Chapter 9: What Happened

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Stephanie could hardly believe what was happening. The halls of super-slutdom were seriously going to ask for her photograph if she continued on this path! Not that she cared. Some things were simply worth it. At least, that's what Cora always said! As for herself and Leandra, they were a little more cautious in their s****l escapades. But if she were being honest, she'd always wondered how it would feel to act on her desires. To give in to lust without fear of judgement. The possibilities were endless. Liaisons of the pounce first, ask questions later variety were fairly unknown to Stephanie. But hey, what the heck? You only live once, right? To think she made fun of all those folks who tweeted #YOLO every chance they got! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! She always left that kind of carefree, wild existence to others. Like her BFFs Cora and Leandra. True, the later was a tad bit tamer than the first, but both women outshone her in the field of s****l experience. To her utter consternation. Couldn't be helped though, right? Stephanie's own shy nature and curvaceous body kept her from engaging in wild encounters with the opposite s*x. Always too damned embarrassed to just let herself go. She felt her face heat, imagining her flush at her private thoughts. Couldn't be helped with her coloring. Baby soft blonde hair, pale ivory skin, and blue-eyed, you'd think she'd have them lining up! Not that she was ugly, she certainly didn't think so. In the 1950s, she'd have been ideal with her extra curves. But nowadays, with tall, waifish models on every cover and thigh gap a thing of pride, well, she was hardly anyone's ideal woman. Certainly not the men she'd been interacting with. Hence the guy who stood her up at lunch today. Okay. Fact check: Stephanie was used to awkward interludes and coffee dates that ended with a mutually agreed upon appointment for s*x or not. A girl had needs and a modern one could see about getting those needs filled by something other than a battery-operated toy. She fully understood the physical side of intercourse, the necessity of it, having engaged infrequently herself. Flushing again she surprised herself with thoughts of a wild interlude with Avail. Would he fulfill the promise those dark eyes made every time he looked at her? Would he make her wild with longing or would he disappoint her? Doubt that's even possible. Look at him for god's sake. Perhaps it was the blandness of her past experiences that had her reacting so uncharacteristically to Avail? Maybe it had been too long since she last indulged? Either way, Stephanie was almost ready to admit the man had her panting in anticipation. He was s*x on legs. A six-foot something, dark haired, dark eyed, full-lipped boy toy that she was dying to get her hands, maybe lips, okay, both on! Jersey Devil or not, he was freaking hot. Like super-f**k-me-now-please-yes-I-will-call-you-daddy-hawt! In that light, she could be forgiven for currently jumping his bones. So what if the man was the grandson of the woman she was supposed to hit up for a large sum of money for her job? That was the least of her concerns. The foremost being, how to get him to never stop what he was doing to her. "You're thinking too hard, pet. Let me fix that for you," he growled against her skin. And damn if she didn't feel moisture dripping from her slit at his words. Freaking sexy-ass Devil! She moaned when his hands brushed past her n*****s, then moved on to squeeze her ass. Mmm. He was everywhere at once. Touching, groping, kneading her ripe flesh. Oh lord, that felt fantastic! Stephanie couldn't not reciprocate if she tried. Fingers greedy to explore more of him, she ran her nails down his muscle carved torso and further still until she caressed the thin denim that covered his long, thick, decidedly impressive evidence of his imminent need for her. He wants me. Giddy with the knowledge, she squeezed and explored him over his jeans, dragging a low groan from his lips. Okay. She was a super-duper slut. But who cared? Things like this never happened to her, and she planned to take full advantage. Who would even believe it? The Naughty Dark Prince himself, the very one her coworkers drooled over, had his tongue in her mouth as his hands worked the tie of her robe. His robe actually. She could hardly think, didn't want to anyway. Her body was on fire for him. No one had ever brought her to such a fever pitch before. She needed more, wanted to see and feel all of him as he teased her body to new unexplored heights. Oh, did he just put his tongue in my ear? Who knew that would make my toes curl? Pressing her body against his strong, muscular frame, she lifted on her tip toes to plunder his mouth. She felt unusually aggressive. Every cell in her body screaming for her to mount this man. Make him hers. In. Every. Way. Possible. Tugging his head down, she sucked and nibbled, kissing him with everything she had in her. Need to get closer. She moaned and shrugged her shoulders, allowing the robe to dip further down her back. His approving growl was like a tug directly to her clit. Her body never responded like this to men. Eager and hungry for him, Stephanie refused to think about any of her old hang-ups. She unzipped his jeans and shoved down the material, wanting more of him. Avail did the same with her robe, just as eager. With a seductive little wiggle, she was freed of the offending garment. Finally. "Mine," she heard him, though he spoke in a deep whisper. He held her apart from him for a full minute, simply looking at her. So she did the same. Taking in every inch of his corded frame. Yes, she thought. Now, they could look and touch and taste to their hearts' content. This was so much more than attraction, she thought wildly. She could almost fall in love with him, the way he looked at her so profound. No one had ever made her feel like that. Like she was perfect and beautiful. Panic made her heart pound, or was that him? She swayed on her feet, and he was here to catch her. His mouth sealed over hers. Taking control of the kiss, he walked her backwards until she felt the bed underneath her. His skin was hot against hers. So good. His whispered words making her want to come so badly. No one had ever touched her in so many ways. With words, and lips, and hands. She was practically desperate for him to sink into her. To unite them. Make them one. Yes. God, yes. Sanity crept back in for a moment as his tongue slid out of her mouth. Hands framing her face he slowed their kiss to just lips. A smooth, soft meeting that made her want to weep. "Stephanie," he whispered her name with such tenderness once again her heart squeezed. I could love this man, she thought. Panic flared and had her stiffening under his mouth. Don't you dare ruin this, Stephanie. It's just a moment out of time. You can handle a sexy as sin man for one night. "Pet? You alright?" Shaking herself out of the stupid argument she was having in her mind, Stephanie willed herself to focus on the now. On the pleasure. "Yes, I am. Avail, will you make love to me?" She asked boldly. No more playing. She was going to take him for herself. Even if they only had this one night. "I intend to, but only if you're certain. Are you?" "I am. I want you." "I want you too, pet," he growled capturing her mouth in a hard, aggressive move that made her want to open for him. To deny him nothing. His head lifted. Dark eyes glowing with a reddish light. Was that his Devil? She knew it in her heart that his beast came to the surface to see her. That fact turned her on even more. I make him lose control. She felt powerful and sexy under his heated gaze. Her n*****s pebbled into hard points and her channel squeezed on air, waiting to be filled. Never like this. There was some unknown chemistry between them. She could feel it. A living thing, almost, this fierce desire in her, this incredibly wanting. More than anything she wanted him to fill her, to possess her. Craved it, with every fiber of her being. "No more games, pet. This is about to get very real." There was only one thing she could say in reply. One word that would bring with it the release she'd been on the verge of since she woke up in his bed earlier that evening. She licked her lips, moistening them with her tongue, acutely aware of his focus on the small pink muscle. "Yes."
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