Chapter 1 – Barefoot

3362 Words
    Anaira~     “Karry for god sakes, pay attention!” I shout at my best friend karan while the loud music in the pub started to pierce through my ear drums. But this guy glued to his cell phone rather than listening to my life crises.     “Are you even listening to me karry? Come on man.” I poked his biceps continuously but he only let out a small groan which told, 'do not disturb when I am into my beloved iPhone' and continued doing his thing. I faked a cry a to get this attention.      Just then his face shifted towards me, lifting his eyes from that glowing device just for; I made a puppy face. “You keep yelling won’t change a thing and jeez stop calling me Karry, it’s Karan!” he spoke rolling his eyes.     “But I don’t want to meet him and certainly do not want to marry him. “ I cried, finally he decided to give up on his cell phone and looked at me.     “Okay, tell me who is he?” He was straight to the point, I liked that. And starred to tell him entire story, letting him know every bit dramatically.      Today morning my parents told me that I will have to meet a guy, for marriage. The one who they chose for me. And I am not ready. I am who will be ready? That’s just outrageous. This is the third time my parents among me to meet someone. I always avoid it by one thing or other. But this time I feel like I am completely trapped.      “Tell me the name Anaira.” He reminded me calmly after taking in my complete blabbering.      I shook my head. “I don’t know. “     “How does he look like?”      “I don’t know. “ I repeated.     “Haven’t you even seen his picture?”      “No Karan Randhava!”      He just rolled his eyes at my outburst, “you don’t know anything about this guy then at least meet him, you might just like him. Eventually.” He shrugged.      I let out a groan, “argh! You sound like my mom.” He really did, mom’s words were quite similar as well. But I wasn’t taking it. When mom was about to tell me details about this guy, I snapped at her and made plans with my Karan and Trisha. I love my parents. I can literally give away my life for them, although at this time they were getting on my nerves.     Just then Karan’s pulled me out of my reverie. “Then what do you want Ana? If not this guy your parents will find another one. You cannot just run away.”     “I don’t want an arranged marriage” I finally cried. I was scared to the fact of marrying a stranger.      “No arranged marriage then what, a love one?”     He asked and I gave him a-don’t-you-already-know look.     “Okay. How many times have you dated my dear Ana? Oh let me tell you, none. And now you want a love marriage when there is no one currently in your life.” I glared at him even thought I was flustered.      “Oh don’t me that death glare and don’t you dare give me your true love and fairytale lecture.” He raised his hands in surrender leaning back to the couch.      “What’s wrong in that huh? Yes I do believe in that crap,” I spoke up quoting the word with my fingers, “and I definitely do believe in true love.”     He just gave me an annoyed look. Oh! One of these days I would literally punch his pretty face. But this pretty face is my bestie.      “By the way you are as well in love right, then why you are giving me that look?” I asked pointing at his face. And just then I remembered, “wait, where is your girlfriend?” I asked as I noticed Trisha wasn’t with him.     “She will be here soon.” He answered. I sighed as he was about to speak further, a lecture most probably. “See ana, just meet that guy, don’t run away this time.” I just shook my head looking down, rubbing my arms when I suddenly felt cold. I felt something warm falling on my shoulder and when I looked up, I saw karanputting his jacket on me. He gave me knowing smile, “your future husband might give you your love story. “ and my eyes widen.     My husband, can that happen?      “Did you just space out again Ana?” He asked as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.     “Don’t do that, it’s s really annoying” I scolded him slapping away his hand.      “You space out too much these days, are you again reading your favourite British literature books.” That made me flash a goofy smile.     “Good God! Who is it this time?”     “Hardy.”      “The Tess guy?”     “Yup. “     “Oh fun!” He blew out a sarcastic sigh.      “You are well aware about my love towards British Literature. ”     “Yeah I know, and I also know that you were trying to get a job in London.”     I nodded, “but what to do, mom dad are not listening, after the incidence in California—” I let my words silence in thin air as I knew Karan understood. “Also they said, do whatever you want but only after marriage with your husband’s consent. I mean that’s just stupid and very unfair.”      “But it’s your dream Ana.”     I nodded my head frantically at his truthful words. “Yes, working in a one of the biggest publishing houses in London is my absolute dream. I can do anything to pursue that.” I spoke in a definite tone.      “Don’t worry it will happen, I know you will make it happen.”     “Aww Karry, thanks.” I gave me a knowing smile. He is the only person who definitely knows the depth of this dream of mine. And he is the only one who understands my passion about books and being an editor. He witnessed my FL blown happiness when I landed on job in one of the well renowned company in India. I was psyched. But my ultimate dream was fading away now, slowly. And it wasn’t good. I decided to loosen up a bit and only way to do that was alcohol. I simplex inwardly and looked up just to find him focusing into his iPhone. Again.      “Karan!”     “Huh?”     “I want do shots tonight. “ I said making my face as cute as possible.     His eyes snapped at me and shook his head at my statement, “no you can’t handle drinks, you will only get one sprite.”     “I call shots tonight. Because I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. So, shots.” I then added lifting my finger, “also I am crashing at Trisha’s tonight.”      “What? “     “Yes  Karan   and don’t worry I won’t tell her that you had a crush on me. “ I teased him pinching his cheeks.      “Unbelievable!” He muttered and held my hand stopping me from pinching him more.     “Deny all you want  Karan   , but Mohit told me.”     “Haha because he is the one who has a crush on you, idiot.”     What the hell!     “No! I don’t like him that way, he can be childish sometimes, but don’t worry  Karan   you still are my best friend.” I said as a matter of fact.      “And you are mine.” With that he smiled.      “You distracted me, where are the shots?”     “This girl!” He muttered and went at the bar just to bring me a small tray of shots with pink liquid in it. I stared at the glasses of shots and then at Karan.      “This is first time I am drinking this stuff alright, take care of me afterwards otherwise I’ll hunt you down and kick your ass.” I warned him.     “Savage woman. It’s mild anyway, drink but only a few.” I nodded to him and drank the pink liquid from one shot glass, it was tasty. So I did,     One more.     Another one     Do hell with that, I did more of that sinister juice.     “Hey babe.” Someone squealed besides me when I held the last shot glass, I turned and it was Trisha.     “Trisha. Hey!” I squealed in return and hugged her before Karan could hug his girlfriend.     “What are you drinking?”     “She is doing shots!”  Karan   answered for me.     “Sweety I told you she can’t handle this stuff. “ She started to scold  Karan   in a sweet tone.     “Oh mom dad stop fighting, I am not a little girl okay!” I pouted.     Trisha was completely flustered and that made me laugh and hiccup okay I might be drunk by then.      “You guys gaze into each other eyes, I am going for dancing. “ I pointed at the dance floor and gut up from my seat.      “What. No!” They both yelled in unison.     “Why not? And you guys can join me after all the gang members come.”     “Okay, but be careful.”  Karan   spoke making me roll my eyes at him.      Before I hit the dance floor, I started to unstrap—     “What the hell are you doing?”  Karan   asked with his voice raised in a demanding tone.      “These heels are killing me alright, I’ll wear them after sometime.”     “What if someone steps on your foot ana?” And it was Trisha this time.      “There are not too many people on the dance floor, I’ll be just fine.” I trailed off, “and I might just get the first chapter of my love story. “ I just blurted, it came out of my mouth from nowhere.     I hope I didn’t jinx it.      Karan   rolled his eyes at me and Trisha squealed with joy, and gave me two thumps up. I smiled at her.      The pub was dark but the dance floor was bright. White LEDs were attached underneath made the dance floor glow.      I literally ran towards it, the moment I stepped on the floor, the music stopped.     f**k! I definitely jinxed it.     I stood there like a lost girl, I stomped my foot a few times and turned, I saw  Karan   laughing at the table holding his stomach. But surprisingly Trisha gave me an apologetic look.     Suddenly music started to play and it was one of my favorite song. I let the music grow on me before I began to dance, swaying my hands up my body then bringing them down slowly while playing with my hair. Bringing my hair to one side I was dancing to the music.      I danced there by myself like there was no tomorrow. That shots were not as mild as  Karan   told. They started to go into my head. Never the less I was enjoying myself.     After sometime I felt someone’s presence behind me, but I ignored it and continued dancing. My eyes closed and I turned my body to the music and just then my leg slipped.      I was completely ready to take the fall and all the embarrassment after that, but I didn’t fall.      Just like that?     My eyes were shut tightly with fright, although I was surprised too that I didn’t fall. Then I started to be aware of my surroundings. I felt someone was holding me, opened my eyes slowly and I saw the most handsome man on the earth.     I shouldn’t jump to conclusions but yes, he was so handsome wearing a light blue shirt paired with dark denims. His eyes were captivating, there were blue with of gold in them. I blinked and my eyes observed his well sculptured face. He was well blessed with strong jawline and perfect lips. That guy wasn’t smiling at all but just staring at me constantly.      For a moment there I wondered how amazing he would look if he just passes me smile.      The frown on his face made be snap out of my day dream. s**t I shouldn’t think this way. He is a stranger.     Remember Anaira, Stranger’s Danger.     Just then the music changed.      Those lyrics of the songs brought butterflies in my stomach. I’ve been everywhere, man Looking for someone Someone who can please me Love me all night long I’ve been everywhere, man Looking for you babe Looking for you babe Searching for you babe     That handsome guy was still looking at me intensely. His constant stare was making me nervous. My legs started to tremble. Why this handsome stranger have such kind of effect on me?      He knitted his eyebrows looked at me confusingly. His one hand was on my waist and other was just below my shoulder.     I thought all this in that short time-span but this guy was staring at me like no tomorrow. Then he leaned in.           Uh-oh!      He kept leaning in slowly and at the same time started to pull me closer to his chest. I thought he was going to kiss me. And I wasn’t in shape to protest, I was frozen.     There was almost few inches difference between us but he didn’t stop leaning in and pulling me at the same time, then it hit me.      Your future husband might give you your love story!     I panicked when realisation was drawn upon me, I was about to kiss a total stranger.     No. No. No.      I stared to push him in an attempt to get out of his embrace. But he was so strong, he didn’t lose his grip on me.     By using all my strength I pushed him and created some distance between us. He was flabbergasted. But his hands were still on my waist. Another little push and I was a step away.      I saw him blink a few times a few times then frown.     I just shot him a glare for making me feel that way and padded towards my table.     ∆∆∆          As I reached my table, I didn’t realise at first but my heart was beating so crazily. If it beats a any faster that this it will definitely not beat at all.     “That was quick!”  Karan   commented as he took a sip from his drink.     “I thought I was there dancing for a long time.” I said.     “Ever heard of sarcasm?”     I rolled my eyes, “Shut up.” I scoffed and my eyes started to roam around the club searching for that guy. That handsome guy.      Even his mere thought started to make my hands shake.     “Are you okay Ana?” Trisha asked and  Karan   started to look at me with concern.     “Um, yeah I am” I assured them, “I am going to the washroom” I murmured and wore my heels.     “Okay, other gang members are also about to reach. ” I nodded to  Karan   .     My eyes still searched for that guy as I walked towards the washroom.     ‘Maybe he left’ I thought.     “Thank god” I sighed and took a deep breath.     After getting fresh I came out of the washroom and reached our table once again. I found out my other friends had also reached.     “Hey guys!” I greeted them.     “Ana. ” They imitated my usual squealing voice by waving their palms at me dramatically. I just shook my head.     “What happened? You look, flushed.“ Mohit spoke carefully, observing me. I was about to say something but  Karan   beat me to it.      “She look flushed ‘coz she did shots.” He declared loudly and I sighed.      “What, you did? “ Mohit   asked astonished looking back and forth between me and  Karan   . I just nodded with a sheepish smile on my lips.     “Wow I can’t believe it, are you drunk? God I can’t wait to see drunk Ana. ” He exclaimed and I face palmed myself.     “Oh shut up you guys!” I cried out.      “She is not this high tempered usually, it means she is definitely drunk”  Mohit   said and hi fived  Karan   . Annoyed completely by their actions, I slapped  Mohit's   hand.     “And drunk ana is feisty too. ” He added.      I pouted and felt  Mohit   place his arm on my shoulder.     “Hey, I was joking…cheer up” He said, I just nodded looking down.      We all chatted for a while and they all went for dancing but I started feel anxious sitting all by myself at the table. So I also went up on the dance floor.      “Karan want to go home. ” I yelled in his ear as the music was too loud.     He nodded and said something to Trisha which I couldn’t hear. Me,  Karan   and Trisha went towards parking lot outside the club.     “What happened ana, after your dance you seem quite off?”     These guys knows me too well.     “Nothing, just not feeling well.”     “You did too much shots!”  Karan   declared.     “Maybe. ” I accepted not telling the truth. I heard  Karan   chuckle after that.     “Ana we are going to my home, okay?” Trisha tells me.     “Of course Trish.” Soon we were on our way to her place.      “So when you have to meet that guy, ana”  karan asked. My heard flipped when he mentioned the guy, my parents asked me to meet.     “Tomorrow afternoon.” I murmured.     “Be good Ana. ” He warned.     “Yes. Mother.” I mocked him and in no time we reached Trisha’s place.     We bid our farewell to karan and I got the house keys from Trisha, got into the house giving both karan and Trisha some quality time.     I entered the guest bedroom as I am already familiar with Trisha’s house. From my handbag, I pulled out my PJs and a top. I ran into the washroom to freshen up and changed into my night dress.      Jumping on the gigantic bed I close my eyes. As I did so that handsome guy’s face appeared in front of my eyes.     Damn it why am I thinking about him?     In next few seconds I got a call from my mother telling me that I have to meet the guy she chosen for me somewhere outside. I sighed in relief at least I won’t get humiliated in front of everyone back in the house. A private meeting would be easy, so I agreed with mom. She just squealed with joy in return. After disconnecting the call I closed my eyes again trying to get some sleep.     In hope of a better tomorrow I closed my eyes and just then my phone beeped with a message. Mom had send me the guy’s name and number. I took a deep breath and I surely knew sleep wasn’t going to greet me that easily. 
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