1026 Words

He was mocking me. "Can you see the miserable look on your face and appearance is not worth looking at? I told you for a long time to stay away from him, but you refuse to listen to me. Now, you've experienced the bitter side of loving a playboy. Never see or think of Raven again, he's gone now and it's high time you start thinking of your life and break the bond between you two." He said and walked away from me, waving at me. And, I just stood there. Suddenly, rain began falling heavily on me but I couldn't move or anything. I just stood there stretching out my hands and felt the cold drops falling on them as they pierced my skin. It was good letting the rain on me, I haven't had my bath in a while, I guess I stink a lot though, I smiled. Words were stuck in me, I couldn't even open my

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