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Mark was not wrong. The more she looked into Carl Johnson, the more it became obvious that people just loved him. And not just people at school, but people everywhere. There were sites dedicated to his eyes and also his physique. But that did not help Violet. She was not interested in rumors about whether he was dating this model or that socialite or whatever. Violet needed the TRUTH... Carl Johnson's blog was kind of interesting, though. The whole blog had him ranking things, mostly things that he did not like. Everything that topped his 'worst' rankings seemed to have dropped in popularity soon after. Some of them were sponsored--best soft drinks, favorite gaming platform, best holiday destinations. The 'worst things about high school--first-year' post was at the very top, with an unflattering photo of Violet that looked as if it had been taken during the morning assembly. Violet did not read that post, and she did not read the 15,000 comments on it. By the end of the week, Violet still could not get food from the dining hall, people whispered about her, her personal belongings mysteriously vanished, and doors would not open for her student card-- it was just like Mark had said, she was becoming invisible. She stuck to her room when she was not in class, catching up on schoolwork, and chatting with her family. Violet had always been at the top of her class while she was in Oakland, California. But the students at Elite Trinity Academy were way ahead of her in almost everything. If she wanted to keep her scholarship, she had to get decent grades, and if she wanted to get decent grades, she had to study like hell. Yana studied with Violet. At first, Violet thought she was being a supportive friend, but when she thanked her for it, Yana just shrugged. "I mean, of course, I would not abandon you to those jackals, but it is not just that," Yana said while highlighting something in her history notes. "My father's business went broke and we could not afford my tuition this semester. I would have lost my place if my aunt had not been on the school board and organized a scholarship. This means I have to keep up my grades, the same as you." Yana looked over at Violet from her study nook and smiled. "I am sharing with you because I know you understand, but please do not tell anyone else. You have seen what they are like." Violet smiled back at her. "Yeah, we would be screwed if they cut off both our food access." Yana had been sharing all her meals with Violet, or she would have starved. Rose and Mark had begun to avoid Violet. She had hoped they could be friends, but she couldn't blame them. They had only just met her and she did not expect them to put themselves at risk of the same sort of treatment being meted out to them. If Carl Johnson could bring this down on her just for crossing his path, who knew what he would do to those who associated with Violet. She had told Yana to keep her distance as well, but she refused. Violet managed to avoid another dispute with Carl Johnson or any of the others, and she had not caught them up in any more fun business, but that was not helping the situation. She had caught glimpses of the Ryan lookalike, but nothing definitive. He was not in any of her classes, or any classes at all that she could discover, and he did not go to meals with everyone else. He was like a ghost. The few times she did see him, she could not get close enough to question him before he vanished. Carl Johnson was hiding something. Something major. Something to do with the boy who looked like Ryan. If she could somehow make him back off and, at the same time, she could maybe find some closure about Ryan, stop being haunted by him and be able to sleep through the night again. She needed to tackle the whole situation head-on. She needed answers. Friday was the worst. Carl Johnson had clearly not been showing enough approval for the bullying techniques of the general school population, so they decided to up their game. Most of the bullying techniques were low grade--tripping Violet in the hallway, and rude messages via social networks. They were annoying but nothing that she could not handle--but it ended with her landing face down in the fountain, after once again leaving the dining hall hungry. "I will go find you a towel," said Yana, ducking off into the gardens towards the Red House. "I will be back in two seconds." Violet sat in the fountain alone as she waited for Yana, meanwhile trying to dry off her glasses, while the fountain shot water at her from all directions. "You should leave this school," said Carl Johnson, melting out of the shadows and into a distinct blur. Violet snorted and shoved her glasses back on her face. "You think you can bully me into leaving? You are such a jerk." Violet stood up and climbed out of the fountain, water pouring off her. "You do not know me, so let me tell you a thing," she said while straining the water out of her hair. "There is nothing you can do to make me leave here. Nothing you can say or do is more important than what I get if I stay. I don't know what I did to you to make you act like such a despicable person. He stared at her for a long moment, making her fully aware of how she dripped water all over the paving stones, how her uniform didn't fit properly and her glasses slid down her nose. Violet was a mess and he was immaculate, and that was obvious to them both. A grin curved his lips and he turned and walked away. Violet watched him go, but with each step that he took her anger built up. What an arrogant jerk he was to walk away from her like that, as if she would just pack up and go home because he got some kids to trip her in the hallway and push her into a fountain. He thought he could just treat her however he liked and she would have to give in. That was obviously how he had dealt with every problem he had in his life. Standing there, shivering in her wet uniform, she got madder and madder. It was not just Carl Johnson, it was everything he stood for, his idea that money meant power. Violet might be poor, but she was not weak, and she would prove that to him. She tried running after him, but her uniform was heavy and chafed her skin, and he was in the other garden by the time she caught up with him. "Hey!" Violet said. "Just stop there!" Carl stopped walking but did not turn toward her. "You owe me an apology," she told him. "I owe you nothing," he said, turning suddenly and walking toward her. "You have brought this all on yourself. I told you not to pry into my business and yet you continue to ask questions and snoop around." Violet snorted and took a step closer to him, standing almost toe to toe. He was taller than she had thought, and she had to tilt her head up to glare at him. He smelled all clean and pine fresh and it made her hope that she dripped unclean fountain water all over his shiny shoes. A/N: To be continued...
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