Chapter 2

1654 Words
Craig Tonight is Jackson’s bachelor party, the night before his big day. Weddings aren’t a werewolf tradition, but as Katy was human up until a few months ago, Jackson has decided to stick to the human tradition to make her happy. I have never been one to envy another, but tonight, I envy my alpha. He might not have had it easy in the beginning with his mate, her being human made it difficult for him to tell her what he was and then when he finally decided to tell her, his wolf took over and claimed her by force. After listening in on a conversation she had with her son and his wolf mistook it for another lover, his wolf took over and changed her. She took off in anger as she didn’t want a life without her son, but after a week she gave in and called him. I had to track the call for him as she refused to tell him where she was and luckily, he found her just in time. When she left, Jackson asked me to try and find out more about her past and that had set off red flags to the man she has been running from for the past five years. Damon was the father of her son and also her biggest nightmare. He had tortured and murdered her parents in front of her before moving on to her little sister. Katy had believed her little sister was dead, but Damon wasn’t what she thought he was. He was a werewolf and had changed Caylee instead of killing her. He had tortured her and injected her with hallucinating drugs, to mess with her memories and to brain wash her into thinking that Katy wanted to kill her so that she could have Damon for herself. The day of the fight, was the day I first lay my eyes on her. She was in wolf form, but I immediately knew she was my mate. Everything around me seemed to stop, I could only see her. She had the most beautiful strawberry blonde fur and these golden eyes. Something about her was familiar but at the same time also very wrong. Her smell was that of a rogue wolf and I knew she was fighting on Damon’s side. Everything seemed to come back to me when I saw her lift her paw and dig it through Cole’s chest. The guilt that I felt after he hit the ground was consuming. What should’ve been the happiest moment of my life, quickly turned into one big nightmare. Caylee was my destined mate and also the mate of the man that I have come to hate the most in the world. They might not have been true mates, but with Caylee’s wolf being silent after being tortured, she truly believed Damon was her true mate and therefore, she doesn’t even realize that I am her true mate. Today, when she grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving the cell, I thought that maybe, just maybe, she might have realized what I am to her, but after holding her in my arms for what felt like only a few seconds, she stepped back and I knew she still didn’t know. She might feel the attraction, but she doesn’t know what it means. I know she is confused and probably just as frustrated as I am, but until she opens herself up to her wolf, she won’t understand what this attraction means. Jackson went through hell with Katy, but now, they are happy with a set of twins on the way. They have been through a lot and Jackson nearly lost Katy a few times and they deserve every bit of happiness that is to come their way. I just wish I could find a way through to Caylee, to make her see what she truly means to me. I would never torture her and I can’t force her wolf to the surface without causing her immense pain. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on to my wolf as he is fighting for control every time I am close to Caylee. He wants to claim her, he doesn’t care if it is by force, as long as she is ours. That is why I only give myself an hour a day with her, any more and I might just lose control over my wolf and claim her against her will. Claiming her now will make me just as bad as Damon. She might not remember it, but he has taken everything from her against her will. Everything that made her pure and happy, he took from her when he tortured her. I will never be like him, even if it means fighting my wolf and driving myself insane. I will never do anything to her that she doesn’t want. The only way I can think of making her remember what Damon did to her, is by getting her wolf to come out. She might have changed into her wolf form, but she hasn’t connected to her wolf, her wolf hasn’t communicated with her and I know that her wolf will be able to show her the truth. I don’t even want to think of what Damon had to do to scare her wolf into hiding, I might just try to find a way to bring him back to life so that I can kill him myself. I sit and watch as all the men make jokes and drink beer. They all seem happy and at peace, while I am sitting here, fighting with my demons. I wish I could sit here and laugh with the men, I wish I could sit back and relax and not think about my mate stuck in a dark cell and I can’t do anything about it. It is taking everything in me, not to get up here and go to that dark cell and wrap my arms around my mate. I hate that she is stuck in there, probably scared and definitely alone, while I sit up here, drinking a beer with my pack around me. I know she is in that cell not just for the packs safety, but also for her own, but I still hate it. She belongs in my arms, wrapped in love and safety. It isn’t her fault that she has been brain washed, yet she is still paying for what that asshole did to her. I stand up from my chair and walk into the woods. I can’t sit here any longer, pretending to be happy. I need to get away from the sound of the laughter and figure out a way to get my mate to see the truth before it is too late. I shift into my wolf and go hunt for small animals in the forest to try and calm my racing mind. It doesn’t take long before I find myself standing in front of Caylee’s cell. She is fast asleep and for a while I give into my need to be close to her. I just sit there in my wolf form and keep watch over her. When she begins to stir, my wolf stands to attention, ready to protect her if something is wrong. When she starts to scream, my wolf starts to push against the door of the cell trying to break his way in. The cells were created to keep a werewolf in, there is no way my wolf will be able to break down the door. I quickly run out of the dungeon to get the key and by the time I make it back to the cell, she is kicking and fighting whomever is haunting her in her dreams. I quickly open the cell and rush to her side. “Caylee baby, wake up darling. Please, wake up, it is just a bad dream.” I plead with her as I pull her into my lap. The second I have my arms wrapped around her, she calms down and rests her head against my shoulder. I sit with her for a few minutes to make sure that she is alright before I try to place her back on the bed. When I try to put her down, she wraps her arms tightly around my neck. “Please, don’t go, don’t leave me again.” She says and there is no way I am strong enough to walk away from her after she asked me to stay. I know she is only talking in her sleep and she might not even realize it is me, but I can’t walk away from her when I know she is having nightmares. I will just slip out before she wakes up in the morning. I get into the bed with her and wrap the blanket around us. I know she will probably have my balls if she wakes up with me naked in her bed, but there is no way I am even leaving her for a second, and besides, my house is on the other side of the territory. The bed is quite small and with my large frame, the only way for us both to fit is for her to sleep more on me, than the bed. I stay awake, just watching her sleep, wondering if she is having these nightmares every night. I will have to tell Katy about this, she can’t stay here on her own every night if she is having nightmares like this. Caylee moves her leg over my groin and I am instantly hard. I know this isn’t the time for me to think about her legs wrapped around me as I sink into her warmth, but I am just a man and the fact that she is my mate, makes it impossible to not think about s*x when she rubs herself against me.
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