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I went towards her door and knocked making the crying stop. "What do you want?" She asked on the other side of the door. "Open up." I demanded, she still had to do what I told her. She opened the door and kept wiping her eyes. "Let me in." I pushed the door open and she walked into her bathroom leaving the door open. She turned on the water and I waited standing. I closed her door and she walked back out. "Why are you crying?" I asked and she went right to her bed and hugged a pillow tightly. "You wouldn't understand." She whispered and curled up a bit. "Try me, I wasn't in a prison for chopping up roses." I told her and started looking around. "I didn't do anything bad... it wasn't even my fault." She ground out and I looked over at her. "What does this have to do with?" I asked and moved closer to her. I had looked around her room but never really saw anything. She had family photos and homemade stuff and she was probably sniffling about a boy. "My mate." "You aren't even of age to have a mate." I told her and she sat up. "Don't you think I know that? But when someone you know says that they think that is what is going to happen you think about the possibility." She shouted and then started crying again. "What? Is your mate a little nerd at your school people will make fun of you for?" I asked not hiding my tone from her. She had some nerve to talk about her mate that isn't even hers yet. "No! But like I said, you wouldn't understand!" She shouted and then turned her back to me and I just sighed. "Then tell me what this is about." I told her moving to look out her window. "He already rejected me. He pulled me aside two days after my 16th birthday. Told me that his wolf was telling him to claim me, and I was happy, but it went down hill when he said he could never do that with me. That I would never be the mate he could want." "So you became the opposite of what you were." I nodded finishing off her story and she bowed her head and nodded slightly. "That won't help." I told her knowing that if someone didn't want her just how she was it was something going on with them. "How would you know?" She sneered and I smiled. "My older cousin's mate did the same thing... all she had to do was show him what he was missing out on. Don't change who you are Genevieve, be who you are because that was who the moon goddess made you to be for him." I told her and she huffed. "Who rejected you?" "Doesn't matter." She whispered and I gave her a look. "Please don't make me tell you." She begged with a soft whisper and I sighed. "Fine, but please stop trying to be bad ass. No offense, but when you gave me a look earlier at breakfast the only thing that held me back from punching you in the face was your parents sitting there." I told her and she gave me a small shy smile. "Sorry. I knew they brought you here to deal with me... and I didn't want you to be around me because I just wanted to be who I was becoming." She shrugged and I smiled slightly. "Who you were becoming wasn't you. How about you meet me at work tomorrow. I will set up a plan for you to vent out this aggression you have towards your mate. Who knows, you might learn to live without him." I told her and she looked down at her toes. "If I could switch places with you Genevieve, I would. I don't want to have a mate." I told her trying to cheer her up a little bit. "Why not?" She asked looking up at me and I sighed. "Do you know why I was in the system?" I asked her and she shook her head. "When I was 15, my alpha was maybe 49, and he still didn't have a mate. He tried to kill my dad in a rage for my mother... and I stepped in when my father was just going to be submissive and hand her over. I attacked the alpha and he can't mate my mother now because he would be taken down... I saved my mother when my father didn't. And he was her mate. A mate like that isn't someone I want. I would rather never have a mate than have the chance of someone doing that to me." I told her and she gave me a couple pity looks before getting up and walking towards me. She hugged me close and I patted her back. "You'll do just fine... and your mate won't ever let anything happen to you." She pulled away and I refrained from telling her that I would rejct my mate. Seeing her crying about how her mate has already rejected her made the mate topic off limits. "Go back to being the old you... I don't know that girl but I can bet that she is better than what I saw this morning. I will help you get the anger out." I told her and she nodded before going to her bed. "Thank you Reese." She whispered and I nodded before walking out. I flipped her lights off for her and headed right to my room. I showered and got into bed with a loose braid in my hair. I fell asleep easier tonight than the night before. But it still took some time. I woke up around 7 and grabbed everything I needed for the day and then proceeded to walk down stairs in some PJ pants and a tank top. My hair was still in a sloppy braid and I didn't care. I walked into the kitchen seeing Gene there and I smiled. "You are up. I was wondering, you told me to meet you are your work but you didn't tell me where you worked." She said and I noticed she was giving off a totally different vibe. Yesterday was a 'f**k you, go away' and today is like a 'Hi how are you, please hug me hello' type of vibe. It suited her. It really did, her huge smile and blonde hair made me think about those bimbos in movies who were always happy. "Oh, I work at your brother's best friends burger shop... Jack. I am guessing you know who I am talking about." I shrugged as I walked towards the fridge to get an orange juice. "Yeah, I know who he is." I heard something in her voice and when I turned back to her she was glaring down at her plate of eggs before stabbing at them. "Take it you aren't a fan. I have to admit if he assumed anything about me yesterday instead of me telling him why I went to the juvi in the first place." I told her and shrugged. "Yeah, he calls me kid and Ian's baby sister and I hate it." She growled and I just thought about how irritated I would be if I was classified like that. "Well, why don't you just call him your brother's best friend when you see him, or one of Ian's friends... when he realizes that you hate the name calling he'll stop to make you stop." I shrugged and she sighed before agreeing to try it. "So when are you planning on coming in?" I asked and I saw her hesitate. "Maybe around lunch, my brother should be here by then so Jack will be distracted and you can talk to me for a little bit." She said and I nodded. "Well, I will see you then." I nodded at her and grabbed my bag I had brought down with me. "If your mom asks where I am, can you tell her that I have already left. She said she wanted to drive me down there but I think I need a run." I told her and then opened up the back door before running to the closest tree to strip and then I took off with my bag between my teeth. I got to the burger place. I changed behind the dumpster and got dressed before running towards the door. It was 7:55 and I didn't want to be late. I walked in tying up my apron when I walked into a hard wall. "Early huh?" I heard Jack and I backed away. "Well it's not like I am half an hour early. Besides, I would rather be early than late." I said and waited for any instructions. "Okay... here, there are 5 burgers and these are the short hand versions. The shakes just have the beginning letter of the flavor followed by an S and then you see the short had for size of fry." He handed me a lamented paper with everything I had seen before going into the system. "Why are you still staring at me?" I asked looking up at him, he was giving me a narrowed gaze and it was irritating me. "You do know how to talk with costumers?" He asked seriously and I bit my lip and crossed my arms. "I wasn't born in solitary confinement. Nor was I raised there. In my old pack we all had to have jobs and I worked at a diner. Now, how about you tell me which section around the restaurant will be mine and then open up the diner." I crossed my arms and glared at him. He wasn't Beta yet, so he was just another male who thought he knew something about me. "Left side. Sabine will take the right." He huffed out turning and walking away. "Sabine?" "Yes?" I turned to see a girl walking in, she had glasses and I could tell by the scent of her that she was already mated. "Sorry, Jack said your name and I didn't know who you were. My name is Reese. New waitress." I held my hand out for her and she finished tying up her hair. "So you're the wolf we are welcoming tonight? You're really pretty." She gushed and shook my hand enthusiastically. "Thanks I guess." I pulled some hair behind my ear and she kept smiling at me. "So I guess you are taking the right and I am on the left." I said and she held her hands up. "Zack likes to mix people up. That is the left," she said pointing to where I thought the right was, "and this is the right." She said pointing towards the windows. "Okay then. Glad we got that figured out before this place filled up." I told her and nodded. "Don't be nervous. Mostly wolves come in here so you might meet most of the pack today." She touched my shoulder and walked past me. "Oh and if my mate sits on your side just ignore him... he likes to investigate all the new wolves." She smiled and then walked in the back. "Her mate... and I know exactly who that is." I muttered and looked around before sighing. What am I even doing here?
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