4 - The Game

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After dropping Alice off at last night, I drove back to my place with the biggest smile on my face. I haven’t had that good a night out in months. She is really adorable, cute, and sexy at the same time. She has this aura around her of innocence, but I just know deep down she’s not. I’ve only known her a day and I will admit that I’m smitten. It’s crazy the way she makes me feel. When I touched her hand the sparks were instant, I know I’m sounding like a big girl, but I can see myself and her in going far with this relationship. Our past failed attempts are similar in a way that we can relate to one another. As I park up my car and head to the elevator to get to my apartment I shoot her a text Had an amazing time tonight. Hope you don’t change your mind about coming to the game tomorrow. I would love to see you there. x It’s been a half hour since I left her, living the other side of town is a pain but she is worth the travelling. I expect she’ll be in bed already. As I get through the door, slipping of my shoes and heading to the kitchen to grab a water before going to my room. I quickly grab all my gear for tomorrow, making sure I’ve got my boots and mouth guard in my bag, shorts, socks, and my wash stuff.  I quickly undress and dive under the covers just as I get a notification on my phone, its Alice. A smile on my face as I open her message Had a brilliant time too. Can’t wait to see you play, Matt and Sophie in bed so will talk to them in morning. What times KO? x I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea inviting her to watch the match. She might be a distraction but to see her cheering me on from the stands will help boost my game. I reply to her telling her times and location but I’m pretty sure she’ll know where it is. She’s lived in this town her whole live and she has been to home games before. I still can’t believe have never seen her before, I’ve lived here all my life and I’m pretty sure I would remember if I had seen her around. By the sounds of her ex Martin the bank wanker, he didn’t like the same things as her, so she stopped doing them. He sounds a total prick, but I’m glad I’ve got to meet her, so I’m thankful to him in a way. We text back and forth for a while, then I realise how late it is. Nearly 230am, god I dropped her off around midnight, I need to get sleep before this match tomorrow. Our messages flow so easily it’s like I’ve known her for years, Babe, we need to get some sleep for tomorrow. I’ll see you at the game. Night beautiful xx Yeah, it didn’t realise it was so late. Night handsome xx As I leave my phone on my bedside table, rolling over I close my eyes thinking of her gorgeous face, and the way she blushes at every compliment, I’ll bet I dream of how far that blush goes down and sleep isn’t far behind. I woke up a little after 10am, I must have switched my alarm off, was supposed to be up at 8am. I wanted to check on the gym before I head to the rugby club for team talk and warm up. Kick off isn’t until 1pm but the team have a strict routine, so I need get a move on to be there for our 1130 briefing. I jump out of bed heading for a quick shower, it’ll help wake me up and get rid of the boner I woke up with. I dreamt of Alice last night. She was lying in my arms in my bed all sweaty and naked after having the most amazing s*x. Oh god, I need to stop. This boner will never go away at this rate. After my cold shower I throw on my jeans, my white club shirt and tie, reaching over for my phone I put it in my back pocket as I head to the kitchen to make breakfast. I make myself some eggs and toast along with a smoothie. As it’s nearly 11am I decide to head out and make my way to the club. I climb into my car connecting my phone to the bluetooth and call my gym managers to check in on them both. The guys are great, we went through school together and they’ve helped me from the start with my business venture. If it weren’t for all their help I would probably have given it all up after my split with my ex-wife.  Just as I pull up to the club Alice sends me a text. We will all be there to cheer you on.  Good luck, although I’m sure you won’t need it xx Sweet. I’ll be seeing her afterwards, maybe take her to dinner again. A second date could be a celebration of winning the game or commiseration at losing, fingers crossed it’s not the latter.   Alice POV I woke up just after 10am panting and a sweaty mess, my hair was all over the place and stuck to my forehead. I sat bolt upright as I recovered myself from the crazy sexy dream I had of Stuart and me. I’ve never had a s****l dream before, maybe because I haven’t had s*x in months is why I had one now, or maybe because it was Stuart. Oh god, I haven’t stopped thinking about him since last night. When we were texting it just flowed so easily. I need to get up and stop daydreaming about him. He’s just too good to be true. I head for a shower taking my time, shaving all over and conditioning my hair. The weather is warm today again, but I haven’t a clue what to wear. I don’t want to make it look like I’m making too much of an effort but want to look cute at the same time. I quickly chuck on leggings and a tank top and head down to breakfast, Sophie will help me pick afterwards, hopefully. As I get to the kitchen both Sophie and Matt’s heads snap up as I walk in.  They both have a cheeky smirk on their faces. “What?” I ask I pour myself coffee and grab a bowl of cereal. “How was your date?” Matt asks as he sips his coffee. Sophie bursting at the seams beside him, patiently waiting for my reply. “Amazing" is all I say, and I can tell by Sophie’s reaction she wants more details.  So, as I munch my crunchy nut flakes I tell them about our date, even the part of bumping into Martin and thinking about it now I didn’t see who he was with and Stuart never mentioned it either. At the end of my story Sophie was looking at me all gooey eyed “Do you like him?” she asks as Matt turns to see my reply.   I simply nod my head, a little too enthusiastically. “So, you want to come to the game with me this afternoon?” I ask holding my palms together in a prayer like manner. “For you, yes we will come. Haven’t watch a game in years, it will be fun" Matt answers for the both of them.  I tell them kick off time and we all head to get ready, we had sat in the kitchen for nearly an hour and haven’t left much time to get ready and to travel to the club.  I send Stuart a quick message wishing him luck and telling him we will be there.  I don’t get a reply straight back but I’m not worried, he did say he was going to catch up with his gym managers before he went to then club, so he will be busy. I’m trying not to think too much into this, I have only known him a day and a bit, it’s not like we have discussed a future if there even is one. Just take it one step at a time, Alice calm your beans. Sophie comes to my room to help me choose an outfit, I maybe a designer of clothes but I have no idea what to wear for different occasions like this.  She pulls out another of my maxi dresses, it’s pale blue with white and yellow flowers around the bottom, it has no straps, so I grab my cropped light blue denim jacket, it’s my favourite and sensible white vans. The dress is that long you won’t even see my feet.  After quickly putting on some makeup a little foundation, mascara and my signature eyeliner and a light shade of pink lip gloss, I throw my hair up into a messy, yet sexy bun and slipping my shades on top of my head. Picking up my tiny Gucci backpack I put in my wallet, perfume, keys and my lip gloss, before grabbing my phone from the stand I take a quick glance in the mirror, satisfied with my look and head downstairs. Just as we head to Matt’s car, he insisted on driving, he reckons Stuart will want to take me out after the game, but I told him he won’t, but he wouldn’t listen. Says he knows best, and he wants to bet that he is right. “Fine. If you are right and he asks me out after the game. I will give £20." The whole car journey to the club was about this bet. Once we get out the car we shake on it. I can’t believe I just bet on that. I want to go out with him again, but I don’t want to have to give Matt £20. Why did I do it? We go into the club house to grab a few drinks, soft drinks as it’s too early in the day to be drinking alcohol. We head to the stand to get a good seat to watch the game. We had to pay a couple pound each to get in as we are not members, but I didn’t mind, the money is used to maintain the grounds and helps buy equipment for the junior teams. I also slipped in another £20 as a donation, after all it’s for the future generation of the sport. As we walk up to the stand, Matt leading the way I hear my name being called but not a voice a recognise. As I turn my body an older gentleman stands a few feet away from me. “Alice Wilson, god you have grown up. I hardly recognised you" the older gentleman says, I look at him, I know his face, but I just can’t think at this moment who it is.. wait a minute. “Mr Jacobs" I say as he nods his head. Mr Jacob’s was my PE teacher at high school, he also happened to live across the street from my parents’ house. I walk over to him give him a gentle hug. I introduce him to Sophie and Matt as they looked at me weirdly hugging a strange old dude. I could just hear Sophie’s thoughts Stranger danger! “You haven’t been to see a match in years, since you started dating that man that works at the bank" I instantly drop my head as he mentions that.  I explain that Martin and I are not together and that I was here to support a friend. As soon as I say Stuart’s name, Mr Jacobs smirks at me. “Well, I’ll let you into a little secret Alice. The way that Stuart was talking about you in the changing rooms, he is more than just a friend and you are wearing the team colours, very thoughtful of you" he winks as he excuses himself just as the players are jogging out on to the pitch.  I blush as he walks away, bloody hell what has Stuart been saying about me? We eventually find three seats together a couple rows back from the front, quite a good view if you ask me. Matt sat at the end of the row of seats, Sophie beside him and then me. The seat next to me is empty so I don’t need to sit next to a stranger. We get settled in, placing my bag at my feet, I slip my jacket off as I’m roasting with the sun on my back. Luckily, I put on suncream before we left, I’m not wanting red shoulders. I’ll still get a decent tan though, and no tan lines. I quickly check my watch and it’s still a few minutes til kick-off, I’m taking in my surroundings not really paying attention to the pitch itself, until Sophie elbows me in the ribs as she uses her head to point to the pitch and just as I lift my head I see him standing with his hands on his hips.  Stuart, what a sight that is. So much better than what I had imagined. They shorts are tight and just perfect. I give a little wave as he was staring at me he winks back and I instantly blush.  Just when I look away Mr Jacobs catches my eye and he just smiles like a cheshire cat. I’m a little embarrassed as a few of Stuart’s teammates look over at my directions as they huddle around Stuart. “f**k. Why are they all staring at me?” I whisper in Sophie’s ear “You heard what Mr Jacobs said, he was talking about you in the changing rooms. Obviously, the guys want to see who you are" she says as she chuckles but wraps her arm around me. Sophie knows I hate being the centre of attention, when we had to do presentation in college I was always a nervous wreck, small group of maybe up to ten people I’m completely fine with but standing in front of fifty or more I’m a goner, I get all panicky and my breathing goes to pot, I’ve got better with age but still I need a warning if I’m being put in that type of situation.   The game soon gets under way and within the first 10 minutes the home team are winning by 7 points to nil. Stuart managed to score a try and the small crowd went crazy for him. I was cheering and clapping like everyone else, until he ran past and winked right at me. Seriously he done it on purpose, and he laughed at my blushing face. First half was exciting, Stuart scored another try and the scrum half managed to convert it. There has been a few scuffles but nothing major, the away team are playing a little dirty, but the referee is on their case.  It’s looking hopeful for a win, but anything can happen in the second half. Fingers crossed.  Matt heads up to outside bar to get us more drinks, Sophie and I chat a little waiting on him. She’s never been to game and by the sounds of it she’s really enjoying herself. Matt has had to explain a few rules to her and explain what they are doing when it comes to a scrum or line out. She was never one for following sports but always liked to ogle at the guys playing them. She has admitted that Stuart is the fittest on the pitch.   Soon the final whistle us blown, I hadn’t even realised the game had finished as I had unconsciously been staring at Stuart pretty much the whole second half. It’s not until Matt says my name and Sophie nudges me to move, we head down to the outside bar. It’s all a bit frantic, bodies everywhere players and spectators, laughing and talking together. As I wait with Sophie as Matt gets us more drinks,  I feel a pair of wet arms slide around my waist and a hot body pulling me into a brick hard chest, making me jump a little. I turn my head to see Stuart smiling like crazy. “Hey gorgeous” he says as he kisses my naked shoulder. “Hey, you are all sweaty” I say as I turn slightly to get out of his grip, he pouts a little as I playfully slap his chest.  “you played good" I tell him, that rewarded me with his sexy ass smile. “Thanks. I’m glad you made it. You look hot as f**k by the way" he says as he pulls me in for a kiss on the lips, and yes you guessed it, I blushed like crazy. Keeping his hand on my waist he chats a little bit with Matt and Sophie but are soon interrupted when Mr Jacobs shouts him over. “Stu, leave the girl alone and move it to the showers" he shouts shaking his head.  Stuart nods his head at him and turns to me. “Wait for me yeah? We’ll go out after the presentation” he says as he runs his finger over my shoulder, sending shivers done my spine.  I can’t get any words out, so I just nod my head. He runs off to follow the rest of his teammates. Matt turns to me with a smirk “You owe me £20" he says laughing.  s**t. I forgot about the bet. “Hahaha. Yes. You won.” I slap the back of his head jokingly.   We hang about outside for a good half hour, speaking with others who we found out are family of most of the home team. One older guy, the dad of the scrum half, tells us that the game was a final for the league title. So not only did they win the match, but they won the league unbeaten. It’s amazing, the atmosphere is crazy, everyone is so nice and welcoming. The same dad goes on to ask if I’m Stuart’s girlfriend, I’m not sure how to answer his question but luckily the man himself comes out looking sexy as f**k in his shirt and tie, clearly freshly showered as his blonde hair is still damp. “Yeah, Davie, this is Alice, my girlfriend" he tells him as he wraps his arm around me planting a kiss on my head. Davie nods and shakes his hand saying something along the lines of I’m a stunner and he needs to hold onto me or something like that. I had completely zoned out, shocked that he said I’m his girlfriend. I don’t get a chance to ask him anything as he’s called up to receive a trophy for man of the match, the crowd cheers loudly as Sophie says in my ear. “At least you don’t have to worry about putting a label on it. He did it for you" she says winking at me. We stand in the crowd clapping and cheering as other players get awards for different achievements and the biggest win is the league title. The crowd again goes crazy, snapping photos and whistling.  Not really sure what happened next but I’m being pulled by Mr Jacobs up to the front of the crowd as a photographer stands in front of me as Stuart comes over holding his man of the match trophy, placing his arm around my waist. He tells me to smile, which I do as the camera snaps away. The crowd soon disperses, and people come up to congratulate Stuart on his win, I quickly make my way back over to Sophie to get my bag. Embarrassed at being put on the spot like that, my body is shaking. She pulls me in for a hug, resting my head on her shoulder, as she knows my fear. I’m lucky I didn’t have a full blown panic attack, my breathing is heavy but with Sophie running her hand down the middle of my spine, pressing hard, she knows it calms me quickly. I block everything out and concentrate on my breathing to stop my body from shaking.  I can hear voices behind me, I think its Stuart and Matt but I’m too focused to listen to them. I’m soon calm and my breathing has returned to normal. As I lift my head from Sophie’s shoulder, I see a panicked looking Stuart, gazing at me. “I’m fine" I tell him as I sip the glass of water Matt hands me.  As I stand in silence, looking at the ground, Sophie quietly explains my fear of standing in front of people and that I had a slight panic attack, nothing to worry about. “I’m so sorry. I never thought. I didn’t know Jacob’s was doing that. I’m sorry babe" he says as he wraps his big arms around me, bringing me into his chest. I inhale his aftershave, he smells amazing and sexy. “It’s ok. You didn’t know, I’m fine now. Can we leave though, people are looking and I’m not liking it at the moment" I say as he releases me, and I drop my head to the floor again avoiding peoples’ gazes. “Yeah, I’m good to go. Meet me at my car I just need to grab my bag from the changing room" he says as he runs off.  The three of us walk to his car. Matt being the big brother figure making sure I’m ok, giving me a side hug as I rest my head on his shoulder, just as the boot of Stuart’s car pops open I turn around to see him smiling at me walking over with his bag slung over his shoulder. Even just his walk is sexy, I’m hooked on everything Stuart at this moment. We chat for a little bit, making sure I’m ok before Sophie and Matt head off to their car, just as I start to climb inside Stuart’s car, him standing holding the door open for me Matt shouts “Remember my bet winnings Alice.” I will never live that down.  
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