C H AP T E R 13 - Dae.

1083 Words

My footsteps echoed loudly through the castle, and I felt myself becoming more and more frustrated. It seemed nearly impossible for me not to get lost. This place was a maze. To think that there was a time when I had known this place like the back of my hand. Now I didn’t even know where to find a bathroom. I had nothing to indicate to me what the time was, or how long I had been looking for her. I still couldn’t believe that I was actually doing this, that I was actually going to speak to her. But of course, if I didn’t find her, then so be it. I was on the verge of turning around to leave, when I caught sight of King Kal. He was at the end of the hallway, making his way in my direction. My footsteps sped up out of their own accord, for I was determined to close the distance between the

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