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~CELIE’S POV~ Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fall and not hit the ground? How would it feel to endlessly plunge into this never-ending ditch? Your hands move desperately to grasp something to achieve stillness, but it just doesn’t work. I believe that there can be a cure for everything, but not for this lunacy. I fell into this rabbit hole of maelstrom after my parent’s unfortunate demise. My father, being the diligent Delta of the Scarlett moon’s pack, always used to put his obligations before his family. The same thing earned him both success and the envy of his kin. Despite years of loyalty, my father, Caesar Phelps, was charged with deceit, something that man couldn’t have done even if his own daughter’s life was on the line. Unfortunately, the mounting evidence strongly suggested that he did assist our enemy in infiltrating our land and killing Alpha’s father. Due to this, he didn’t receive the chance for parole and was hanged right before my mother’s eyes. My poor mother, Hilda Phelps, was a devoted wife who had gotten married at just sixteen years of age. Without my father, she had no purpose for living, or so she had told herself. My father’s tragic death thus prompted her to take her own life by slitting her wrist, a sight too horrific for me to forget. Without them, my position in this house is no more than that of a servant. People said my uncle Augustus Phelps killed them, but I tried not to pay heed to the rumours. Uncle’s behaviour, however, made it harder to turn a blind eye to the gossip about him being the killer. While Uncle Augustus tried his very best to get me to a secluded room and touch me whenever he got a chance, his wife made sure that it didn't happen, which used to paint her as a source of salvation in my head. Deborah Phelps, however, is no saint herself. She misses no chance to whip me for even the minutest mistakes. If there is something that keeps the stark-staring mad couple from killing me is my power, the one which is mercifully endowed by the moon goddess. I get visions that offer me a perfect glimpse of the near future, making me aware of what is to happen next. It started right after the death of my parents. I guess it is the moon goddess’s way of making up for what she has taken away from me. It is because of this ability that my lecherous Uncle and gluttonous aunt found themselves in a dilemma when Alpha Cillian asked for my hand in marriage. Since they have completely concealed my supernatural abilities from the world, I couldn’t understand the source of the Alpha’s interest in me. Maybe he just found me befitting to beget his children. The only reason my Uncle Augustus has been able to win every battle and Alpha’s confidence is because of my visions. I got prior knowledge about every battle and attack that was to take place in Hamilton town, which I only delivered to him. If I were to get married and move away from him, the man would lose his status of being a valiant warrior. The same distress had caused him to invite me to his bedroom, alone. “Come in, Celie,” permits my Uncle with his smile as wide as that of a quokka. As obedient as my mother has taught me to be, I enter his room with my head bowed, “What did you want to talk about, uncle?” Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he asks me, “Didn’t I tell you not to address me as your uncle? You’re twenty-one years of age now. You’ve entered womanhood, and God knows I am no uncle or brother to any beautiful woman in this town. “ Feeling his wild eyes ogling my breasts, it appears to me as if I am completely naked. Due to this, I cover my chest as I unsuccessfully try to avoid the immoral man, “If you have nothing to say, should I go back to the kitchen now? I have a lot of dishes to wash.” Instead of saying anything, he gets up from his bed and walks towards me with unhurried steps. With my heart sitting in my throat from the mere imagination of what he’d do to me, I take a few steps back when he gets to me. “You can’t leave until I tell you to,” ordains Uncle Augustus, placing his hand on my shoulder. Flinching, I dare not look him in the eyes and whisper in a voice as soft as the squeak of a mouse, “I don’t feel good. Let me go.” “Do you want to marry the Alpha? He thinks you could be a perfect wife. It is probably your very sinful body that must've made him consider you for marriage” asks Augustus suddenly, with his hand grabbing my chin to make me stare into his eyes. Imagining how I will be taken away from this torturous place, I mistakenly let my face express my pleasure about the same, which infuriates my uncle. He renders me a slap and shames me for lusting over freedom, which he mistakes for s****l desire, “Shameless w***e! How could you smile while thinking of a man? Didn’t I treat you well in this house? How can you even bring yourself to think about leaving me?” My voice trails off into a broken silence, followed by shivering lips and teary eyes, “But I—-” Just as quickly as he has slapped me, he becomes tender. He places his hand on my cheek and apologises, “I don’t want you to cry. Forgive me, little one.” Lacking the strength to even look him in the eye, I keep my head low and tremble like a leaf on a windy day. Hoping this doesn't end in me losing something as precious as my chastity, which would cause me to stay stuck with this man, I begin reciting prayers in my head. “Look at me, Celie,” demands the pervert, sounding as assertive as he can be. Absolutely certain that I cannot afford to offend him, I do what’s asked of me. To my horror, he gives me a smile as he pulls down the sleeves of my dress, exposing my shoulders. Becoming aware of his intentions, I let out a blood-curdling cry, which warns the other helpers and Deborah. Listening to the footsteps approaching his bedroom door, he moves away from me. Deborah unsurprisingly enters to find me standing in a corner with tears in my eyes and sleeves pulled down. Unsure of what had transpired in her absence, she assumes that I was trying to seduce her husband by seeking his pity with my tears and warmth with my body. “Harlot!” roars Deborah, grabbing me by the hair. Afraid that she might stab me or choke me to death, I give her a violent push and gallop away. I am not able to get far as I end up colliding with a tall man with a chest as hard as the surface of a rock. Before I’d raise my head to register the person’s face, he grabs my shoulders with his huge arms and asks me, “Aren't you Celie?” To respond, I raise my head and unintentionally reveal the tears in my eyes, which he wipes very tenderly with his fingers. I don’t know why it is, but I swear I feel my heart brimming with an unknown joy. It is the first time that I have been treated like a human in years. “Who made her cry?” bellows Alpha Cillian, sending a visible shiver down the fiendish couple’s spine. “I just asked her to do her chores. That’s what made her cry,” reports Deborah, relying on lies as usual. Unaffected by the erroneous picture that is painted before him of me, he still offers me his sympathy and asks me, “Since you will soon become my bride, you should live with me instead.” The Alpha’s invitation stresses Augustus out, who lets out, “Without her, our house would become lonelier. We don’t have any children. That’s why she is our only source of joy.” Deborah joins in this feigned display of love, “If you take her away, we’ll be on our own. We can’t bear to be separated from her.” Not love, but their greed is making them utter these absolutely ridiculous claims about our very twisted relationship. The Alpha, being a smart leader, somehow sees through their vulgar lies and instructs me to follow him. I hesitate, worrying about the repercussions of offending my uncle and aunt. Alpha Cillian deftly reads my terrified eyes, so he takes the initiative of dragging me away from there by holding my hand. My little fingers aren’t perfect for his big hands, but it doesn’t bother him. “Are they mistreating you?” asks the placid man in the kindest manner. There are oodles of bitter memories that I have buried inside my aching heart for years, but when it comes to voicing them, I can only let out tears. Alpha Cillian understands it though. He doesn’t push me to do it. He just watches me struggle in my attempt to sweep the self-pity from my face. Immersed in wiping my face, I am taken aback when he pulls me into his arms. Though there are vestiges of old pain that prick my skin, it doesn’t feel as uncomfortable as being preyed on by Uncle Augustus. “Forgive me, I was just trying to comfort you,” apologises Alpha Cillian, sounding undoubtedly rueful. Shaking my head, I tell him, “It’s fine.” “You don’t talk too much, do you?” asks Cillian, looking curiously into my eyes. Living while being deprived of social relationships has its own set of cons. The most prominent one is the inability to feel comfortable in others’ presence. Plagued by the same disease, I become extremely anxious around him. “This will not do, Celie,” says Alpha Cillian. “Soon, we will be married and I will need both your body and mind. How will you do your duty as my wife if you act this fearfully?” Afraid that he will drop the idea of marrying me and return me to my aunt and uncle, I raise my head, clench my fists and swear, “I will change. I will not disappoint you." My chest rises and falls as my heart palpitates heavily in my chest. The prominent uneasiness compels him to take me to his bedroom and offer me a glass of water. It takes me some time, but I do manage to calm my nerves. “This will soon be your room as well,” declares Alpha Cillian. I nod, “I will take good care of you and your pack as the new Luna.” “That’s more like it,” says Cillian, sounding a little proud. He then walks towards me, and tucks my hair behind my ear, “Since we’re going to marry one another, there’s this one thing I need to know. Do you have anyone else in your heart?” After shaking my head, I keep staring him in the face while being mesmerised by his gorgeous emerald eyes. In response, he gives me a smile and then takes hold of my face with both of his hands. Before I know it, he crashes his lips on mine, and I feel his tongue invading my mouth. With his hands slowly coming down from my face, he feels my shoulders, arms, hands and then waist. The touch and the sweetness of his mouth not only left me with a fast-paced heartbeat but also with my skin burning hot with desire. The moment he breaks the kiss, I place my fingers on my lips to feel the sensation of his kiss. Pleased with my obedience and acceptance of his love, he then escorts me into a guest room. According to the customs of the pack, the bride is not allowed to live with the groom until they have taken their vows. As soon as we enter the guest room, we are greeted by an elderly woman who seems to have been awaiting me. With a grin, she asks us, “What took you so long? I was told to be here an hour ago.” “Forgive us for the delay. I was just getting her acquainted with her duties as the Luna,” responds Cillian after clearing his throat. The woman beams at us as she tells us, “Don’t lie, Cillian. I know all about the reason behind your delay. I have been married as well, twice.” Failing to answer the witty woman, Cillian takes his leave. It is then that the old woman introduces herself, “I am the oracle of this pack. They call me Lady Orion.” She then takes hold of my palm. Astounded by her strange action, I ask her, “What are you doing?” “I am going to predict your future by reading your palm. Since you’re going to be the Luna of this pack, it is crucial for me to identify if you’ll bring Cillian good luck or misfortune,” states Lady Orion, making me feel as if I am more of an asset than a person. Finding no sense in arguing with an elderly lady, I let her do her job. She almost gives me a heart attack when she suddenly contorts her face and shakes her head in disappointment. Afraid of what I could've done in the future to harm my would-be husband, I ask her, “What happened? Why do you appear so displeased?” “It’s truly tragic,” says Lady Orion, but doesn’t specify what she’s talking about. Apprehensive of what could’ve been the reason behind the scorn on the lady’s face, I ask her, “What’s tragic?” “Maybe Cillian will die,” declares the woman. “Your palm shows that you will be married twice. That could only happen once he’s dead, right?” Pulling my hand away in disbelief, I ask her, “What should I do then?” “There’s nothing that you will do about it. I will convince him myself about looking for another bride,” informs the woman. “Our pack cannot afford to lose him. There can be no Alpha as valiant and fierce as him ever again.” Staunching as I was at my objective of escaping my paternal Uncle and aunt, I plead with the old lady to stop, “Is there anything else that can be done?” “No,” responds the woman heartlessly and then walks away into the distance, leaving me with a shattered hope and a heavy heart.
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