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She was very nice to me, even though she was an Alpha and was quite friendly and annoying at times. Still, she was the best. We ran happily feeling the cool air as we morphed into our wolf forms with our bags in our mouths and ran as fast as we could so that when we changed into our human forms, we would be able to dress up without being naked. Ava was a silver wolf, Spike was a wine color wolf and I was as white as ever, but a weakling. "The best thing I've ever experienced in my life,' she communicated and I just chuckled. I could only hope we were back before our family woke up or we would be grounded for days. We soon got to the club, moved to a dark corner and altered into our best clothes, they sprinkled some perfume on their body and mine as well. Then, I saw Ava in a very red shining short gown, looking sexy and the prettiest girl I have ever seen. But, there was one thing. "Isn't this gown too short for you,' I commented. "No, it isn't.' She flicked her hair sideways after brushing it and putting the comb in her bag. "This is what girls wear these days and don't be so old fashioned, Sky." "f**k! What a hottie." Spike exclaimed. I smacked his head and Ava burst out laughing. 'She's our best friend and don't even think of approaching her,' I warned and Spike sighed as he rubbed his head. "I know that, dude. I would never approach her, you don't have to hit me so hard.' He whined and Ava and I laughed at him. As soon as we got to the club, entering inside and the whole place was a blast. Music was playing out loud with the DJ controlling it, and different types of people were dancing all over the place with champagne and wine in their hands. Some of them were already drunk, while some of them were playing gambling and while some of them were making out in dark corners, almost getting naked. Some of them were even on the dance floor making out. I just stood there with my mouth gaped open. Why was this club more erotic than the last time I was here. "Now, that's what we call a party.' Spike yelled and rejoiced, laughing happily. What an i***t. I rolled my eyes and before I knew it, Ava just giggled and they pushed me towards the bar section, probably knowing that I might change my mind and want to head back home. We all sat down in the stool and Spike shouted at the top of his voice. "Give us something strong,'' he said and the bartender just nodded and began mixing some colored drinks in front of us. "While you don't give us some cocktail first, handsome,' he winked at him and fixed his gaze on him. Was he trying to flirt with a bartender? "Alright, coming right up.' He nodded. His smell seems different, he could probably be a beta. "No, I want some juice…" I halted when the drink came in front of me and the bartender was smiling at me. "You could try this cocktail, it's super nice.' He advised and I just stared at its beautiful lemon color with a little slice of lime at the edge of the glass and Ava nudged me to try it, that it tasted pretty good, after taking a sip from it. I took it and drank from it, it did taste pretty good and my tongue went a little bit better afterwards but it was super nice. We both discussed, the drink Spike told the bartender to prepare earlier and when I tasted it, it was so sweet and bitter, yet nice. Before we knew it, we drank a couple of glasses, I was getting dizzy and then I heard Spike yell. "I can't wait to get drunk tonight." Stupid. He was already drunk. As I noticed, Spike was gone and so was Ava, when I turned around to see where they'd gone. They were on the dancing floor dancing with each other with a couple of our schoolmates. Our schoolmates were here as well. That puzzled me. I had no idea, they were going to be here as well, well, I was getting dizzy and I faced my drink, and…wait a minute, the bartender was gone as well, I slightly sprawled my head on my glass, my eyes were blurry and I was forcing myself at the same time to see what I was doing but it wasn't helping at all, I was getting weaker and weaker, I couldn't even move my hands properly I was attempting to hold my glass, when it fell off my hand and shattered into pieces, I was striving so hard to pull myself together and suddenly, my stomach began aching so badly that I wanted to throw up. I had to come down from the stool, to use the toilet. I lurched as I walked, but struggled to hold myself and move forward. Some people kept bumping into me, as I strode, yet I didn't care, what I wanted was to get out of here and go throw up at the toilet, giving my stomach some freedom to loosen up a bit, because I felt so tight like it was about to burst out anytime soon. I staggered and quickly leaned on the wall and started up slowly taking each step forward hoping to reach the toilet soon. Then, I caught a glimpse of some men following me and even though I swiveled back to see if they were actually following me, they smirked at me, staring at me with lust and with bottles in their hands. "f**k, he smells so good. Delicious,' the first man with his big belly licked his lower lips as he got closer to me. "I could already imagine my d**k in his white ass already and he looked so young and juicy."
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