lightning crashed, thunder boomed, and the lights flickered. The perfect setting indeed! What woman could resist a big, strong man during a thunderstorm? Living out in the boonies often meant a loss of power when storms proved incredibly strong. The manse had back-up generators of course, but they were typically used for kitchen appliances and such. The dark didn't bother him. In fact, his Devil had a natural affinity for it. His little mate, however, proved just a tad skittish. She jumped when the lights flicked one final time before turning off completely. He wanted to go to her, to hold her in his arms and assure her of her safety. He'd never allow anything to harm her. Never! "Stay back, please, I need to think," hands held out in front of her as if warding him off, Avail stilled. So cute. She means to keep me at bay. "Now, pet, why think when you can feel?" He moved quickly, closing in on her tempting frame. Her legs bumped the back of the bed as his hands settled around her waist. He tugged gently, bringing her body flush against his. "Um, things like this don't normally happen to me-" "Things like what, pet?" He brushed his lips across her cheek, moving slowly down the silky skin of her chin and neck. He couldn't get enough of her. Want to taste every inch. "I don't know what to do," she whimpered as his lips settled on the pulse at the base of her neck. "What do you mean?" "You're trying to seduce me." "I am seducing you, pet." "That hasn't really happened to me before. Oh, oh my," she moaned as his teeth nipped, tongue laved, and lips soothed the skin between her neck and shoulder. His gums ached with the need to loose his fangs. f**k. He wanted to mark her. Now. "Good. Then I don't have anyone to hunt down and kill," he said capturing her lips in a lingering kiss. The taste of her was absolutely delicious. And he didn't mean the caramelized pecans she'd nibbled along with a piece of soft, sweet cheese drizzled in honey. Avail meant her. His promised one's flavor was a heady mix of the sweet, golden liquid he preferred to sugar. A hint of spring flowers, but with a subtle bite to her too. Like the piri piri peppers he loved so much. He nibbled and teased, growling his disappointment when she pulled away. Whine. "Hunt down and kill?" He smelled her dimming arousal and was determined to fan the flame. As soon as he answered her question. Blast! Ixnay on the illskay! "Or maim if killing bothers, you," he licked her earlobe, taking the soft flesh between his lips. He would only ever speak the truth to his mate. Lying didn't sit well with him. He figured she should know about his slightly possessive Devil when it came to her. In other words, if any other person, man, woman, beast, or both dared touch her, his Devil was sure to come out and play. Mine. "Um, that seems a little much, no?" "When it comes to you, pet? Nothing is too much." "Look, it was, um, nice meeting you, but I think I have to go-" Panic had him still as a statue. She could not leave. Not yet. His devil pushed at his skin, the pull of the moon making his beast harder to control. Especially with the temptation of his mate right in front of him. "Do you really want that?" He asked. His voice a purr in the dark room. "Yes. No. I, I don't know-" Avail knelt at the foot of his mate. She was a normal. A human. He knew he should move slowly. Tread with care. Do all the things for her that his Grandmother had instilled upon him when he was a boy. Treat your mate lovingly, Avail. Don't just bash her over the head and bring her back to your lair caveman style! Behave with some tact. But what was wrong with the whole caveman thing? He'd found his mate! His entire body was on fire with wanting her. Why couldn't he just take the choice away? Kiss her until she was writhing beneath him, mindless and needy. But no. That wouldn't do. He wanted her willing. He wanted to be the one she chose. An hour in her presence and I'm completely p***y-whipped. Sigh. Even his Devil shied away from such a thought. f**k. He knew better than to act on his desires, but it was difficult when she was standing there in his robe. Like a present begging to be unwrapped. Slow down. He had to pace himself. Even if doing so was going to give him the bluest balls he'd ever had. "I don't know what I want," her small whisper turned into a giggle of embarrassment. Her light laughter teased his senses, bringing forth a smile when he wanted to howl in pain. His promised was beautiful when she smiled. A knockout. She covered her face with her hands, and he wanted to rip them away so he could look at her. He thought better of it and stood next to her, willing himself to retreat until she was sure of what she wanted. Me. Pick me. "How about a tour of the house then? We can talk." And kiss. And maybe a little groping. His d**k throbbed and he swatted it when she turned away, demanding the blasted muscle behave itself.
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