
825 Words
My heavy pants cause my lungs to burn. My legs ache, but I can't stop moving. The sounds of rustling leaves above me and the crunch of grass and twigs beneath my feet are all that I can hear. It is like all life in this dark forest is nonexistent. I push forward trying to avoid the trees that come in my path. The murky blend of water and dirt coats my body to hide from the predator trying to sniff me out. The darkness surrounds me, but expect that beautiful light I can spot just ahead. The light that will free me from this prison. I push on and continue forwards. I can't stop because the last time I did, I was almost caught again. At this moment my legs become even heavier. My body becoming drenched in sweat causing my dress to stick to me. My foot catches on a protruding root, hurling my body forward. The metallic taste of blood fills my sense and pain radiates through me as my body slams into the cold hard forest floor. Not wanting to risk being caught, I jump back to my feet as adrenaline surges my numb and aching limbs to continue. "You can run but you can't hide," her voice echos around me. "The smell of your blood is so enticing. Sweet and tempting." 'Just a few more feet. You can do this,' I mentally push myself. No matter what I can never stop running. I push harder ignoring the taunting. I can feel the warmth of the light on my skin and smell the freshness in the air. The bird's chirps reach my ears and my eyes begin to pool.  I want to bask in the enjoyment, but I  keep pushing through. As I am crossing the threshold between the two, an immense pain radiates from my calf, bringing me momentarily to my knee. My vision begins to blur as my body becomes heavier. I remove the needle intruding my body and struggle to my feet. My breathing becomes heavier, despite me trying to calm myself. 'Keep going! Don't stop.' I inwardly scream. Dragging my feet beneath me. "You are quite a persistent little thing, aren't you? With so much silver and bane in your body, a normal... person would have died. But you. You just keep pushing forward," she spat. Irritation laced in her voice. "No matter. You can never be rid of me. That is your fate." A thunderous sound of pounding feet, inching moving closer to my weak form as I cross over. The meadow of flowers and green fields of grass surround me. I push myself further into the clearing before collapsing to the ground. The sound of rushing water from the stream nearby invades my ears as the sun bakes on my back. I lie in waiting to catch my breath enjoying my newfound freedom. The voice and feet were no longer taunting me, no longer haunting my every move. Peace surrounds me. I stay there not knowing how much time has passed before I feel my body has finally regained its strength. Standing to my still aching feet, I peel off my once beautiful gown, which is now torn and ragged. I walk shakily towards the stream allowing my body to be engulfed in the cool water as swirls of blood and dirt pool around. Dipping my head under I wash the sweat, blood, and grim from my scalp, wincing from the mild pain of the open wounds. "Things are never as they seem." "Who's there?" I shout wiping the water from my eyes. "Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is just a truck speeding in your direction. It sat and waited for you to breathe a sigh of relief before it runs you down. Slamming into you like a ton of bricks."  It taunts. My heart pounds in my chest as I whip my body around to catch my surroundings. My gaze falls onto a shadowy figure standing in the distance, and fear creeps back up before it disappears again. "Who are you?" I call out. "Why won't you let me be?" "I am what you fear. Rage, depression, chaos, destruction, and pain. I am all these things and more." the voice becomes a blend of demonic and malice. "Accept your fate and you shall be free." "My fate?" my laugh trembles from my lips. As I fight the fear that is determined to fill my body "Never.  I will fight it and you, tooth and nail. Just leave me be. Let me go." "I will not," she growls. I feel my ankle being cupped. I go to scream but I am pulled under. Water rushes into my mouth, filling my body. I fight and claw to make my way back to the top exerting my strength until I can fight no more and darkness swallows me whole. "You are  mine China."
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