2 The lost Sentinel is finally found.

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  Tan P.O.V   I stare up to the ceiling in a daze. And that’s when I see her. A vision in black – black pants that look voluminous as they flow around her body, for a top she’s wearing a strange looking body amour that moulded to her chest in an intriguing way. Her black hair was like a cloud moving around her as she moves. “Who are you?” I try to ask, but my mouth felt like its broken, I can’t form any words. But she looks my way none the less, before focusing on the creatures that blasted through the wall. “Don’t die,” she says looking back at me again. Her eyes narrow on me as if she is waiting for me to answer. I force myself to nod. She nods too, and then turns to the creatures. She flicks her wrist, and an orange light flared from her hand. She held it like a sword. Time seems to slow down as she approached the creatures. I try to sit up as she walks out of my view. I gasp as pain radiates through me.  Whatever that creature did to me, it hurts. I close my eyes as chaos issues around me.           …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..   Hanika P.O.V   The lost Sentinel is finally found.  I stare down at him, and I barely recognise him. He’s doesn’t look anything like his previous reincarnations. He always chose warriors, important individuals in society to reincarnate as not this lowly born, skinny boy who doesn’t have any honour. I have been trailing him for the past two weeks, as I needed to make sure that he is really Master Gin finally reincarnated to take his place as the sentinel. All I saw was a boy who lived off the livelihood of others. A thief! Of all the things he could come back as. He chose to be a thief. He has no honour. And yet he possesses the ultimate power that is supposed to save us from the second coming… The second coming is an event that will see earth being wiped out from existed. All the alien species in the universe have their eyes set on earth – the planet is the ultimate price in a deadly game that will bring the biggest apocalypse ever seen if we lose. And the answer to all our problems is a thief. If this wasn’t serious I would laugh. “Don’t die,” I say to him. I wait for him to confirm that he wouldn’t. I need him to hold on. I can’t lose the soul that lives within him, not again. This time we can’t wait for another reincarnation. The second coming is here…the sooner he gets ready for it the better. I turn to the Thebes…thank God they sent only two of them to come and kill the sentinel. Thebes are an alien species that hunts and kills. They live for nothing else. They are known for decimating planets and leaving nothing in their wake. I flick my wrist releasing my spirit sword. It flares to life, screaming for blood. I let it guide me to our target, merging it with my inner power, and intent. We become as one, and our intent is the same. I take a step towards the Thebes. One approaches me with his hand raised. A beam of light shoots from his hand aimed at my head. I duck. And then take off at a run, he throws beams at me as I get closer. They explode at my feet causing the ground to shake and smoke. We meet in the middle. I swing my spirit sword at him. An ear piercing hiss, echoes throughout the room, as I catch him on the arm. Blood pours from the wound feeding my sword. The other Thebe joins in and they both attack me. Their beams find their mark. I clenched my jaw as pain radiates through my arm, and leg. I stumble, and almost trip over the rubble from the fallen wall. I accidentally kick a brick, revealing something underneath. I don’t have time to investigate at it as the Thebes attack me with a vengeance. I breath through the pain. And give myself to the blood l**t of my spirit sword. This is dangerous, I know, but I don’t have a choice. A Thebes’ light beam is meant to do one thing. To drain their opponent of power and absorb it as the beam dissolves into smoke. That’s why our little thief is laid out on the floor feeling like he is dying. The Thebes absorbed much of his power before I arrived. My spirit sword sings in my hand, drawing out my blood.  It was already feeding… I ignore the blood flowing from the palm of my hand into the sword, I fight the Thebes with all that I have. I swing the sword, and watch as blood flowed from the Thebes’ cut necks. They drop to the floor, their red rubber bodies deflating and shrivelling up to nothing. I shake my hand releasing my spirit sword. I stare at my palm at the wound that the sword had left behind. It wasn’t bad, the gash where it had cut me as it fed wasn’t as deep since I killed the Thebes in seconds. I was lucky. I know it could have been bad. I turn to the thief. He was sitting up now staring at me. I walk to him and squat before him. His eyes follow my every move. He looks like he can’t believe what he was seeing. “Can you stand?” He nods, and then tries to get to his feet. He not exactly smooth but he manages to get to his feet. “Who are you?” he asks his hand going to his chest. He’s going to feel that for a while. “I’ll explain later. You need to come with me. Or those guys will come back. And this time it won’t be just two of them,” I say pointing to where the Thebes, have fallen. There wasn’t much left of them now, but he got the point. “Mak…” he says looking towards the rubble. I look that way too, and I see the thing I saw on the floor. I walk to it, and pick up the large gold coin that looked to be out of place there. The spirit energy coming off of it is warm and comforting almost. “This Mak…who was he?” I ask walking back to the thief.     “He was my friend,” he says. I look at the coin. And then throw it back to him. He catches it with his left hand. I look at his right hand. The mark of the sentinel is clear and bright on his skin. Its him, I grudgingly confirm to myself. If I had any doubts. I don’t have them now, because only a sentinel could have those markings. And the ones he has are similar to the ones Master Gin had. “What’s this?” he asked staring at the coin. “It’s your Mak. Come I don’t have time to explain. We need to get going,” I say knowing other alien species won’t be far away. They are going to hunt him down until he’s dead. And if earth will have any chance to survive. He has to remain alive. Whether he’ll step up to the plate and save earth? That remains to be seem. But I’m not going to put all my trust in a thief. Rhine and I will have to figure out some way to save the planet.   
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