#3 Their Story

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Noah could not get any more information on Freya the last night. They had only spoken names when someone knocked on her door. Noah did not wish to get seen by anyone in Freya's room. It could give them enough idea about his mental state. He still was stuck in the past. No matter what he said, Naomi would read through them and understand why exactly he was lurking around this room. The truth is Noah wanted to stay and find out more about Freya. Ever since he left the Moonlit city, he had only felt rage and pain. The loneliness was creeping him out. No matter how many girls he went out or how much he drank, every time he closed his eyes, the memories of Kyra or Elsa tormented him. He had a terrible time dealing with a double heartbreak and come out of the guilt trip. But for the first time, when his gaze met with that of Freya's, all those overbearing thoughts disappeared, giving him a sense of relief. So yes, he wanted to stay and know her better. But the timing could not have been worse. Freya got distracted by the tapping sound. She looked towards the door, feeling a bit shocked and panicked. Even though she did nothing wrong, she could not wash away the feeling of being caught. But when she again reverted her eyes to the place where Noah was standing before, there was no one. She looked over the balcony frame, scanning through the perimeter as far as her eyes allowed. But when she could not see him and the sound at the door only increased, Freya sighed. It was Naomi. That night when Freya had escaped from the forest of Agwi, she had bumped into their car. If not for them, she would already be dead. When she woke up from her concussion, weeks had already passed by, and she was in a different place, far from Agwi forest. But Naomi and her husband had not given hope to her. At first, Freya felt scared, petrified all the time. It was so hard to accept that she was finally out of the forest and meeting other people. Freya wasn't exactly sure how her right leg got hurt that badly and why it won't heal fast, like back in the forest of Agwi. It took her months before she could get on her feet again. Freya could no longer use her magic. She was slowly settling into the human world. Now that Naomi and Julius were sure that she had learned everything required to face the world outside, she, too, felt ready. In the beginning, Naomi and Julius were confused about how Freya reacted to things like the internet, social media, TV, the machines in the hospital, and even how everyone dressed confidently. Even though Freya had theoretical knowledge about almost everything, everything managed to surprise her. She reacted as though she were seeing everything for the first time, and it was some kind of magic. But only it wasn't. It was easy to teach Freya, though, for Naomi and Julius. She was bright and quick to learn. "I am sorry to disturb you this late. But tomorrow is the first day you would go out on your own. Julius has arranged a job for you in an ice cream shop. The crowd would be mostly children or women. So it should be easy for you. This dress here is a small present for your first day. And here is some money, in case you would need it. I will be in a car behind you. Call me if anything happens like how I have taught you." Noami said, placing the packet carrying Freya's new dress. She also gave Freya a new handbag and a wallet with some money. "You are far too kind. I can't help but wonder what I did to deserve you, people." Freya broke down into tears as Naomi hugged her to give her some comfort. The doctor had warned Naomi that Freya is mostly a victim of abuse and trauma. One thing they were sure that Freya had to lead her life in captivity inside that forest they were passing by that random night. It could make anyone go crazy, yet Freya was tough to fight it and want to survive. Naomi believed Freya was a survivor. Plus, the day Freya came into their life, she got the news of Kyra's demise. Somehow Naomi had taken it to her to help Freya in ways she could never help Kyra like she should have when there was still time. In the beginning, Naomi and Julius tried to find out more about her captors. But every time they brought the topic, her mental health would get affected. She had sleepless nights, and the trauma became overwhelming. So they eventually stopped, giving Freya time to cope up with whatever she had gone through. When she was ready, they believed she would trust them with their secret. They even sent a search party to the forest to find some clue. But that was a dead-end too. Now, all they could do was give love and trust to Freya, waiting for her to return the same. "No. Treat me like your elder sister. Then you won't have to feel that surprised." Naomi consoled. "How can I ever repay your kindness?" Freya asked, breaking the embrace. "By shifting to the other side of the mansion. I have a vacant room that once belonged to someone special. This side of the house is more for like guests. You are not a guest anymore." Naomi requested. Naomi had tried to make Freya move to Kyra's older room. But Freya liked this room. She said she felt more comfortable when alone since she had little idea how to behave around people. At first, Naomi protested. But when Julius urged her to let Freya heal at her pace, she let go of the matter. Then Noah appeared a month back. His behavior was so erratic that Noami believed it was better if he stayed away from Freya. But now that Freya is going to go out, she would meet people. So it is better if she moved to the other side and starts dealing with her demons. "I am not sure. It is peaceful here. I can see the forest from here and make me feel like I am home." Freya whispered. "But aren't we trying to move out of the memories of the forest and start a new life?" Naomi encouraged. Freya sighed. Naomi was right. If she has to live in the human world, she has to get along. Plus, now that she can walk and understand this world, she needs to go out more in order to understand what happened to her and why her powers are not working. If she can't even make a primitive spell, how can she ever find Elsa and save her mother? There were more times than not when she wanted to tell everything to Naomi. But knowing her secret would come with risks. How can she put her protectors under such a threat? "I will move to this room you keep on saying about all the time. I guess it would be my little adventure." Freya smiled. Noami's eyes popped out with excitement. Now that she agreed to move, more work to do so that Freya can feel good in her new room. It was like it lifted a rock from Naomi's shoulder. She felt as if she achieved something significant. "One more thing. I know you haven't met my brother. But he is staying with us for some time. He is a good man going through a lot right now. If he troubles you, you have to tell me." Naomi said, her voice filled with excitement while she played the to-do list in her head again. They talked for a while where Naomi explained to Freya more about the phone, what they expected from her at her recent work, the common courtesy used these days, and the internet. After ensuring that everything was in place and Freya was ready to face the world, Naomi retired for the day. Naomi wondered if she should check on Noah but gave up on that idea. Her brother had a different process to address grief. Only a new motive could inspire him. When their parents died, he went out and met his fated mate, Fiona. But that too did not last. The creatures of Anthony brutally murdered her. It only gave him a new motive to take revenge, and he formed the Opals. With Elsa, he again found a purpose. But it again broke his heart when she chose her fated mate over him. He also lost his best friend Kyra in the last battle. Ever since that, he has lost purpose and drive to do anything. He led a life of a vagabond. Naomi sighed with resentment. She prayed to the moon goddess that he meet with his constant inspiration before he loses himself completely. It pained Naomi to see his brother shattered like it was the end of the world for him. Freya could not help but go back to the balcony when Naomi left. She wasn't sure what she was hoping to find. A lot of time had passed, and there was no chance the man would be still waiting outside. Probably he had left when Noami came. But still, Freya tried to look as far as she could with a dim hope. When she could see no one, she puffed the air she was holding in annoyance before closing the balcony door and retiring to sleep. The coming morning was going to be a new beginning, and she better be ready. Something told her it was not the last time she was seeing that handsome demigod. They have a story. And it was just the beginning. For the first time, feel-good hormones washed over her with that thought as she slept peacefully, dreaming about Noah. Noah came out of his hiding, looking towards the balcony of Freya's room. He felt drawn. But this time, he would not act recklessly and just based on his heart. He has a fair idea by now how it would end for him. With a heartbreak, like always! He sighed, trying to brush off those overwhelming feelings. It was a good thing he was leaving the coming morning. Knowing the girl was a mistake he was not willing to commit again. It was only in their best interest if he left and never met. Noah shifted into his wolf, Adoff, midair, before running into the forest to shake off all those unwanted feelings. It was a night full of anxiety and excitement as the two souls felt torn yet connected for the first time. Only time will tell what would be their story.
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