Chapter 1 - Present Day

1037 Words
Present Day - Cormac She throws herself onto my bed in a dramatic fashion and I roll my eyes. I am fast loosing my patience for this temper tantrum, she is acting like a spoiled brat! Bea and I have been together since we were thirteen, she’s my father’s Beta’s daughter. Without a doubt the most beautiful girl in our pack and being the Royal Pack that’s saying something. It’s full of beautiful people. California girl looks, sunkissed skin, blonde flowing hair and baby blue eyes. She looks sweet as candy but I know she has a sour side when she doesn’t get her way. I am about to leave her for a year to do my Alpha duty. My watch at the warrior pack buried deep in the mountains, so inaccessible that you do not just visit. All future Alphas spend a year there honing their skills and learning secrets of our history only passed on to Alphas. Yesterday was my 21st birthday and it was the celebration to end all celebrations but now I need to step up. Time to stop the playboy Prince s**t and learn how to be a true Alpha and King. I want to make my father proud. In honesty I’m looking forwards to putting a little space between Bea and me. She is not my fated mate but when we were young it was easy, I think everyone had thought we would end up mates but once we were both eighteen and there was no bond, it was a little anti climatic. She’s beautiful but inside I know there is something missing. Lately she has been pushing for me to take her as my chosen mate and forgo our chances at finding our fated ones. My wolf Conri has been adamant that he will not allow it. This has come at the perfect time, a little distance while I do my duty will let me think about what I really want for my future. “Cormac” she whines and pouts, I know she thinks it looks sexy or cute or some s**t like that but all it does is irritate me and Conri. “Bea I need to go, I don’t have time for this I’m already running late!” I let my irritation run rampant in my tone. Bending down to pick up my two heavy duffle bags, I nearly end up on the floor as she launches herself onto me. Her lips push onto mine, her tongue needily pushing its way into my mouth. ‘Jesus get rid of her already’ Conri grumbles in my head, I have to stifle my chuckle. I know what she wants by the way she presses herself against me and grinds her hips and well I am a red blooded wolf. I walk her over to the bed and throw her down roughly, she rewards me with a mega watt smile. I don’t even bother to undress, I don’t have the time this will have to be fast and furious. I shove her dress up past her hips and shred her little lacy panties. She giggles with excitement “f**k me Cormac f**k me now” she says breathlessly. ‘Jesus wake me when you’re done’ Conri grumbles in my mind, ‘I’ll be done in a flash’ I fire back at him but he ignores my witty retort already retreating to the back of my mind. Moody fucker. Wasting no more time I sink myself fast and hard inside her right to the hilt. Even if I wasn’t in the mood originally this feels amazing. I pull her legs up over my shoulders and pound in and out hard and fast. It doesn’t take me long to get to the point I am ready to shoot my load and be done, I know she hasn’t done that trembly shouty thing she does when she comes so I start to tease her clit. Circling it again and again as I work in and out and then I get the reaction I know so well. Perfection I let my own release loose feeling the satisfaction of my climax. I drop down on top of her for a moments respite and she runs her fingers through my hair. “Mark me Cormac, do it now before you go please” she whispers into my ear. I jolt upright like I’ve been give an electric shock ‘snidely little b***h!’ Conri snaps and honestly I can’t really argue with him this time. Quickly I do up my trousers and step away from her. She stays there lying on the bed legs open showing me everything like that would somehow entice me to mark her. “I have to go now Bea this is not the time for that!” I snap and I hate she is making me snap. Picking up my heavy bags I turn to walk away and I hear her start to cry. ‘Weak b***h!’ Conri choruses. Man that wolf of mine needs to learn to watch his mouth! Trying to ignore both of them I reach for the door handle. “Please don’t just leave me like this, you can’t I love you, we’re supposed to be together!” I sigh and drop my bags pinching the bridge of my nose. Goddess give me strength! I didn’t want to leave on a sour note. I take a few deep breaths to calm my frustration before turning to look at her. “Bea I don’t know how many times I have to say it, we are not fated mates, my wolf wants to find his fated mate, he is a wolf King it is important to him. In our life we don’t just get to do what we want. I’ve had fun but now it’s time that be the man, the wolf, that I am expected to be. I have a duty to do and I will do it no matter what. Goodbye Bea, it was fun while it lasted” I hear her hysterical sobbing as I walk through the door. I had hoped to avoid being so brutally honest with her but she left me no other option.
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