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Vlad POV. You know how fast the time pass, well I do, you know how people like to talk about the old days, I lived those. I refused to stay behind, I have an eternity to live, I’m not letting it pass leaving me behind. After coming back to my castle and land, I decided to keep up with the world changes, to be up to date with everything, I drive a car, I own a company. I still love some of the old things I used to do, I still love a good book, with a cup of whine, horse riding. But the thing I’ve only learned in the new world was that love has new labels, well love is love, I mean the relationship, the thing that I could never label, it’s now labeled. I found out that what I’m the world now calls a daddy dom, I’ve read about it, talked with other daddies and even mommies. I met few littles for some friendly chat with them, littles who are extremely young, are just too much for me, mids and teenagers aren’t my thing either. I prefer someone between infant and toddler, someone who’ll be dependent on me but still be able to take care of themselves when I’m not around. The things people have for littles these days it’s fascinating, I knew back when I was with Milena, we couldn’t use much, we had to keep it low. But in this life, I can, plan on spoiling her rotten, she’ll get everything she wants, but first I have to find her. It’s been around three decades now, I haven’t, couldn’t even try, the pain, it takes too much on my soul, it hurt, every time I try and the girl dies, I end up losing another part of my soul. Of my hope and believes that I could do it, but if Evan could… Yes Evan is now married with a daughter of his own, his wife, she’s the same as him, she belongs to me, she’s my other companion, true love. It’s weird for a monster like me to talk about love, but the magic, the whole thing that made me into who I am, it have the side of love. Evan fell in love, it’s true love, he lives for as long as I do, biting into her makes her the same as him, a companion of mine. I don’t understand the magic behind it, don’t need to really, but she’s here Grace, another part of the family. “Evan” I called my friend, it’s time again, this time I’m hoping we’ll have a success, this time it’ll be her. “You called Vlad?” we broke the sir/lord/master any of those façade, the only person who calls me Vlad these days is Evan and that’s it, he’s the only one who still believes in me having a human side. “Yes I called” I say with a sigh, he knows exactly what he’s doing. “I think it’s time Evan” I say, he smiles at that, he knew what was coming next, it’s time to pay the town a visit, the myth of Dracula, the one who kills if denied, they know better than saying no to me. I wasn’t hiding, I’m here in my castle, in broad sight, if you want me try and come get me, some do try although none have managed to take me down yet. I’m ancient with every year I get even stronger than the one before. “Gladly” Evan says before skipping out like a teenager girl, I always ask for someone above eighteen, the girls have to come willingly, the myth of Dracula, the love of this generation to super naturals. Some of them even offer themselves to me, girls, boys, random people from different part of the world. The eyes they don’t always match, sometimes it’s just a trick, contact lenses, stupid trick, it’s just a sure death, they always die when I try to turn them. I’m not that stupid anymore, I don’t try to change everyone who knock my door, I know who would survive and who wouldn’t. I sat and waited for the thing I’ll be having this time, making one of my bats follow him, my eyes and ears in the town. I saw him get in the car, drive toward the town, we now have electric gates, cameras everywhere, our home is fully updated. Evan got in the car and started the one hour drive, most people are afraid of us, they don’t dare to get close to my castle without my permission. I stayed with him until Evan made it to the town, he got to the church, the people who are mostly afraid of me the one who knows who I am. They got there, got inside and asked for the priest, they are from the same brotherhood, a decedent of Evan’s old friends. They know what we’re asking for, they know what I expect and they know the price of saying no to me, or not giving me what I ask for. “Hello” Evan says being polite as always. “Evan, what do I owe this visit for?” the priest asks. “It’s time priest” Evan says, the priest look at him with big eyes, it’s been three decades, that’s thirty years from our last request, the young priest doesn’t know what’s on line. “I can’t Evan, my father said…but…” he says to Evan, we don’t take no for an answer the preist should’ve know that. “You can and you will, you do not want my master anger unleashed” he only calls me master when he’s trying to show me as the bad guy, it must be working. The priest pales, he look like he’s ready to fall on his knees and pray the lord to save his soul, but it’s not his soul that I want or care about, not really. “Now a girl, with gray eyes. My master is expecting her soon, don’t leave him waiting” Evan says in a cold voice, I wasn’t even sure he can master. “Yes sir” the priest says on the verge of tears. Evan left with a mean smile on his face, his time with me, he does enjoy being the evil guy, he went to town, probably to do some shopping. I tuned out letting my spy bat go, I don’t need to see him buying lingerie for his wife. Looking back at my castle, I have two places already ready for my princess when she gets here, a play room for her, personal room with every game and toy a little girl would want. It also had a bed with railing ready for her, she wouldn’t be sleeping there, not when she changes, but the bed is still there. The second place for her happens to be my room, I got two just like her, one held a normal bed, my clothes, a desk, my favorite books to read. The second room, it was more of a secret room, sealed with an electronic door lock, no one knows the code but me and Evan, it’s changed regularly.  This is my sleeping room, where the little princess would sleep too, the door can be opened from the inside but not from the outside without the code. We don’t sleep in normal rooms, we don’t sleep on normal beds, I lost that some time ago, after more studying we found the way for me to be able to sleep, the light any kind of light would hurt my body, I and my future princess have to sleep in a coffin, ironic really but it’s things we do to survive. They are patted and comfortable, but her is just waiting to be costume made, when she wakes up on the third day and I know she’ll make it, the delivery would be made in less than two hours.
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